JCE 2.5 is missing its toolbar - joomla

I am using JCE 2.5 with Joomla 3.9.8 Stable.
I have 2 user groups; one is a super user and other is frontend user.
The editor is loading fine for super users, but for frontend users the toolbar of editor is missing. It was working well and suddenly disappeared, not sure what was the contributing factor.
I have checked all the settings of editor and user group and everything is fine. The editor is enable and set as the default. I also tried adding JCE editor under the basic settings of the user but nothing helps.
This is how it loads:
When I click on the "Toggle Editor", it just hides the grey section meant to load toolbar below is the image.


Admin Menu doesn't slide out and configuration menue doesn't open. Also buttons not working

Magento 2.3.1
Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
PHP 7.2.17
Working in dev environment and and enabled few optimization parameters which made admin panel inaccessible and buttons don't appear correct with proper text , appears shrinked.
Admin panels don't draw out even if does then none of the buttons registers a click and hence I'm not able to change the configurations back.
All these configurations are done from magento 2.3.1 admin panel.
I was trying to speed up my webstore but it created a havoc.
1.Enable JS minify/merge/bundling
2.Enable CSS minify/merging
3.Enable Html minify
4.Enable Embedded Translation Mode for JS translation strategy.
Tried changing back
Enable JS minify/merge/bundling
Enable CSS minify/merging
Enable Html minify.
but no avail.
Change back JS translation strategy from embedded to dictionary. As i18n js errors were observed when inspection was done in browser.
stores->configuration0->advanced->developer->js translation strategy.

JCE Editor not working on Joomla

I installed Joomla 3.6.2 and I just add the text editor JCE editor and its enabled but when I went to article the editor is not active. I tried a different way to fix but no luck. Is there anyone had the same issue and can help me?
Go to Global Configuration from System menu. Then change the value of Default Editor option to JCE.
Alternate Way
Go to User Manager and open your account. In Basic Settings tab change the value of Editor to JCE
After making the change in the user profile, I put it back to default. I then went to Joomla Control Panel, CONFIGURATION, Global and changed to "Editor - None", Save. Then went back changed it back to "Editor - JCE", Save & Close. Now the JCE Editor works with all Users.
I then went to my live site (above done on my test site first) and only made the change/save/change in the Global configuration. Issue fixed.
I guess setting it to none, then back again to the JCE Editor fixed the issue.

admin menus Joomla 3.3.1 disappeared

All admin menus in Joomla 3.3.1 suddenly disappeared!
I worked at the site's user groups and adjusted a little CSS using firebug, when I suddenly lost all admin menubar, buttons / content in the subheader and content in the header
None change in the core files and no errors are shown
You can see the image....
This is not a programming issue. It's hard to know which exact change created the problem but if you are playing with user groups most likely you accidently put yourself into a group which does not have permission to see the menu module . Go to the module manager (add index.php?option=com_modules to the admin url.) and change the settings on the admin menu module to public ... then check to make sure that your user group has permission to see "special."

Include TinyMCE in Joomla Frontend

I tried to include TinyMCE into my template but if I try to edit the texts in the frontend I have only a html-tag view. Have anybody got some hints for me?
That's the website and the template, perhaps this could help a little bit:
If anything of the above didn't help, chances are that the access to the plugin is restricted. Go to Plugin-Manager -> Editor - TinyMCE and check that Access is set accordingly. If e.g. a common user is allowed to edit the article but the Access Rule for TinyMCE is set to "Special", Joomla will display the mere HTML Editor even if there is no other Editor available or enabled. The same goes for setting Access to "Registered" when a public user is allowed to edit an article.
Go to Plugins and disable all editors there except to tinyMCE. Then once again make sure you have selected as a default editor tinyMCE. You can also define the default editor for each user from "User Manager", by opening the user and defining his/her default editor.

Joomla 1.5->2.5 menus missing

I upgraded my website from Joomla 1.5 to 2.5.4, however, the menus seem to have disappeared. I was using a 1.5-only template previously, but the jUpgrade process has defaulted to pre-installed templates which is fine - but no menus! I've tried installing a few random other templates but all have the same issue.
FWIW most of the menu links are broken but I fixed a couple just to check, but no joy. The migrated site is still in its subpath which is I assume why components themselves aren't working.
As best I can tell, I followed the instructions in the Wiki on the Joomla site.
Any ideas? Thanks.
http://www.simsig.co.uk - original site
http://www.simsig.co.uk/jupgrade - migrated site
The most likely cause is that the menus were displayed in module positions specific to the template you were using in Joomla! 1.5 and that your Joomla! 2.5 template doesn't have matching positions. Alternatively the migration process didn't update the menu module positions properly and it's looking for the positions in a specific template.
Open Extensions->Module Manager then from the Filter options select Type->Menu to see just a list of menu modules. Check the positions they're assigned to by opening the menu module and selecting a position by actually clicking on the "Select Position" button and clicking on the right position in the currently used template.
To help make the choice easy you can filter down the options by selecting your current template from the pop-up menu in the top right of the "Select Position" lightbox that opened when you clicked "Select Position".
jUpgrade does not transfer the menu items from 1.5 to 2.5 properly. Those have to be recreated.
