How to save result in separate column in excel from shell script? - shell

I am saving the executed result in one of the excel sheet. The result will show in new rows like below:
I have used the below command :
$ bash Behatscripts.txt | egrep -w 'Executing the|scenario' >> output.xls
I want to display result like below:
| A | B | c |
1 Executing the script:cap_dutch_home 1 scenario(1passed)
2 Executing the script:cap_english_home 1 scenario(1passed)
One more thing is while executing it will create output.xls separate file, instead of using already existed.
Thanks for any suggestions.

You can use this;
with awk;
bash Behatscripts.txt | egrep -w 'Executing the|scenario' | awk 'BEGIN {print "Column_A\tColumn_B"}NR%2{printf "%s \t",$0;next;}1' output.xls
without egrep
bash Behatscripts.txt | awk '/Executing the|scenario/' | awk 'BEGIN {print "Column_A\tColumn_B"}NR%2{printf "%s \t",$0;next;}1' >> output.xls


Print a file in one single row ksh

I have the file DATA, and within it there is:
Name | Karlstrom|
Description | New_Server|
Type | UNIX OS|
Formula | y=kx+j |
Severity | Critical|
I need to know how to display the data like this:
Name| Karlstrom|Description| New_Server|Type UNIX OS|Formula| y=kx+j|Severity| Critical|
The requirements do not explain all cases, but the following code will handle your example input:
sed -e 's/ *|/|/' DATA | tr -d "\n"; echo
# Output:
Name| Karlstrom|Description| New_Server|Type| UNIX OS|Formula| y=kx+j |Severity| Critical|
I added an echo after the command, so that the command prompt will be on the next line.
I don't think that shell matters here. Do you have cat, awk and sed utilities? You can do this, for example:
cat DATA | awk 'BEGIN {s=""} {s=s$0} END {print s}' | sed 's/ *//g'

Oneline file-monitoring

I have a logfile continously filling with stuff.
I wish to monitor this file, grep for a specific line and then extract and use parts of that line in a curl command.
I had a look at How to grep and execute a command (for every match)
This would work in a script but I wonder if it is possible to achieve this with the oneliner below using xargs or something else?
Tue May 01|23:59:11.012|I|22|Event to process : [imsi=242010800195809, eventId = 242010800195809112112, msisdn=4798818181, inbound=false, homeMCC=242, homeMNC=01, visitedMCC=238, visitedMNC=01, timestamp=Tue May 12 11:21:12 CEST 2015,hlr=null,vlr=4540150021, msc=4540150021 eventtype=S, currentMCC=null, currentMNC=null teleSvcInfo=null camelPhases=null serviceKey=null gprsenabled= false APNlist: null SGSN: null]|com.uws.wsms2.EventProcessor|processEvent|139
Extract the fields I want and semi-colon separate them:
tail -f file.log | grep "Event to process" | awk -F'=' '{print $2";"$4";"$12}' | tr -cd '[[:digit:].\n.;]'
Curl command, e.g. something like:
Try this:
tail -f file.log | grep "Event to process" | awk -F'=' '{print $2" "$4" "$12; }' | tr -cd '[[:digit:].\n. ]' |while read msisdn imsi vlr ; do curl "$msisdn&imsi=$imsi&vlr=$vlr" ; done

