Oneline file-monitoring - bash

I have a logfile continously filling with stuff.
I wish to monitor this file, grep for a specific line and then extract and use parts of that line in a curl command.
I had a look at How to grep and execute a command (for every match)
This would work in a script but I wonder if it is possible to achieve this with the oneliner below using xargs or something else?
Tue May 01|23:59:11.012|I|22|Event to process : [imsi=242010800195809, eventId = 242010800195809112112, msisdn=4798818181, inbound=false, homeMCC=242, homeMNC=01, visitedMCC=238, visitedMNC=01, timestamp=Tue May 12 11:21:12 CEST 2015,hlr=null,vlr=4540150021, msc=4540150021 eventtype=S, currentMCC=null, currentMNC=null teleSvcInfo=null camelPhases=null serviceKey=null gprsenabled= false APNlist: null SGSN: null]|com.uws.wsms2.EventProcessor|processEvent|139
Extract the fields I want and semi-colon separate them:
tail -f file.log | grep "Event to process" | awk -F'=' '{print $2";"$4";"$12}' | tr -cd '[[:digit:].\n.;]'
Curl command, e.g. something like:

Try this:
tail -f file.log | grep "Event to process" | awk -F'=' '{print $2" "$4" "$12; }' | tr -cd '[[:digit:].\n. ]' |while read msisdn imsi vlr ; do curl "$msisdn&imsi=$imsi&vlr=$vlr" ; done


How do I remove the header in the df command?

I'm trying to write a bash command that will sort all volumes by the amount of data they have used and tried using
df | awk '{print $1 | "sort -r -k3 -n"}'
But this also shows the header called Filesystem.
How do I remove that?
For your specific case, i.e. using awk, #codeforester answer (using awk NR (Number of Records) variable) is the best.
In a more general case, in order to remove the first line of any output, you can use the tail -n +N option in order to output starting with line N:
df | tail -n +2 | other_command
This will remove the first line in df output.
Skip the first line, like this:
df | awk 'NR>1 {print $1 | "sort -r -k3 -n"}'
I normally use one of these options, if I have no reason to use awk:
df | sed 1d
The 1d option to sed says delete the first line, then print everything else.
df | tail -n+2
the -n+2 option to tail say start looking at line 2 and print everything until End-of-Input.
I suspect sed is faster than awk or tail, but I can't prove it.
If you want to use awk, this will print every line except the first:
df | awk '{if (FNR>1) print}'
FNR is the File Record Number. It is the line number of the input. If it is greater than 1, print the input line.
Count the lines from the output of df with wc and then substract one line to output a headerless df with tail ...
LINES=$(df|wc -l)
df | tail -n ${LINES}
OK - I see oneliner - Here is mine ...
DF_HEADERLESS=$(LINES=$(df|wc -l); LINES=$((${LINES}-1));df | tail -n ${LINES})
And for formated output lets printf loop over it...
printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" ${DF_HEADERLESS} | awk '{print $1 | "sort -r -k3 -n"}'
This might help with GNU df and GNU sort:
df -P | awk 'NR>1{$1=$1; print}' | sort -r -k3 -n | awk '{print $1}'
With GNU df and GNU awk:
df -P | awk 'NR>1{array[$3]=$1} END{PROCINFO["sorted_in"]="#ind_num_desc"; for(i in array){print array[i]}}'
Documentation: 8.1.6 Using Predefined Array Scanning Orders with gawk
Removing something from a command output can be done very simply, using grep -v, so in your case:
df | grep -v "Filesystem" | ...
(You can do your awk at the ...)
When you're not sure about caps, small caps, you might add -i:
df | grep -i -v "FiLeSyStEm" | ...
(The switching caps/small caps are meant as a clarification joke :-) )

Remove everything before a string with bash?

