bzr - how to only commit one file pattern - include

I have a large hierarchical directory structure. I only want to commit files of one type (say *.c) and ignore all the other files. I know how to use .bzrignore to ignore specific file patters.. but is it possible to set something like a .bzrinclude file to only include a specific file pattern ?
Thanks !

Yes, this should be possible because bazaar ignore files support regexes as patterns, using the RE: prefix:
So you just need to design a regular expression which matches everything except the files you're interested in.


Expressions in a build rule "Output Files"?

Can you include expressions in the "Output Files" section of a build rule in Xcode? Eg:
$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)$(echo "/dynamic/dir")/$(INPUT_FILE_BASE).m
Specifically, when translating Java files with j2objc, the resulting files are saved in subfolders, based on the java packages (eg. $(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/com/google/Class.[hm]). This is without using --no-package-directories, which I can't use because of duplicate file names in different packages.
The issue is in Output Files, because Xcode doesn't know how to search for the output file at the correct location. The default location is $(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/$(INPUT_FILE_BASE).m, but I need to perform a string substitution to insert the correct path. However any expression added as $(expression) gets ignored, as it was never there.
I also tried to export a variable from the custom script and use it in Output Files, but that doesn't work either because the Output Files are transformed into SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_X before the custom script is ran.
Unfortunately, Xcode's build support is pretty primitive (compared to say, make, which is third-odd years older :-). One option to try is splitting the Java source, so that the two classes with the same names are in different sub-projects. If you then use different prefixes for each sub-project, the names will be disambiguated.
A more fragile, but maybe simpler approach is to define a separate rule for the one of the two classes, so that it can have a unique prefix assigned. Then add an early build phase to translate it before any other Java classes, so the rules don't overlap.
For me, the second alternative does work (Xcode 7.3.x) - to a point.
My rule is not for Java, but rather for Google Protobuf, and I tried to maintain the same hierarchy (like your Java package hierarchy) in the generated code as in the source .proto files. Indeed files ( and .pb.h) were created as expected, with their hierarchies, inside the Build/Intermediates/ directory.
However, Xcode usually knows to continue and compile the generated output into the current target - but that breaks as it only looks for files in the actual ${DERIVED_FILE} - not within sub-directories underneath.
Could you please explain better "Output Files are transformed into SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_X" ? I do not understand.

Globbing files having single different character in filename

I have couple of files of the format,
and I want to move all the files to make the filename
and so on.
While I know that using a globbing of the type
will match all the files, I was wondering if there is a better solution to match the filenames since this method will also incorrectly match files of the type
Which is undesirable.
Why not using unit-? ?

How do you filter Ruby Find.find() results?

Find.find("d") {|path| puts path}
I want to exclude certain type of files, say *.gif and directories.
PS: I can always add code inside my block to check for the file name and directory type, but I want find itself to filter files for me.
I don't think you can tell find to do that.You could try using Dir#[], which accepts file globs. If you are looking for particular types of files, or files that can be filtered with the file glob pattern language, it may be a better fit.
would find all the xml, png, css, and html files under the directory d.
Check out the docs for more info.
You can't make find do it, but Find may help: in the block, you need to check whether the current path is one of those you'd like to exclude or not; if so, then call Find#prune. This seems to be the standard idiom when using Find.
If you decide to use Dir#[] instead, you may call reject on its result, passing a block to exclude certain types of files. However, note that, as far as I understand, Dir#[] reads all the contents of your d directory before you can filter, while Find#prune guarantees not to read the contents of pruned subdirectories if you call it within the block passed to Find#find.

how to search for a term only in non test files

I use ack and I like it.
However from time to time I need to search for something in my code base and I want to ignore all the files residing in test directory. Basically all the files which have test in their absolute path should be not included in the search.
How do I achieve that?
I am willing to have a custom bash script. Something like
ack_no_test "application" -> search for "application" in all files but ignore files residing in test directory
From man ack:
Ignore directory (as CVS, .svn, etc are ignored). May be used
multiple times to ignore multiple directories. For example, mason
users may wish to include --ignore-dir=data. The --noignore-dir
option allows users to search directories which would normally be
ignored (perhaps to research the contents of .svn/props
one could add "test" to the "repodirs" var in findrepo.
Personally I think ack to too complicated/slow and "non unixy",
as it doesn't reuse the existing unix toolkit.

Arbitrary sort key in filesystem

I have a pet project where I build a text-to-HTML translator. I keep the content and the converted output in a directory tree, mirroring the structure via the filesystem hierachy. Chapters go into directories and subchapters go into subdirectories. I get the chapter headings from the directory and file names. I want to keep all data in files, no database or so.
Kind of a keep-it-simple approach, no need to deal with meta-data.
All works well, except for the sort order of the directories and files to be included. I need sort of an arbitrary key for sorting directories and files in my application. That would determine the order the content goes into the output.
I have two solutions, both not really good:
1) Prepend directories and files with a sort key (e.g. "01_") and strip that in the output files in order not to pollute the output file names. That works badly for directories since they must keep the key data in order not to break the directory structure. That ends with an ugly "01_Introduction"...
2) put an config file into each directory with information on how to sort the directory content, to be used from my applications. That is error-prone and breaks the keep-it-simple no meta-data approach.
Do you have an idea? What would you do?
If your goal is to effectively avoid metadata, then I'd go with some variation of option 1.
I really do not find 01_Introduction to be ugly., at all.
