ruby code with the NoMethodError - ruby

When running the following Ruby code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
class String
def to_int
self == self.to_i
ARGV.each do |a|
ar.each do |x|
print x + " "
puts ""
I am getting the following error:
example.rb:14:in `sort': undefined method `<=>' for false:FalseClass (NoMethodError)
This program needs to be running with the command line argument with a list of numbers. Any help will be appreciated.

ARGV.sort.each { |x| print x + " " }

class String
def to_int
self == self.to_i
This to_int method will return either a true or false. So when you run this line:, the map method will map the entire array into true or false.
You array will look like [false,false,true,false], which will fail when you run the sort function.
I'm not sure what the purpose of the to_int function is, you just need to map with the simple to_i function, then sort it.!(&:to_i).sort
Make sure you use the map! so your original array is modified.
If you do map the array into integers, you will have to modify the print line to
ar.each do |x|
print x.to_s + " "
Otherwise you will get an error:
String can't be coerced into Fixnum

When I run this using Ruby 2.3.0, I don't get that error.
I tried Ruby 2.0.0p648 (which comes with OS X), 2.1.5, and 2.2.4, and they don't raise that error either.
It's a bit unclear to me what you're trying to accomplish here.
You're doing things that don't make any sense, but I'll assume you're trying to learn Ruby and you're just trying different things.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This is "monkey patching" String, and is a bad practice.
class String
# A method named "to_int" implies a conversion to integer. But the "to_i" method already does
# that, and this method doesn't convert to an integer, it converts to a boolean.
def to_int
# Comparing the string to itself as an integer. Why would it ever be true?
self == self.to_i
# I'm assuming that this is intended to convert the argument list to a list of strings.
# But ARGV should already a list of strings.
# And this would be better done as `ar =`
ARGV.each do |a|
# This creates an array of values returned by `to_int`, then sorts the array.
# Since `String#to_int` (defined above) returns booleans, it's an array of "false" values, so
# sorting does nothing. But then the value of the `sort` is ignored, since it's not assigned to
# a variable. If you want to modify the order of an existing array, use `sort!`.
# But if you're trying to sort the array `ar` by the numeric values, `ar.sort_by(&:to_i)` would
# do that.
ar.each do |x| print x + " "; end
puts ""
It seems like you're trying to print the arguments in their numeric order.
This can be accomplished with
puts ARGV.sort_by(&:to_i).join(" ")


Why can't a string (from ARGV) be modified with shovel << (frozen string) in one case but it does can in another case?

I have two little ruby programs written in ruby 2.3.7
Im trying to extend strings that are passed from ARGV[].
This case works and extends the string removing last char and adding -ismo.
if ARGV.length > 0
ARGV.each {|param| unless param.match(/ismo\z/); puts param.chop << "ismo" end}
puts "none"
but this other case doesnt work and says 'agranda' cant modify frozen String
def reduce(string)
puts string.slice(0,8)
def agranda(string)
while string.length < 8
string << 'z'
puts string
if ARGV.length >= 1
ARGV.each {|a| if a.length < 8; agranda(a) elsif a.length > 8; reduce(a) else puts a end}
puts "none"
I cant figure it out why does it work in one case and doesnt in the other, both cases takes the string from the program arguments.
ARGV is a special Array, not a String. When working with frozen strings, you can append or modify an Array element even if you can't change the underlying String objects it contains. Forget ARGV for a moment, and consider this example of an unfrozen Array containing frozen strings:
a = ['foo', 'bar'].map &:freeze
#=> true
a[0] = 'baz'; a
#=> ["baz", "bar"] &:frozen?
#=> [false, true]
Now consider a frozen Array with unfrozen String elements:
a = ['foo', 'bar'].freeze
#=> true
# Array is frozen, and yet...
a[0] << 'bar'; a
#=> ["foobar", "bar"]
In the first case, you can modify the Array but you can't mutate String elements in place; you have to replace them. In the second case, you can't add or remove elements of your Array, but you can mutate String objects stored within the Array.
From a practical perspective, you need to figure out what object is actually frozen. While you can't unfreeze a String or other object, you can certainly modify things it points to (e.g. an unfrozen String object within a frozen Array), or duplicate an unfrozen version of the object.
Your first one (which works) says this:
param.chop << "ismo"
Your second one (which doesn't work) says this:
string << 'z'
The first calls String#chop which gives you a copy of param with the last character removed and then shovels 'ismo' onto the end of that copy. The implicit copying in the String#chop call gives you an unfrozen string.
The second tries to shovel right into string without any copying. Your agranda method needs to copy the string and then modify that copy. The unary + operator for strings is specifically meant for this:
def agranda(string)
string = +string
# ...

Why do this Ruby object have both to_s and inspect methods that appear to do the same thing?