I'm doing this with ffmpeg :
ffmpeg -i /Users/petaire/GDrive/Taff/ASI/Bash/testFolder/SilenceAndBlack.mp4 -af silencedetect=d=2 -f null - 2>&1 | grep silence_duration
And my output is :
[silencedetect # 0x7f9e6940eba0] silence_end: 25.92 | silence_duration: 25.936
But I only want to keep the duration number, so I'm trying to remove everything before the last number.
I've never understood anything about sed/awk & co, so I dont know what is the best way to do that. I thought grep would be powerful enough, but it doesn't seems so.
Any idea?
Using awk to print the last field:
$ awk '{print $NF}'
Test it:
$ echo "[silencedetect # 0x7f9e6940eba0] silence_end: 25.92 | silence_duration: 25.936"| awk '{print $NF}'
or use sed to replace everything up to last space with nothing:
$ ... | sed 's/.* //'
you can change your grep command to
grep -oP '(?<=silence_duration: )\S+'
which will print the next field to the searched one.
to remove everything before the last number
you can use
grep -o "[^ ]*$"
Another option, grep -o with cut:
$ echo '[silencedetect # 0x7f9e6940eba0] silence_end: 25.92 | silence_duration: 25.936' \
| grep -o 'silence_duration: [0-9]*\.[0-9]*' | cut -d ' ' -f 2

Find unique words

Suppose there is one file.txt in which below content text is written:
I need to write a shell script that can extract the first unique word before the first /.
So as output, I want ABC and EFG to be written in one file.
You can extract the first word with cut (slash as delimiter), then pipe to sort with the -u (for "unique") option:
$ cut -d '/' -f 1 file.txt | sort -u
To get the output into a file, just redirect by appending > filename to the command. (Or pipe to tee filename to see the output and get it in a file.)
Try this :
cat file.txt | tr -s "/" ' ' | awk -F " " '{print $1}' | sort | uniq > outfile.txt
Another interesting variation:
awk -F'/' '{print $1 |" sort -u" }' file.txt > outfile.txt
Not that it matters here, but being able to pipe and redirect within awk can be very handy.
Another easy way:
cut -d"/" -f1 file.txt|uniq > out.txt
You can use a mix of cut and sort like so:
cut -d '/' -f 1 file.txt | sort -u > newfile.txt
The first line grabs any string until a slash / and outputs it into newfile.txt.
The second line sorts the text, removing any duplicate strings you might have.

Print a file in one single row ksh

I have the file DATA, and within it there is:
Name | Karlstrom|
Description | New_Server|
Type | UNIX OS|
Formula | y=kx+j |
Severity | Critical|
I need to know how to display the data like this:
Name| Karlstrom|Description| New_Server|Type UNIX OS|Formula| y=kx+j|Severity| Critical|
The requirements do not explain all cases, but the following code will handle your example input:
sed -e 's/ *|/|/' DATA | tr -d "\n"; echo
# Output:
Name| Karlstrom|Description| New_Server|Type| UNIX OS|Formula| y=kx+j |Severity| Critical|
I added an echo after the command, so that the command prompt will be on the next line.
I don't think that shell matters here. Do you have cat, awk and sed utilities? You can do this, for example:
cat DATA | awk 'BEGIN {s=""} {s=s$0} END {print s}' | sed 's/ *//g'

Create name/value pairs based on file output

I'd like to format the output of cat myFile.txt in the form of:
Using some combination of piping output through various commands.
What would be easiest way to achieve this?
I've tried using cut -f2 but this does not change the output, which is odd.
Here is the basic command/file output:
[user#hostname ~]$ cat myFile.txt
1402483560882 app1 19
1402483560882 app2 7
1402483560882 app3 20
1402483560882 app4 19
Basing from your input:
awk '{ print $2 "=" $3 }' myFile
Another solution, using sed and cut:
cat myFile.txt | sed 's/ \+/=/gp' | cut -f 3- -d '='
Or using tr and cut:
cat myFile.txt | tr -s ' ' '=' | cut -f 3- -d '='
You could try this sed oneliner also,
$ sed 's/^\s*[^ ]*\s\([^ ]*\)\s*\(.*\)$/\1=\2/g' file
