Visual Studio UWP project creating error - visual-studio

I downloaded Windows 10 SDK, I try to create a project UWP Blank, but this error appears: screenshot. How to solve this problem?

I met the same issue like you.
To solve it please launch Visual Studio installer once again (before doing it remember to close VS). Select "Modify" option then select Features -> "Windows and Web Development" -> "Universal Windows App Development Tools" > Click "Update / Install".
Once you do it you should be able to create the project.


Xamarin - Can't create and run a blank cross platform application

I am new to Xamarin. I have just installed Visual Studio 2015 with Xamarin
and now I am trying to build a new blank cross platform app.
When I build it, it builds successfully. However, when I try to run it in the emulator, it launches but I can't see any output on the screen. It also takes a long time to launch.
Has anyone faced this issue too?
Maybe try Visual Studio Emulator for Android or
Xamarin Android Player.
when you create a new project, try updating Xamarin.Forms and other library in NuGet.
1) Verify in the portable and android project right click in Manage Nuget Package if you have installed the Xamarin.Form
2) Control Panel -> Program and Features -> Visual Studio 2015 doble click and press the button Modify. verify that you updated the installation of Visual Studio.
3) Open the visual studio. Tools -> Options -> Xamarin -> Others. press the link (Check Now) for updates of the xamarin.
4)Open the SDK Manager and verify that you have installed the API 19
5) and finally try to clean the solution and rebuild the project. And run. If this doesn't work.
6) watch the error in the output of the visual studio, if exist any error, or you need some library you watch in this section.

Unable to open axml with design view with Visual Studio 2015

I created a new android layout file using visual studio 2015 and am unable to view with the designer that is built in to visual studio.
After selecting 'design' tab, I just see a waiting icon in the center of the view and it never finishes. After a while, i have to close the design tab and open in xml editor. The form is valid as it runs fine in emulator.
I was able to resolve after uninstalling all platforms using Android SDK Manager and re-installing each platform 1 by 1. If there is an issue with the installation nothing will be installed (note: watch the logs for errors and review after each platform is installed)
Initially, I did have to manually download SDK Manager and copy the tools folder to my existing installation. I am not sure why my Tools folder was empty but after performing this step I could again run SDK Manager.

Visual Studio 2015 Cordova Application template creation error

I've just installed the VS 2015 and want to start creating Cordova application,
firstly when try to create app I get this error
"The template specified cannot be found. Please check that the full path is correct."
Does anyone got this and solved it ?
Click Start,
click Control Panel,
and then click Programs.
Click Programs and Features
and then select the Visual Studio Edition you installed.
Click or right click and select Uninstall/Change.
In the setup wizard, select modify and then click Next.
You will see a list of extras to install.
Find the mobile tools and cross development tools. I can't remember what they are all called but you will know what you want when you see them there's quite a few options for mobile development .
10.Then proceed to install the missing packages that you need.
It takes quite a while for them to install
You will then be able to start a project like you tried to before

How to disable Fast Deployment in Visual Studio 2013

I am making a android app and when I try to deploy it, I got the following error
Deployment failed due to an error in FastDev assembly synchronization.
I have read in the Web, that I could resolve it if I disable Fast Deployment option, for it, Could anybody say me how I could do it in VS2013 or other place?
Thanks in advance
In VS2013, Right Click The Android Project -> Properties -> Build Options -> Uncheck: Use Fast Deployment
In Visual Studio 2017 (15.3.1 to 15.9.35) & Visual Studio 2019 (16.9.4):
Right-mouse click the Project in Visual Studio
Select Properties
Go to "Android Options"
Uncheck: "Use Fast Deployment (debug mode only)"
try it: Project / Project Options / Android Build / Fast deployment

