In Visual Studio 2017 on PC, Where logout of expired Xamarin Account? - xamarin

Using Visual Studio 2017 on PC, to develop both for Android and for iOS (remote to Mac).
When I start VS for the day, and open the solution, the first time I try to build the iOS project, I get a message that my Xamarin Account is expired, but I can still use VS Pro features. It seems harmless; but I have to click on it, then start the build again. An annoyance to do this every day.
According to Can't log out Xamarin account in Visual Studio, there used to be a menu item Tools/Xamarin Account.., but this seems to be removed in VS 2017 (or in the current Xamarin addin).
Where do I logout of this Xamarin Account?

I believe Tools/Xamarin Account.. menu item was removed because a Xamarin account now is only needed to access Xamarin Components store (your Microsoft account login to Visual Studio gives you access to Xamarin building and deploying).
So, the answer is found on Components item in any Xamarin project, in Solution Explorer:
rt-click on Components, select LogOut....
If you later need to "login", you can do so via Edit Components... or Get More Components... in that same menu.


Unable to add/synchronise Apple developer account to Visual Studio for Mac

I am not able to add My developer account in Visual Studio for Mac. I am trying to perform automatic provisioning and select my team Id, however I am not able to add the developer account.
Path--> Visual Studio - Preferences - Apple developer Accounts
Visual studio 2019 for mac-version 8.3.2(build 2)
ios visual-studio-mac apple-developer-account
In a lot of threads I see that once the user name and password is given and when the sign in button is clicked from the popup (refer below image), people were getting Failed to Synchronise error. But in my case the pop just disappears immediately without even throwing the error. And I don't see the account getting added up.
Any help on this would be highly appreciated.

cannot Publish web app with Visual Studio 2019 and Azure

There are lots of examples of people having a similar problem to mine, but none of them are the problem that I'm having.
I'm running the Community edition of Visual Studio 2019 (maybe that's the problem). I've already created a free Azure account using the same username/pw/email as the account that I have the version of Visual Studio installed as (note that Azure didn't used to support Core, but it does now).
I'm following this Microsoft Doc on how to create a ASP.NET Core web app with Azure. I've created the project, and it's time to "publish" the web app.
Seems simple: right click on the project >> Publish. Here is the first window, where I should make sure that App Service is highlighted, then hit Create New and Create Profile.
In the next window I can either create my Azure account (which I already have) or sign in. This option seems strange, being that I'm clearly already signed in. Perhaps they mean signed into Azure? In any case, I choose "Already have an account (sign in)" because I do. If I were to choose the first option to create an account, it would tell me that I already have an account.
Next, it asks me to sign into Microsoft Visual Studio account (of which I'm already signed in -- my picture is on the upper right corner of the IDE). I do it anyways:
Next I put in the password (I'll spare you this screenshot -- I showed the last one to illustrate that it wanted me to sign into Visual Studio when I'm already signed in), and...
It takes me back to the App service window. According to the Microsoft doc, the wizard should continue to creating the resource group.
What I've tried:
getting to "Publish" without signing into Visual Studio
getting to "Publish" without signing into Azure (note that the email/pw associated with the Azure account is the same as my Visual Studio account, and I have access to the Azure account; I can go to the Dashboard, at least)
and every variation of being signed into one and not the other or none or both
repeated the entire thing while running Visual Studio 2019 as admin
from the "Pick a publish target" window selecting select existing instead of create new. It takes me to the same window that create new does
instead of .NET Core, using just plain old .NET Framework 4.7.2
What I haven't tried
Uninstalling and reinstalling the Azure SDKs. I'm scared if I do that, then Microsoft won't let me re-install them (because I already have once), and besides, this seems to be a problem with signing in.
Maybe there's some config that I'm missing, either in Visual Studio or Azure?
Maybe it's because I'm using the free Visual Studio version AND the free Azure?
Maybe it knows that I'm laid off and broke, and just wants to push the nail in?
I'm stuck. Does anyone know anything about this?
This question involves both Azure accounts and Visual Studio.To deal with this problem, we can start with these two aspects.
First, we can publish the created project using FTP. If the project runs normally, it means that there is no problem with the free subscription account. The problem may appear on VS.
Second, we can devenv.exe / resetuserdata to clear the personal account cache information on Visual Studio.
I solved the problem, just enable yours directories in visual studio 2019.
Thanks :)
I solved this problem.
After 30 days of a free trial account, when you want to deploy for example a new Azure app service you can see the label "(disabled) free". This is why you cannot proceed with Visual Studio publishing anymore.
I had the same problem with you. I created a new Microsoft account and then a new Azure account. Now Visual Studio allows me to proceed with creating a new profile in order to publish my app.
I hope I helped you.

