Couldn't install iOS app in the device - xcode

I have an app with development certificates and provisioning profile and I need that to be installed in
a customer device.
I don't have UDID of the device that customer is trying out.
I would like to solve this problem without disturbing customer of asking his UDID and all.

You have to add UDID in provisioning profile and sign the app with that so that you can run it on the device.
Speaking of development provisioning profile.
You have to install the development provisioning profile in the device then only you can run the app in the development device.
Use for Development was removed from Xcode in Xcode 6 and later. It is no longer possible to do this for devices using Xcode 6 or later, even with the Devices page
Try going to Window->Devices. You should see your attached device in the list so right click on the device and select Show Provisioning Profiles.It will show a window where you can add your profile.


Xcode-apple developer account errors

I wanna publish a test flight on i phone that was published a few times before. when I wanna achieve the app's codes on Xcode I get that errors.
Failed to create provisioning profile. There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Select a device run destination to have Xcode register it.
No profiles for 'com.OttoTilesDesign.OttoTilesDesignVisualizer--explicit--' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.OttoTilesDesign.OttoTilesDesignVisualizer--explicit--'.
If you want to publish you need an "App Store" provisioning profile connected to the "identifier" in your app.
Use this profile in unity and xcode.
Try to create a new one. I had a similar issue and a reimport solved it.
Be sure that you select "any ios device" in the topline of xcode.
you only need a registered device when you want to deploy for internal/local testing.
if you want to do that, you need to register your devices with the uuid under:

How to build app on iphone/physical device without developer account?

I have xcode 8.3 along with mac sierra10.12.4 and i am building cordova app .am not able to build/generate app on iphone.I didnot have apple developer account so am trying with appleid but am not getting provisioning profile.App builds in simulator only.How to build app on iphone/physical device without developer account?
You don't need Paid Apple Developer Account to run app on your device , but you do need Paid Apple Developer account for app distribution. To run the app on your iPhone, you just need to enter your Apple developer account credentials in the Xcode like this :
After adding your apple developer account, just follow these and you will be able to run the app, small note before doing this select your device from the dropdown list.
You need to sign up your Apple ID to be a free developer account. This will allow Xcode to create free, 7-day provisioning profiles that you can use to build to a connected device.
For more information, you can see this tutorial. You seem like you already have an Apple ID, so you can skip step 1. But follow the other steps to make it a dev account and then link it inside Xcode.

Xamarin iOS Watch can't install on watch

I have an iPhone app on Xamarin working. I just added a Watch extension project. I can deploy the app on my iPhone device, but when I try to install it on my Watch device, it fails when it reaches near 100% (icon visible with progress), and then uninstalls. There is no error message either. Any idea why?
Does your provisioning profile include the watch device? Please see:
Testing iOS apps on a real iPhone or iPad has always required the device to be registered on the Dev Center...
Watches are no different - you now need to add your Apple Watch device before deploying apps to it. Find the watch's UDID using Xcode (Windows > Devices list)...
When you know the Watch's UDID, add it to the device list in the Dev Center:...
Once the Watch device has been added, ensure it is selected in any new or existing development or ad-hoc provisioning profiles you create:
So once you add your watch to the Devices in your Apple iOS Portal, you will have to regenerate and re-download your provisioning profile after including the watch device in the profile.

How to preview apps on iPad?

I am using xcode to develop a prototype application. Nothing too fancy, just slide effects and other simple gestures. Mostly moving images around the screen.
I can preview the app on my laptop using ios simulator, but how do I take the prototype to the iPad for a more realistic view?
Thank you
First, you need to join a paid iOS Developer Program or, if possible, the iOS University Program.
Then, you will have to create and install provisioning profiles using the steps in this documentation.
After that, you can test on iOS devices the same way you test on the Simulator.
Alleviate the need to go to the iOS Provisioning Portal every time you want to add a device to your provisioning profile by using automatic provisioning.
An easier way to install provisioning profiles is to let Xcode manage them for you. See the paragraph "To provision a device automatically for development" in this guide for more information.
This process requires a developer account with Apple - and you have to go through the Provisioning Portal to setup your provisioning profile. Apple recently came up with a great getting started guide:
Read the section on "Installing and Testing Apps on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch".

How do I make a app match a provisioning profile on xcode?

I am having a heck of a time trying to get this to work. At this point, I am only trying to create little test apps in xcode and "build and run" them on xcode-not on my phone.
I have a provisioning profile for my phone in the xcode organizer, but that is the only one I have.
Do I also need a separate provisioning profile for the desktop sdk?
You don't need provisioning profiles for developing on iphone simulator.
If you also want to develop on your device, first register the device when creating the provisioning profile, then upload the provisioning profile to your device.
Apple's documentation is pretty clear and easy to follow on this issue.
Good luck.
Edit: 1- You need provisioning for developing on the device, thats why it gives you a provisioning error when you try running with -iphone device xxx.
2-The blank white screen on the simulator has nothing to do with provisioning, you succeded to run your code on the simulator, but either your code does nothing or you did not link your uiwindow to your views
3-Base sdk defines that dropdown menu on the topleft. If you select iphone 3.1.2 as base sdk in project settings, you can only see simulator/device 3.1.2 on the dropdown menu, if you select 2.0 as your base sdk you will see device/simulator 2.0,2.1,2.2.1,3.0,3.1.2,... on the dropdown menu. Since you selected 3.1.2 as base sdk you don't see earlier versions on the dropdown menu.
You don't need provisioning profiles to run an app in the simulator, if that's what you mean. Just make sure you're Build-and-Go-ing for a simulator - iPhone Simulator 3.0, say - and you should be good to go.