Why do this Ruby object both a to_s and inspect methods that appear to do the same thing?
The p method calls inspect and puts/print calls to_s for representing the object.
If I run
class Graph
def initialize
#nodeArray =
#wireArray =
def to_s # called with print / puts
"Graph : #{#nodeArray.size}"
def inspect # called with p
if __FILE__ == $0
gr =
p gr
print gr
puts gr
I get
Graph : 0
Graph : 0
Then, why does Ruby have two functions do the same thing? What is the difference between to_s and inspect?
And what's the difference between puts, print, and p?
If I comment out the to_s or inspect function, I get as follows.
inspect is used more for debugging and to_s for end-user or display purposes.
For example, [1,2,3].to_s and [1,2,3].inspect produce different output.
inspect is a method that, by default, tells you the class name, the instance's object_id, and lists off the instance's instance variables.
print and puts are used, as you already know, to put the value of the object's to_s method to STDOUT. As indicated by Ruby's documentation, Object#to_s returns a string representing the object -- used for end-user readability.
print and puts are identical to each other except for puts automatically appends a newline, while print does not.
To compare with Python, to_s is like __str__ and inspect is like __repr__. to_s gives you a string, whereas inspect gives you the string representation of the object. You can use the latter to construct an object if you wish.
Further, there is a to_str method on certain objects, which you would call when you need a String-like object, and not just a string representation. (Try in IRB: [1,2,3].to_str and it will fail, yet [1,2,3].to_s will not.) I feel I should mention this because I've been bitten by it before :)
For anyone arriving here after starting out with Ruby Koans, a simple example of where to_s and inspect differ in output is this:
nil.to_s # will yield an empty string, ie ""
nil.inspect # will yield the string "nil"
puts generally prints the result of applying to_s on an object, while p prints the result of inspecting the object.
There is a subtle difference between inspect and to_s:
inspect, when applied on an object, returns the object hex code
along with the instance variable
to_s, when applied on an object,returns only the object hex code
class Item
def initialize(abc)
puts x #prints object x hex code
puts x.inspect #prints object x hex code WITH INSTANCE VARIABLE #abc
puts x.to_s #prints object x hex code
p x #prints object x hex code WITH INSTANCE VARIABLE #abc
p x.inspect #prints object x hex code WITH INSTANCE VARIABLE #abc
p x.to_s #prints object x hex code
Answer from Chris Pine's Learn To Program book
"The inspect method is a lot like to_s, except that the string it returns tries to show you the ruby code for building the object you passed it."
Thus the inspect method will return an array for example like this...
[25, 16, 9, 4, 1, 0]
Where as puts / to_s will return
2.0.0p195 :075 > puts (1..5).to_a # Put an array as a string.
=> nil
2.0.0p195 :076 > puts (1..5).to_a.inspect # Put a literal array.
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
=> nil
2.0.0p195 :077 > puts :name, :name.inspect
=> nil
2.0.0p195 :078 > puts "It worked!", "It worked!".inspect
It worked!
"It worked!"
=> nil
2.0.0p195 :079 > p :name # Same as 'puts :name.inspect'
=> :name
From the Rails Tutorial
Refer following link for more information and examples explaining difference between "to_s" and "inspect" as well as difference between "puts" and "p".

iterating over each character of a String in ruby 1.8.6 (each_char)

I am new to ruby and currently trying to operate on each character separately from a base String in ruby. I am using ruby 1.8.6 and would like to do something like:
"ABCDEFG".each_char do |i|
puts i
This produces a undefined method `each_char' error.
I was expecting to see a vertical output of:
Is the each_char method defined only for 1.9? I tried using the plain each method, but the block simply ouputs the entire string in one line. The only way I figure how to do this, which is rather inconvenient is to create an array of characters from the begining:
['A','B','C','D','...'].each do|i|
puts i
This outputs the desired:
Is there perhaps a way to achive this output using an unmodified string to begin with?
I think the Java equivalent is:
for (int i = 0; i < aString.length(); i++){
char currentChar = aString.charAt(i);
I have the same problem. I usually resort to String#split:
"ABCDEFG".split("").each do |i|
puts i
I guess you could also implement it yourself like this:
class String
def each_char
self.split("").each { |i| yield i }
Edit: yet another alternative is String#each_byte, available in Ruby 1.8.6, which returns the ASCII value of each char in an ASCII string:
"ABCDEFG".each_byte do |i|
puts i.chr # Fixnum#chr converts any number to the ASCII char it represents
Extending la_f0ka's comment, esp. if you also need the index position in your code, you should be able to do
for pos in 0...s.length
puts s[pos].chr
The .chr is important as Ruby < 1.9 returns the code of the character at that position instead of a substring of one character at that position.
"ABCDEFG".chars.each do |char|
puts char
"ABCDEFG".each_char {|char| p char}
Ruby version >2.5.1
there is really a problem in 1.8.6.
and it's ok after this edition
in 1.8.6,you can add this:
requre 'jcode'
But now you can do much more:
a = "cruel world"
a.scan(/\w+/) #=> ["cruel", "world"]
a.scan(/.../) #=> ["cru", "el ", "wor"]
a.scan(/(...)/) #=> [["cru"], ["el "], ["wor"]]
a.scan(/(..)(..)/) #=> [["cr", "ue"], ["l ", "wo"]]
Returns an array of characters in str. This is a shorthand for str.each_char.to_a. If a block is given, which is a deprecated form, works the same as each_char.
also now you can do string.chars

