Arbitrary sort key in filesystem - sorting

I have a pet project where I build a text-to-HTML translator. I keep the content and the converted output in a directory tree, mirroring the structure via the filesystem hierachy. Chapters go into directories and subchapters go into subdirectories. I get the chapter headings from the directory and file names. I want to keep all data in files, no database or so.
Kind of a keep-it-simple approach, no need to deal with meta-data.
All works well, except for the sort order of the directories and files to be included. I need sort of an arbitrary key for sorting directories and files in my application. That would determine the order the content goes into the output.
I have two solutions, both not really good:
1) Prepend directories and files with a sort key (e.g. "01_") and strip that in the output files in order not to pollute the output file names. That works badly for directories since they must keep the key data in order not to break the directory structure. That ends with an ugly "01_Introduction"...
2) put an config file into each directory with information on how to sort the directory content, to be used from my applications. That is error-prone and breaks the keep-it-simple no meta-data approach.
Do you have an idea? What would you do?

If your goal is to effectively avoid metadata, then I'd go with some variation of option 1.

I really do not find 01_Introduction to be ugly., at all.


How can I find duplicately named files in Windows?

I am organizing a large Windows folder with many subfolders (with sub folders, etc...), in which files have been saved multiple times in different locations. Can anyone figure out how to identify all files with duplicate names across multiple directories? Some ways I am thinking about include:
A command or series of that could be run in the command line (cmd). Perhaps DIR could be a start...
Possibly a tool that comes with Windows
Possibly a way to specify in search to find duplicate filenames
NOT a separate downloadable tool (those could carry unwanted security risks).
I would like to be able to know the directory paths and filename to the duplicate file(s).
Not yet a full solution, but I think I am on the right track, further comments would be appreciated:
From CMD (start, type cmd):
DIR "C:\mypath" /S > filemap.txt
This should generate a recursive list of files within the directories.
TODO: Find a way to have filenames on the left side of the list
From outside cmd:
Open filemap.txt
Copy and paste the results into Excel
From Excel:
Sort the data
Add in the next column logic to compare to see if the current text = previous text (for filename)
Filter on that row to identify all duplicates
To see where the duplicates are located:
Search filemap.txt for the duplicate filenames identified above and note their directory location.
Note: I plan to update this as I get further along, or if a better solution is found.

What is the most efficient way to make sure hadoop skips certain input files?

I have a hadoop application that -depending on a parameter- only needs certain (few!) input files from the input directory. My question is now: where is the best place (read: as early as possible) to skip those files? Right now I customized a RecordReader to take care of that, but I was wondering whether I could skip those files sooner? In my current implmentation hadoop still has a huge overhead due to irrelevant files.
Maybe I should add that it is very easy to see whether I need a certain input file. If the filename starts with a parameter, it is needed. Structuring my input directory hierachically might be a solution, but one that is not very likely for my project since every files would end up lonely in a certain directory.
I'd propose you to filter out the input files by applying the appropriate pattern on the input Paths as mentioned here:
Note that this solution doesn't consider subdirectories. Alter it
to be able to recursively visit all subdirectories, within the base path.
I've had success with using the setInputPaths() method on TextInputFormat to specify a single String containing comma-separated file names.

What is a sensible data-structure for allowing efficient synchronisation between two root paths?

I am working on an application that involves maintaining consistency between two local directories. Specifically, the directories should be identical, with the exception that all files in one of the directories are modified in some particular way (this part is not important to my question).
While running, my application runs two processes that listen for changes occurring under each of the paths, and performs relevant operations to bring them back in sync when necessary.
In terms of my specific question: I'm looking for advice on the tricker situation of when one starts the application. At this point, each process needs to check all files/folders under both the path that it is looking after, to see if anything has changed in anyway whilst the application was not running. (Let us assume that the application cannot be notified by the OS of anything that happened while it was shutdown, and thus will need to directly check every file/folder.)
Each process will have access to (and maintain) a persistent data-structure of all files/folder under its designated path. I was thinking that the following should be held within the data-structure for each of the files and folders:
File/folder name;
File hash (CRC32);
File/folder last mod data; and
File/folder size.
These pieces of information will obviously help to check for any changes to files/folder, but what is the best way to store them?
It seems to me that one sensible way to approach the situation of an application start is for each process to recursively scan through all files/folders under its designated path, and compare the metadata for each file scanned to the metadata stored in its data-structure. Then the processes should also iterate through the data-structures to look for things that have been removed from the paths. Some cases that may be encountered during this process are:
file modified (file name found in data-structure, but hash differs);
file added (no identical filename or hash found in data-structure);
file renamed (file with same hash exists in data-structure, but not with same filename);
folder added (no folder name in data-structure);
folder removed (folder name in data-structure, but not under path);
folder renamed (tricky one).
So, what's the best data-structure to use for this task? In my head I'm thinking some form of sorted associative array, e.g., a red-black tree, which store file and folder objects. Each file object contains name, hash and mod-date attributes , while each folder object contains name and children attributes, where children stores another associative array with everything underneath. Given the path to an arbitrary file, e.g., /foo/bar/file.txt, you begin at the root (foo), check for bar and so on until you get to file.txt's parent object.
Another alternative I can think of is to merely store everything flatly, such that there is one red-black tree where each key is the full path to each file/folder, and the value is the file / folder object. This would probably be quicker for retrieval, but it won't be possible to detect renamed files/folders without iterating through all values anyway, which sounds expensive. In the first approach, it may be the case that identifying a rename would only involves checking a portion of the data-structure rather than all of it.
Sorry the above ideas aren't terribly well thought out. What's the state of the art in this area, and are there any well-trodden approaches to these types of problems?
You're modelling a filesystem, so it's quite natural to use a hierarchical data structure. After all, you don't need to compare the file at dir1\dir2\foo.txt to dir3\bar.txt, right? You didn't mention file moves between directories as something you're tracking.
So, the data structure could be:
interface IFSEntry {
string name
datetime creationDate
pure virtual bool Compare(IFSEntry other)
pure virtual void UpdateFrom(IFSEntry other)
pure virtual bool WasRenamed(Dictionary<string,IFSEntry> possibleOriginals, out string oldName)
class File : IFSEntry {
class Directory : IFSEntry {
private Dictionary<string,IFSEntry> children;
The Directory implementations of UpdateFrom and Compare would recurse down their children.
File renames would be relatively easy by comparing CRC's. You'd miss files that changed in both places and were renamed. You could add a CRC dictionary to the Directory class if the time to run the comparisons proves a performance problem.
For directory moves, if the child files also changed, then you've got a fuzzy logic situation. It would be best to have a merge tool that the user would operate for that situation.
If a file changes in both places, you also need a user-facing merge strategy if conflicting changes occur. I'd argue that is always a good idea, just to let the user eyeball that the document didn't lose coherence.