Error calling system() within awk

I'm trying to execute a system command to find out how many unique references a csv file has in its first seven characters as part of a larger awk script that processes the same csv file. There are duplicate entries and I don't want awk to parse the whole file twice so I'm avoiding NR. The gist of this part of the script is:
awk '
#do some stuff, then when finished, count the number of unique references
systemCall = sprintf( "cat %s | cut -c 1-7 | sort | uniq | wc -l", $productFile );
productCount=`system( systemCall )`-1; #subtract 1 to remove column label row
}' < BusinessObjects.csv
And the interpreter doesn't like it:
awk: cmd. line:19: ^ syntax error ./ line 38: syntax error near unexpected token '('
./ line 38: systemCall = sprintf( "cat %s | cut -c 1-7 | sort | uniq | wc -l", $productFile );
If I hard-code the system command
productCount=`system( "cat BusinessObjects.csv | cut -c 1-7 | sort | uniq | wc -l" )`-1;
I get:
./ command substitution: line 39: syntax error near unexpected token '"cat BusinessObjects.csv | cut -c 1-7 | sort | uniq | wc -l"'
./ command substitution: line 39: 'system( "cat BusinessObjects.csv | cut -c 1-7 | sort | uniq | wc -l" )'
Technically, I could do this outside of awk at the start of the shell script, store the result in a system variable, and then pass it to awk using -v, but it's not great for the readability of the awk script (it's a few hundred lines long). Do I have a space or quotes in the wrong place? I've tried fiddling, but I can't seem to present the call to system() in a way that the interpreter will accept. Finally, is there a more sensible way to do this?
Edit: the csv file is indeed semicolon-delimited, so it's best to cut using the delimiter rather than the number of chars (thanks!).
Edit 2:
I'm trying to parse a csv file whose first column is full of N unique product references, and create a series of associated HTML pages that include a "Page n of N" information field. It's (painfully obviously) the first time I've used awk, but it seemed like an appropriate tool for parsing csv files. I'm trying to hence count and return the number of unique references. At the shell
cut -d\; -f1 BusinessObjects.csv | sort | uniq | wc -l
works fine, but I can't get it working inside awk by doing
if [ -n "$1" ]
echo "Missing product file argument."
awk -v productFile=$productFile '
productCount = 0;
("cut -d\"\;\" -f1 " productFile " | sort | uniq | wc -l") | getline productCount;
productCount -=1; #remove the column label row
print productCount;
I get a syntax error on the cut code if I don't wrap the semicolon in \"\;\" and the script just hangs without printing anything when I do.
I don't remember that you can use backticks in awk.
productCount=`system( systemCall )`-1; #subtract 1 to remove column label row
You can read your output by not using system and running your command directly, and using getline instead:
systemCall | getline productCount
productCount -= 1
Or more completely
productFile = "BusinessObjects.csv"
systemCall = "cut -c 1-7 " productFile " | sort | uniq | wc -l"
systemCall | getline productCount
productCount -= 1
No need to use sprintf and include cat.
Assigning strings to variables is also optional. You can just have "xyz" | getline ....
sort | uniq can just be sort -u if supported.
Quoting may be necessary if filename has spaces or characters that may confuse the command.
getline may alter global variables differently from expected. See
Could something like this be an option?
$ cat
if [ -n "$1" ]
productCount=`cat $1 | cut -c 1-7 | sort | uniq | wc -l`
echo $productCount
echo "please supply a filename as parameter"
$ ./ BusinessObjects.csv

Bind two files by column in bash

when i have two files such as file A
and file B
how could they be joined in bash? The output shoudl just be
really I just want to bind by column such as in R (cbind).
Assuming columns are in equal length in both files, you can use paste command:
paste --delimiters='' fileB fileA
The default delimiter for paste command is TAB. So '' make sure no delimiter is in place.
Like this maybe:
paste -d'\0' B A
Or, if you like awk:
awk 'FNR==NR{A[FNR]=$0;next} {print $0,A[FNR]}' OFS='' A B
Using pure Bash and no external commands:
while read -u 3 A && read -u 4 B; do
echo "${B}${A}"
done 3< File_A.txt 4< File_B.txt
grep "run complete" *.err | awk -F: '{print $1}'|sort > a
ls ../bam/*bam | grep -v temp | awk -F[/_] '{print $3".err"}' | sort > b
diff <(grep "run complete" *.err | awk -F: '{print $1}'|sort) <(ls ../bam/*bam | grep -v temp | awk -F[/_] '{print $3".err"}' )
paste a b

bash awk first 1st column and 3rd column with everything after

I am working on the following bash script:
# contents of dbfake file
1 100% file 1
2 99% file name 2
3 100% file name 3
# cat out data
cat dbfake |
# select lines containing 100%
grep 100% |
# print the first and third columns
awk '{print $1, $3}' |
# echo out id and file name and log
xargs -rI % sh -c '{ echo %; echo "%" >> "fake.log"; }'
exit 0
This script works ok, but how do I print everything in column $3 and then all columns after?
You can use cut instead of awk in this case:
cut -f1,3- -d ' '
awk '{ $2 = ""; print }' # remove col 2
If you don't mind a little whitespace:
awk '{ $2="" }1'
But UUOC and grep:
< dbfake awk '/100%/ { $2="" }1' | ...
If you'd like to trim that whitespace:
< dbfake awk '/100%/ { $2=""; sub(FS "+", FS) }1' | ...
For fun, here's another way using GNU sed:
< dbfake sed -r '/100%/s/^(\S+)\s+\S+(.*)/\1\2/' | ...
All you need is:
awk 'sub(/.*100% /,"")' dbfake | tee "fake.log"
Others responded in various ways, but I want to point that using xargs to multiplex output is rather bad idea.
Instead, why don't you:
awk '$2=="100%" { sub("100%[[:space:]]*",""); print; print >>"fake.log"}' dbfake
That's all. You don't need grep, you don't need multiple pipes, and definitely you don't need to fork shell for every line you're outputting.
You could do awk ...; print}' | tee fake.log, but there is not much point in forking tee, if awk can handle it as well.