Implicit return values in Ruby

I am somewhat new to Ruby and although I find it to be a very intuitive language I am having some difficulty understanding how implicit return values behave.
I am working on a small program to grep Tomcat logs and generate pipe-delimited CSV files from the pertinent data. Here is a simplified example that I'm using to generate the lines from a log entry.
class LineMatcher
class << self
def match(line, regex)
output = ""
line.scan(regex).each do |matched|
output << matched.join("|") << "\n"
return output
puts LineMatcher.match("00:00:13,207 06/18 INFO stateLogger - TerminationRequest[accountId=AccountId#66679198[accountNumber=0951714636005,srNumber=20]",
When I run this code I get back the following, which is what is expected when explicitly returning the value of output.
However, if I change LineMatcher to the following and don't explicitly return output:
class LineMatcher
class << self
def match(line, regex)
output = ""
line.scan(regex).each do |matched|
output << matched.join("|") << "\n"
Then I get the following result:
Obviously, this is not the desired outcome. It feels like I should be able to get rid of the output variable, but it's unclear where the return value is coming from. Also, any other suggestions/improvements for readability are welcome.
Any statement in ruby returns the value of the last evaluated expression.
You need to know the implementation and the behavior of the most used method in order to exactly know how your program will act.
#each returns the collection you iterated on. That said, the following code will return the value of line.scan(regexp).
line.scan(regex).each do |matched|
output << matched.join("|") << "\n"
If you want to return the result of the execution, you can use map, which works as each but returns the modified collection.
class LineMatcher
class << self
def match(line, regex)
line.scan(regex).map do |matched|
end.join("\n") # remember the final join
There are several useful methods you can use depending on your very specific case. In this one you might want to use inject unless the number of results returned by scan is high (working on arrays then merging them is more efficient than working on a single string).
class LineMatcher
class << self
def match(line, regex)
line.scan(regex).inject("") do |output, matched|
output << matched.join("|") << "\n"
In ruby the return value of a method is the value returned by the last statement. You can opt to have an explicit return too.
In your example, the first snippet returns the string output. The second snippet however returns the value returned by the each method (which is now the last stmt), which turns out to be an array of matches.
irb(main):014:0> "StackOverflow Meta".scan(/[aeiou]\w/).each do |match|
irb(main):015:1* s << match
irb(main):016:1> end
=> ["ac", "er", "ow", "et"]
Update: However that still doesn't explain your output on a single line. I think it's a formatting error, it should print each of the matches on a different line because that's how puts prints an array. A little code can explain it better than me..
irb(main):003:0> one_to_three = (1..3).to_a
=> [1, 2, 3]
irb(main):004:0> puts one_to_three
=> nil
Personally I find your method with the explicit return more readable (in this case)

What is "for" in Ruby

In Ruby:
for i in A do
# some code
is the same as:
A.each do |i|
# some code
for is not a kernel method:
What exactly is "for" in ruby
Is there a way to use other keywords to do similar things?
Something like:
total = sum i in I {x[i]}
mapping to:
total = I.sum {|i] x[i]}
It's almost syntax sugar. One difference is that, while for would use the scope of the code around it, each creates a separate scope within its block. Compare the following:
for i in (1..3)
x = i
p x # => 3
(1..3).each do |i|
x = i
p x # => undefined local variable or method `x' for main:Object
for is just syntax sugar for the each method. This can be seen by running this code:
for i in 1 do
This results in the error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for 1:Fixnum
For is just syntactic sugar.
From the pickaxe:
For ... In
Earlier we said that the only built-in Ruby looping primitives were while and until. What's this ``for'' thing, then? Well, for is almost a lump of syntactic sugar. When you write
for aSong in songList
Ruby translates it into something like:
songList.each do |aSong|
The only difference between the for loop and the each form is the scope of local variables that are defined in the body. This is discussed on page 87.
You can use for to iterate over any object that responds to the method each, such as an Array or a Range.
for i in ['fee', 'fi', 'fo', 'fum']
print i, " "
for i in 1..3
print i, " "
for i in"ordinal").find_all { |l| l =~ /d$/}
print i.chomp, " "
fee fi fo fum 1 2 3 second third
As long as your class defines a sensible each method, you can use a for loop to traverse it.
class Periods
def each
yield "Classical"
yield "Jazz"
yield "Rock"
periods =
for genre in periods
print genre, " "
Classical Jazz Rock
Ruby doesn't have other keywords for list comprehensions (like the sum example you made above). for isn't a terribly popular keyword, and the method syntax ( arr.each {} ) is generally preferred.