ruby - get a file from directory without listing all contents

I'm using the split linux command to split huge xml files into node-sized ones. The problem is now I have directory with hundreds of thousands of files.
I want a way to get a file from the directory (to pass to another process for import into our database) without needing to list everything in it. Is this how Dir.foreach already works? Any other ideas?
You can use Dir.glob to find the files you need. More details here, but basically, you pass it a pattern like Dir.glob 'dir/*.rb' and get back filenames matching that pattern. I assume it's done in a reasonably good way, but it will depend on your platform and implementation.
As to Dir.foreach, this should be efficient too - the concern would be if it has to process the entire directory for every pass around the loop. But that would be awful implementation, and is not the case.

SHA-1 hash for storing Files

After reading this, it sounds like a great idea to store files using the SHA-1 for the directory.
I have no idea what this means however, all I know is that SHA-1 and MD5 are hashing algorithms. If I calculate the SHA-1 hash using this ruby script, and I change the file's content (which changes the hash), how do I know where the file is stored then?
My question is then, what are the basics of implementing a SHA-1/file-storage system?
If all of the files are changing content all the time, is there a better solution for storing them, or do you just have to keep updating the hash?
I'm just thinking about how to create a generic file storing system like GoogleDocs, Flickr, Youtube, DropBox, etc., something that you could reuse in different environments (such as storing PubMed journal articles or Cramster homework assignments and tests, or just images like on Flickr). I'd probably store them on Amazon EC2. Just some system so I can say "this is how I'll 99% of the time do file storing from now on", so I can stop thinking about building a solid/consistent way to store files and get onto some real problems.
First of all, if the contents of the files are changing, filename from SHA-digest approach is not very suitable, because the name and location of the file in filesystem must change when the contents of the file changes.
Basically you first compute a SHA-1 or MD5 digest (= hash value) from the contents of the file.
When you have a digest, for example, 00e4f56c0de1c61fdb926e79e8a0a65bd12930c9, you generate a file location and filename from the digest. For example, you split the first few characters from the digest to directory structure and rest of the characters to file name. For example:
00e4f56c0de1c61fdb926e79e8a0a65bd12930c9 => some/path/00/e4/f5/6c0de1c61fdb926e79e8a0a65bd12930c9.txt
This way you only need to store the SHA-1 digest of the file to database. You can then always find out the right location and the name of the file.
Directories usually also have maximum number of files they can contain, for example maximum of 32000 subdirectories and files per directory. A directory structure based on this kind of hashing makes it unlikely that you store too many files to same directory. Also using hashing like this make sure that every directory has about the same number of files, you won't get into situation where all your files are in same directory.
The idea is not to change the file content, but rather its name (and path), by using a hash value.
Changing the content with a hash would be disastrous since a hash is normally not reversible.
I'm not sure of the motivivation for using a hash rather than the file name (or even rather than a long random number), but here are a few advantages of the hash appraoch:
the file names on the disk is uniform
the upper or lower parts of the hash value can be used to name the directories and hence distribute the files relatively uniformely
the name becomes a code, making it difficult for someone to
a) guess a file name
b) categorize pictures (would someone steal the hard drive content)
be able to retrieve the filename and location from the file contents itself (assuming the hash comes from such content. (not quite sure which use case would involve this... a bit contrieved...)
The general interest of using a hash is that unlike a file name, a hash is meaningless, and therefore one would require the database to relate images and "bibliographic" type data (name of uploader, date of upload, tags, ...)
In thinking about it, re-reading the referenced SO response, I don't really see much of an advantage of a hash, as compared to, say, a random number...
Furthermore... some hashes produce a numeric value, typically expressed in hexadecimal (as seen in the refernced SO question) and this could be seen as wasteful, by making the file names longer than they need to be, and hence putting more stress on the file system (bigger directories...)
One advantage I see with storing files using their hash is that the file data only needs to be stored once and then can be referenced multiple times within your database. This will save you space if you have a different users uploading the exact same file.
However the downside to this is when a user deletes what they think is there file from your app, you can't just physically delete the file from disk because other users that uploaded the same exact file may still be using it.
The idea is that you need to come up with a name for the photo, and you probably want to scatter the files among a number of directories. One easy way to come up with a unique name is to use the hash.
So the beginning of the hash was peeled off for a multi-level directory structure and the rest of the hash was used for a filename for the jpg.
This has the additional benefit of detecting duplicate uploads.
