Cannot install Aptana Studio on Windows 10: Failed to Correctly Aquire installer_git_windows.exe file: CRC Error - installation

Whenever I run the standalone installer for Aptana Studio I get the following error:
Failed to Correctly Aquire installer_git_windows.exe file: CRC Error
I'm running Windows 10, I've looked online for hours and have found no solution.

I had this problem solved by installing the Git from

I had the same error. I believe it still has something to do with the NodeJS.
I went to this site use the 32 bit version for Windows 10. Then installed an older version of Aptana with the 3.4.2 and tada.. it worked. I don't mind the older version for now.

Rename the installer file to "aptana.exe"
Move that file to c drive
Open CMD in administrator mode Type "c:/aptana.exe /passive /norestart"
Press enter
After some process, a new exe file will be available on desktop which you can use.
It worked for me.

Simply download git from and install it manually before launching the Aptana installer and it will work.


Visual Studio Code installation with WSL 2

I have WSL 2 installed and running well and I am trying to install VSC to debug my code.
I already use (and have installed) Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.
The first thing I did was to install the .deb package provided on VSC (sudo apt install ./code_1.46.1-1592428892_amd64.deb. Everything went fine. When running code . I was prompted with
To use VS Code with the Windows Subsystem for Linux, please install VS Code in Windows and uninstall the Linux version in WSL. You can then use the 'Visual Studio Code' command in a WSL terminal just as you would in a normal command prompt.
I proceeded to uninstall VSC from my Ubuntu with sudo apt-get purge code and now I am a bit stuck.
On Windows side I installed the Remote - WSL extension and Remote Development on the existing VSC installation, but now I cannot launch it from WSL.
Any workaround?
Later edit : I know it might sound dumb, but it works by just closing all instances of WSL bash and starting all over again. Now I just have the curiosity of what did I install and what did I uninstall? And why is this non persistant?
when you run code . from inside WSL it should install a small vs code server in your home directory (~/.vscode-server) and then lunch vs code. If that doesn't work post the error message.

windows Pycharm project interpreter nothing to show

I was using Pycharm in windows and when I tried to check my project interpreter and clicked install packaging tools, something happened wrong.
The error turned out:
error:[WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'c:\users\Username\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\setuptools-39.1.0-py3.6.egg'
I followed some tutorial online to upgrade my pip and setuptools, pip is now 10.0 and setuptools 47.1.1, but every time I open the settings, all the way same and the 'setuptools-39.1.0-py3.6.egg' keeps showing up even I delete it each time.
I was running under python 3.7, Pycharm 2018.03, Anaconda 5.4. Thanks for help!
Support by JetBrains advised me such a fix:
Could you please try the following steps:
Close your project in PyCharm
Create a backup of your .idea/ folder
Remove .idea/ folder
Re-open your project
It's work for me, maybe help
Had the same issue but for MacOS. It worked when I removed the .idea/ directory and reopened the project.
Had the same issue with PyCharm Community Edition (CE) for mac. No idea why the Python Interpreter tab shows this weird behavior but the interpreter should still be viewable through this path in Preferences: Build, Execution, Deployment > Console > Python Console
"Nothing to show here " in add packages or "error in loading python packages" Try uninstall the Python interpreter and reinstall it. Most of the Python version above 3.7 showing this error. Use python3.7 or earlier. Python 3.7 is good

Arduino IDE (Win10) crashes when I launch the program

My Arduino IDE (ver 1.8.12 on Win10) crashes when I launch it. Running the arduino_debug.exe I get this error message.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino>arduino_debug.exe
Set log4j store directory C:\Users\volke\AppData\Local\Arduino15
Loading configuration...
Initializing packages...
at cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ContributionsIndexer.parseIndex(
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino>
Any solutions? I've tried to delete the config files package_index.json and package_esp32_index.json without any luck.
I've got the same issue - the nightly build seems to work
I'm on Windows 10 having exactly this issue (same arduino_debug log).
I tried uninstalling Arduino IDE and then reinstalling it from executable installer; it worked fine until I opened the Board manager: the problem recurs.
After installing the beta version (arduino beta1.9-BUILD-119), I'm not having any problem.
Just use the latest Arduino IDE Beta Version. It is working now, ignoring that issue. I'm using the ESP8266 board and it's running okay.
The beta version 1.9 worked for me.
It also happens on Manjaro linux. In my case removing the folder .arduino15 solves the issue, but I have to remove it every time I open arduino IDE
rm -rf ~/.arduino15/
Win10 folder location:

How do I install XAMPP to another directory on Windows 10?

I'm having the hardest time installing XAMPP on C:\Development\xampp on Windows 10. I would like my C drive to be as clean as possible so I'm moving as many dev tools to the Development folder as I can to achieve this. I get an error towards the end of the XAMPP installation about a problem running the post-install step. It then suggests I install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, which I already have the 2012 version installed. Originally XAMPP was installed on C:\ with no problems.
How do I install XAMPP to the above directory or any directory other than C:\?
I have tried installing XAMPP portable and now receive the following error
I'm no longer on Windows so I can't re-test, but as I recall, the easiest way I managed this was to use the portable version of xampp.
Make sure to run the shell setup script so that it recognizes it's location properly.
You can get it from Apache Friends
Or from

Install APTANA failed Windows 10

I'm trying to install Aptana studio 3 on my pc, Windows 10. I download the setup from your link and then launch the setup, but after few seconds I have this error: "Failed to correctly acquire installer_nodejs_windows.msi file:CRC error".
After that the setup ends because of the can I solve that?
Thanks for your kind help, I'd like to use Aptana for my study.
I found that the solution posted in this post worked for me. I already had nodejs & msysgit installed.
