Xamarin - Can't create and run a blank cross platform application - xamarin

I am new to Xamarin. I have just installed Visual Studio 2015 with Xamarin
and now I am trying to build a new blank cross platform app.
When I build it, it builds successfully. However, when I try to run it in the emulator, it launches but I can't see any output on the screen. It also takes a long time to launch.
Has anyone faced this issue too?

Maybe try Visual Studio Emulator for Android or
Xamarin Android Player.
when you create a new project, try updating Xamarin.Forms and other library in NuGet.

1) Verify in the portable and android project right click in Manage Nuget Package if you have installed the Xamarin.Form
2) Control Panel -> Program and Features -> Visual Studio 2015 doble click and press the button Modify. verify that you updated the installation of Visual Studio.
3) Open the visual studio. Tools -> Options -> Xamarin -> Others. press the link (Check Now) for updates of the xamarin.
4)Open the SDK Manager and verify that you have installed the API 19
5) and finally try to clean the solution and rebuild the project. And run. If this doesn't work.
6) watch the error in the output of the visual studio, if exist any error, or you need some library you watch in this section.


In Visual Studio 2017 on PC, Where logout of expired Xamarin Account?

Using Visual Studio 2017 on PC, to develop both for Android and for iOS (remote to Mac).
When I start VS for the day, and open the solution, the first time I try to build the iOS project, I get a message that my Xamarin Account is expired, but I can still use VS Pro features. It seems harmless; but I have to click on it, then start the build again. An annoyance to do this every day.
According to Can't log out Xamarin account in Visual Studio, there used to be a menu item Tools/Xamarin Account.., but this seems to be removed in VS 2017 (or in the current Xamarin addin).
Where do I logout of this Xamarin Account?
I believe Tools/Xamarin Account.. menu item was removed because a Xamarin account now is only needed to access Xamarin Components store (your Microsoft account login to Visual Studio gives you access to Xamarin building and deploying).
So, the answer is found on Components item in any Xamarin project, in Solution Explorer:
rt-click on Components, select LogOut....
If you later need to "login", you can do so via Edit Components... or Get More Components... in that same menu.

Xamarin update silently fails

[Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Update 3, Windows 10 Pro v1703 x64, Xamarin]
I am trying to update Xamarin & related components inside VS. (Tools -> Options... -> Xamarin -> Other -> Check Now). The 3 updates (Xamarin, Xamarin Profiler 1.5.5, Xamarin iOS Simulator have downloaded and are all labeled Download completed. Pending to install.
However, when I click the Install button, the Xamarin Updates dialog closes and nothing else happens. I have rebooted, done a repair of VS 2015, but no luck.
Is there an error log file I can look at for more info? Where are these installers saved that I could delete them and try to start over? Thanks for any other suggestions.
Managed to cobble together some links from various places - there's a decent chance "similar" links will be available in the future? I installed manually and VS seems to be happy.
Also, the installers are downloaded to the temp folder \Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\MonoDevelop-4.0\Cache\TempDownload\ (mine had 8GB - good to clear out!)

Visual Studio For Mac Designer Error

I have downloaded VS For Mac Preview and created a new Xamarin Forms IOS/Android Solution using the portable library. When i try and load the XAML designer though to view the startup page I get the error "Invalid XAML : default constructor not found for Xamarin.Forms.Applicaton". I have not made any changes to the project code generated by VS For Mac and the only thing I did was to build the Android project as this is required before the designer can be opened. I also had to download the latest versions of the Android SDK via the SDK Manager.
Does anyone have any idea what is wrong
Firstly, there are two preview modes, one for iOS and one for Android - if you can't see both tabs, drag the frame over a bit. I can't currently get the Android preview to work right even though it builds, but for iOS to work it looks like you simply need to update the Xamarin.Forms package. Go to the 'Project' menu and select 'Update NuGet Packages.' Then, restart Visual Studio for Mac and it should be working. It is very slow to load, however. I had to rebuild my project and select 'Update NuGet Packages' a second time before it actually showed up.
I'm still trying to figure out why Android preview does not work.

Unable to open axml with design view with Visual Studio 2015

I created a new android layout file using visual studio 2015 and am unable to view with the designer that is built in to visual studio.
After selecting 'design' tab, I just see a waiting icon in the center of the view and it never finishes. After a while, i have to close the design tab and open in xml editor. The form is valid as it runs fine in emulator.
I was able to resolve after uninstalling all platforms using Android SDK Manager and re-installing each platform 1 by 1. If there is an issue with the installation nothing will be installed (note: watch the logs for errors and review after each platform is installed)
Initially, I did have to manually download SDK Manager and copy the tools folder to my existing installation. I am not sure why my Tools folder was empty but after performing this step I could again run SDK Manager.

Visual Studio UWP project creating error

I downloaded Windows 10 SDK, I try to create a project UWP Blank, but this error appears: screenshot. How to solve this problem?
I met the same issue like you.
To solve it please launch Visual Studio installer once again (before doing it remember to close VS). Select "Modify" option then select Features -> "Windows and Web Development" -> "Universal Windows App Development Tools" > Click "Update / Install".
Once you do it you should be able to create the project.