An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe not found

While I was trying to Update my Project I was making - I got an error for the first time I've seen:
'An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe not found.'
I've never seen this before, So I looked up that SignTool.exe is what signs my project for ClickOnce Deployment.
I also read that is it a part of Windows SDK - but when I looked to find where SignTool.exe is - I saw it right there!
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin
I saw no problem, and I've always published my Project all the time - I'm on Version 68. But this is the first time I've seen this - I didn't touch any options that would do this.
Any help?
ClickOnce Publishing Tools are not installed as part of the Typical Installation Options. So you have to install it in advanced mode.
This dialog can be found in Windows 7 by going to Control Panel > Uninstall a program, right-clicking on Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 and selecting Change. A Visual Studio dialog will open up. Select Modify from the set of buttons at the bottom and the above dialog will appear.
Please Click Once application --> Properties --> Signing -> Unchecked the Sign the ClickOnce manifests.
Problem will be solved.
Note: Be aware that this solution removes security from your project. Seek assitance from a more learned colleague before doing so.
SignTool is moved to another location in the last SDK: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86
Need to install ClickOnce Publishing Tools during Visual Studio 2015 setup.
You can re-run the Installation from the Programs and Features section; find Visual Studio in the list and click Change.
You can fix this by clicking on installation application of VS. Then click Modify > Mark ClickOnce App and then upgrade your VS. Also i think #Alex Erygin is right. It is a bad solution to Click Once application --> Properties --> Signing -> Uncheck Sign the ClickOnce manifests. This is not a solution. It only circumambulated the problem.
This is a simple fix. Open the project you are getting this error on. Click "Project" at the top. Then click " Properties" ( Will be the name of the opened project) then click "Security" then uncheck "Enable ClickOnce security settings."
That should fix everything.
Click "Project" at the top. Then click " Properties" -> Signing -> Unchecked [Sign the ClickOnce manifests] is now working
Now try to publish the ClickOnce application. If you still find the same issue, please check if you installed the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Developer Preview on the system. The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Developer Preview is a prerelease version of the .NET Framework, and should not be used in production scenarios. It is an in-place update to the .NET Framework 4. You would need to uninstall this prerelease product from ARP.
Lastly you might want to install the customer preview instead of being on the developer preview
None of the answers above talk about disabling ClickOnce. In my situation, I never used ClickOnce for my applications but after I upgraded to VS 2015 it was suddenly enabled and I got the 'SignTool.exe not found' error when I tried to compile.
To disable you go into the properties of your Project (right click) and choose Security | Uncheck Enable ClickOnce security settings.
You can leave the manifest checked in the Signing tab because it has nothing to sign if it's been disabled.
I've confirmed that unchecking the security resolved the compile error on my projects.
I needed Signing hence couldn't un-check as suggested.
Then goto Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Click Change then the installer will load and you need to click Modify to add ClickOnce Publishing Tools feature.
I did have similar problem. For some reason under
project properties -> Signing -> Sign ClickOnce manifests was enabled.
I unchecked it and the problem went away.
Reinstalling SDK did not help me but installing SDK+.NET 3.5 did from link below:
Windows 10 users can find signtool.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64 folder (10.0.18362.0 in my case, or other version).
But first, make sure you've installed Windows 10 SDK
Then, check Windows SDK Signing Tools for Desktop Apps is installed by going to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, choose Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.18362.1 (in my case, you version may be different), right-click, choose Change, choose options Change then click Next.
I had the same issue/error message just after upgrading Visual Studio Pro 2019 V16.6.0. Solution was to make sure that the signing certificate is valid as mine had expired by a day.
Look in properties and signing to either enter a valid or temporary certificate. To keep the file name the same as before then un-click the security as mentioned above and then delete the key file linked to the programme.
Create a new key file and then add back the security.
Solution Explorer
Your app Right Clik
Unchek (Enable ClickOnce Security Settings)
Thats Solve..... __:) See
[enter image description here]
After upgrading build tools in DevOps build agent to visual studio 2019, we started getting the below error for 64-bit build step of a WPF application.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(3975,5): error MSB3482: An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe was not found at path
I tried all the above answers except the ones to disable signing or signing security and nothing helped.
Disabled the default MSBUILD step
Added a cmd prompt step
The path is
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MsBuild.exe"
Note: Removed amd64 from the path above.
This is still a workaround. I hope Microsoft will fix it in the following release.
For VS 2019 or later (Windows 11)
Option 1 (Recommended) -
ClickOnce Publishing Tools are not installed basic Installation. Therefore you will have to manually check and install.
Go to Visual Studio Installer
Then Click modify
Finally, select Individual components tab, search for ClickOnce Publishing and install
Restart the computer.
Option 2 (Not recommended) -
Click Once application --> Properties --> Signing -> Uncheck Sign the ClickOnce manifests. This is not a solution. A workaround.
Option 3 -
Install Windows 10 SDK. Check Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Windows Software Development Kit
