Aptana Studio 3 Blank Terminal - windows

I'm was using Aptana studio 3 specifically for ruby on rails for about 2 months on windows 8.1, Now I've installed fresh windows 8.1 and did a clean windows install, and installed Aptana Studio 3 again but now when I open it the Terminal is not working at all, it is blank and I'm unable to type anything in terminal.
There was another user "Hung ta" at stackoverflow who was having the same issue as mine, but he solved it by going into Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Git. At Git Executable he gave path to git.
I've tried that too but still the terminal is not working. I've searched for solution on Google but found nothing there too.
I already have java installed, Git was also installed with aptana studio.
Kindly let me know if there is any solution to this problem, Thanks.

I've had the same issue with the Aptana plugin on Eclipse IDE and solved it by updating my MinGW/MSYS (providing the bourne shell on Aptana) installation.


Some applications including Anaconda Navigator and Command Prompt suddenly refuse to launch

After working in Anaconda's VS Code (and Microsoft C++ Build Tools), I restarted my computer. Afterwards, some applications, including Anaconda Navigator and Command Prompt, could not be opened anymore. I wanted to reinstall Anaconda Navigator, but even during uninstalling, I got the following error.
However, I proceeded and then installed Anaconda Navigator. Unfortunately even now, it would not open.
Any advice would be appreciated.
After many failed attempts at resolving the problem peacefully, I simply resetted Windows (Settings>System>Recovery>Reset this PC>Keep files), and now it works again.

MacOS Ventura update changed terminal command location

I recently updated my Mac to MacOS Ventura Beta, causing terminal commands like gcc, pyhton3 and pip3 to not work. Until last week I was able to use them normally, but after the update terminal asks me to download XCode Commandline Developer Tools.
The problem that came with this, is that VSCode is unable to find include files for C/C++.
I tried reinstalling VSCode, VSCode extensions related to C/C++, and even changing the #include_path for C files in VSCode, but nothing seems to work.
Any help would be very much appreciated :).
I wanted to put my solution here.
The new macOS Ventura is officially released now. I encountered the same issue you described. The solution was pretty simple, just to install XCode.
Run this command in Terminal.app:
xcode-select --install
Let it install the XCode.
Restart your VSCode.
You should be working correctly now.

How to fix dsymutil in Xamarin

I am trying to build the iOS App on a real device but unfortunately I get hit by a
dsymutil exited with code 1
Things I did:
I did search google but it says my Harddisk is full which is not the
I did try to clean and build multiple times - No success
I did try to reinstall CommandTools by using command xcode-select
--install - No Success
I did remove the CommandTools and then did the reinstall - No Success
Just an FYI
I am using Xcode 11.4 Beta 2
I am logged in with my Apple Account on the Xcode
What my cause this issue?
Any other info you would like to ask do ask.
Build Log:
CIS.iOS -> D:\VS Projects\CIS\CIS\CIS\CIS.iOS\bin\iPhone\Debug\CIS.iOS.exe
Detected signing identity:
Code Signing Key: "#####"
Provisioning Profile: "Development" (5aa7573d-6dc8-43e4-9bb0-c65efc5a361a)
Bundle Id: com.#####
App Id: 37M96SGRTW.com.#####
/Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mtouch #/Users/zilon/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/CIS.iOS/0e17d2ede92713351eb68ac0146dd15c/obj/iPhone/Debug/response-file.rsp --gcc_flags=-ObjC
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets(842,3): warning MT4174: Unable to locate the block to delegate conversion method for the method CIS.iOS.AppDelegate.WillPresentNotification's parameter #3.
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/dsymutil -t 4 -z -o bin/iPhone/Debug/CIS.iOS.app/../Protobuf.framework.dSYM bin/iPhone/Debug/CIS.iOS.app/Frameworks/Protobuf.framework/Protobuf
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets(963,3): error MSB6006: "dsymutil" exited with code 1.
Here is the solution:
I went inside Xcode.
Preferences>Locations> Command Line Tools. Mine was on 13.2, needed to
upgrade to 13.3 (Thought I already had but it must not have done it
Click here for more details
Check for Xamarin.ios version, mine was incompatible with visual studio Mac
i changed it when I was debuging on a windows machine connected to a Mac and VS windows said if I wanted to download compatible version, clicked yes and it downloaded and installed on the Mac computer
After that, I wasn't unable to debug on physical devices
suddenly after almost giving up a "Xamarin.ios update is ready, click to install update" came on VS Mac
after that I got no errors
This discussion was very helpful. I also had to make sure my VS for Mac updates were all installed. Once they were, everything needed to align just right, it worked.
We have resolved this issue now. All we did is we just updated Xamarin.iOS, Mono Framework MDK and Visual Studio for Mac to the latest versions.
Just go to Visual Studio → Check for Updates and then update all.
Source: xamarin_forums
The error is kind of a hair puller.
So here is how I did it
First I uninstalled ALL of the XCODE
I followed this article on stackoverflow
After that I downloaded the Xcode from Apple from this article
Also download the CommandLine tools for that version. After that it worked and now I am not getting any error.
Remember this that CommandLine Tool versions should also match. 11.4.2 will not work with 11.3.1. I tested this and wasted alot of time.

Cannot install Aptana Studio on Windows 10: Failed to Correctly Aquire installer_git_windows.exe file: CRC Error

Whenever I run the standalone installer for Aptana Studio I get the following error:
Failed to Correctly Aquire installer_git_windows.exe file: CRC Error
I'm running Windows 10, I've looked online for hours and have found no solution.
I had this problem solved by installing the Git from http://go.appcelerator.com/installer_git_windows.exe.
I had the same error. I believe it still has something to do with the NodeJS.
I went to this site https://nodejs.org/en/download/ use the 32 bit version for Windows 10. Then installed an older version of Aptana https://aptana-studio.en.uptodown.com/windows/versions with the 3.4.2 and tada.. it worked. I don't mind the older version for now.
Rename the installer file to "aptana.exe"
Move that file to c drive
Open CMD in administrator mode Type "c:/aptana.exe /passive /norestart"
Press enter
After some process, a new exe file will be available on desktop which you can use.
It worked for me.
Simply download git from https://git-scm.com/download/win and install it manually before launching the Aptana installer and it will work.

Gephi 0.8.2 does not open in Windows 7 Enterprise

I installed gephi 0.9 and it worked, but most plugins do not work. So I uninstalled and decided to try gephi 0.8.2.
It is correctly installed, but when trying to open the program, it shows the splashscreen, and it disappears, and thats it. It never opens and gives no error message.
I tried uninstalling, restarting, and reinstalling, but still the same.
Can someone please help me? Did I do something wrong in the installation? How can I get gephi working?
The following resolved my Issue:
uninstall older versions of java
Installed Java 8
Updated jdk path to jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161" in gephi.conf (etc folder)
This is a typical problem with the installed Java version. Gephi 0.8.2 doesn't run on Java 1.8+. Check the solution from here. You basically have to start Wordpad with administrative privilleges and open C:\Program Files (x86)\Gephi-0.8.2\etc\gephi.conf.
Change jdkhome to a valid path to your Java 7 installation (JDK) or (JRE). In my gephi.conf it is:
jdkhome="C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_79"
Save and restart Gephi