Visual Studio 2017 - Xamarin Native template is missing

Any help as to why I don't see the Xamarin Native template? I re-installed the Visual Studio & also reinstalled Xamarin work load alone, but with no joy so far.
Why I don't see three options as in this question?
Missing Templates in Latest Xamarin Visual Studio 2017
if someone can confirm, on their VS2017 15.6.6 that it indeed exists for them, that would be really helpful. Thanks!
I've just had this - if you are referring to the "complete" template, i.e. new solution with Android, iOS, UWP and a Shared project created for you with all references, then they are in "other".
E.g. Visual C# > Other
Which should give you templates for Blank Cross-Platform Mobile App (Native) as well as Master Detail Cross-Platform Mobile App (Native)
It looks like VS has done away with the old format for now, where you could select the project type as well as the UI approach utilised.
If you get stuck, or on a version of VS that doesn't have this options tree, then type the word 'Native' into the search box in the top right of the first dialog. That's how I eventually found it!
(Using Visual Studio Professional 2017 - Version 15.7.2)
For me there was no Visual C# > Other.
So I had click Visual C#, then search mobile (two options show up - one with Xamarin.forms and one Just called Mobile App (the description speaks of Android and iOS) so it has to be this one. And Yes it doesn't prompt for Any other options afterwards.

Xamarin - Can't create and run a blank cross platform application

I am new to Xamarin. I have just installed Visual Studio 2015 with Xamarin
and now I am trying to build a new blank cross platform app.
When I build it, it builds successfully. However, when I try to run it in the emulator, it launches but I can't see any output on the screen. It also takes a long time to launch.
Has anyone faced this issue too?
Maybe try Visual Studio Emulator for Android or
Xamarin Android Player.
when you create a new project, try updating Xamarin.Forms and other library in NuGet.
1) Verify in the portable and android project right click in Manage Nuget Package if you have installed the Xamarin.Form
2) Control Panel -> Program and Features -> Visual Studio 2015 doble click and press the button Modify. verify that you updated the installation of Visual Studio.
3) Open the visual studio. Tools -> Options -> Xamarin -> Others. press the link (Check Now) for updates of the xamarin.
4)Open the SDK Manager and verify that you have installed the API 19
5) and finally try to clean the solution and rebuild the project. And run. If this doesn't work.
6) watch the error in the output of the visual studio, if exist any error, or you need some library you watch in this section.

Unable to open axml with design view with Visual Studio 2015

I created a new android layout file using visual studio 2015 and am unable to view with the designer that is built in to visual studio.
After selecting 'design' tab, I just see a waiting icon in the center of the view and it never finishes. After a while, i have to close the design tab and open in xml editor. The form is valid as it runs fine in emulator.
I was able to resolve after uninstalling all platforms using Android SDK Manager and re-installing each platform 1 by 1. If there is an issue with the installation nothing will be installed (note: watch the logs for errors and review after each platform is installed)
Initially, I did have to manually download SDK Manager and copy the tools folder to my existing installation. I am not sure why my Tools folder was empty but after performing this step I could again run SDK Manager.
