Windows 10 IoT core+rasperry pi+camera sensor? - windows-iot-core-10

Does Windows 10 IoT core supports rasperry pi camera sensor?If So,which libraries are there in C# to code camera module?

Windows IoT officially supports several types of usb cameras, find a completed list from
If you're developing under UWP framework, which has built-in support for various cameras, follow the tutorial from
Microsoft also provides sample projects for camera development, find it in
I hope it helps.

No, Windows 10 IoT Core does NOT support the CSI module (Camera Serial Interface) of a Raspberry Pi.
#Jackie posted already a link with the supported cameras. In my experiences other may work but it is not guaranteed.


Directx 11 needs to feature level 11?

My friend has this problem here:
How to turn on DX11 feature level 11.0
I read the answer, but I don't understand. Could anyone elaborate what she should do? The previous problem was that the display driver was outdated, so I led her to the current driver. The next problem was that the DirectX was 12,(it needs to be 11) so I had her reinstall the driver. When my friend tries to open Dead by Daylight, a message pops up saying "DX11 feature level 11.0 is required to run the engine. She has AMD Radeon R4 Graphics. I'll provide any information that's needed.
The AMD Radeon R4 supports D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_0 according to a quick web search. It therefore should be able to support DirectX 11.x API using D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 or D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1 just fine. The same diver is used for both DirectX 11 an DirectX 12--assuming your friend is running Windows 10; Windows 7 will only ever support up to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0.
When a game says "DX11 feature level 11.0 is required to run the engine." it means that it does not support Direct3D Hardware feature level devices 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.0, or 10.1.
If you have the Windows 10 SDK installed, you can run the dxcapsviewer tool to verify the support level for various APIs and feature levels.
All that said, it's an APU solution so it's low-end video card. Demanding games are likely to not work unless they are run at low quality settings.
As I'm sure a moderator will note, this area of StackOverflow is intended for programmers and not end-users. If you are having problems with a specific game, you should contact the publisher of that game for support.

Can I obtain raw depth data/map from PHAB2 Pro?

I want to buy a Lenovo PHAB2 Pro mobile phone to learn Tango's depth perception. So can I obtain raw depth maps or data from PHAB2 Pro? And if possible could you tell me how to do it? Is Tango C API useful? Or does PHAB2 Pro have other open-source package or Development kit that I can use?
1 & 2 - Raw Depth Maps are not available natively, but for an idea of how to get them see Here. I've not done it.
However you do have the Point Cloud representation of the data to work with.
3 & 4 - It seems the majority of developers do not directly use the C API, but instead work with the UNITY SDK. There is a very good reference on which APIs to choose here. The PHAB2 does not have any different Development kit from the Dev Kit tablet.

How to create virtual webcam in Windows 10?

I would like to take video from a webcam, render some text on the frames and do some motion tracking and pass it on to a virtual webcam so it can be streamed easily.
I found some answers on stackoverflow suggesting that I should use DirectShow. According to information in DirectShow documentation, the DirectShow SDK is part of Windows SDK. So I installed the latest Windows SDK but it seems that it doesn't include DirectShow because there are no DirectShow samples under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows. (The stackoverflow answers are also pretty old - dated around 2010)
Can you suggest a way to make DirectShow work (including samples working on Visual Studio 2015) or some other alternative to DirectShow, that would help me create a virtual webcam?
Virtual webcam is typically a software only implementation that application discover as if it is a device with physical representation. The mentioned applications use APIs to work with web cameras and ability to extend the APIs and add your own video source is the way to create a virtual web camera.
In Windows there are a few APIs to consume video sources: Video for Windows, DirectShow, Media Foundation (in chronological order).
Video for Windows is not really extensible and limited in capabilities overall. It will see a virtual device if you provide a kernel mode driver for a virtual camera.
DirectShow is the API used by most video capture enabled Windows applications and it is present in all Windows versions including Windows 10 (except just Windows RT). Then it's perfectly extensible and in most cases the term "virtual webcam" refers to DirectShow virtual webcam. Methods to create DirectShow virtual webcam discussed in many StackOverflow questions remain perfectly valid for Windows 10, for applications that implement video capture using DirectShow:
Virtual webcam input as byte stream
Simulate a DirectShow Webcam
DirectShow samples were removed from Windows SDK but you can still find them in older releases:
Getting DirectShow Samples on Windows 8
If you provide a kernel mode driver for video camera device (your virtual webcam through custom kernel driver), DirectShow would also see it just like other video APIs.
Media Foundation is a supposed successor of DirectShow but its video capture capabilities in the part of extensibility simply do not exist1. Microsoft decided to not allow custom video sources application would be able to discover the same way as web cameras. Due to Media Foundation complexity, and overhead and overall unfriendliness it is used by modest amount of applications. To implement a virtual webcam for Media Foundation application you again, like in case of Video for Windows, have to implement a kernel mode driver.
1 Starting with Windows Build 22000 (Windows 11), there is new API MFCreateVirtualCamera which offers virtual camera creation. A developer can implement a video source which the API connects to so called Windows Camera Frame Server service, which in turn distributes the generated video as a source along with regular cameras. Applications see this software implementation the same way as if it was, for example, a webcam.
This is an ancient question internet-wise but I thought I could contribute:
I was looking into this about a year ago and almost abandoned my project altogether until I found Microsoft's SimpleMediaSource driver sample on their Github. It is documented here but it is a tough read if you haven't written drivers before - which was the case for me. Fortunately, documentation seems to have been updated and improved since I used it.
To get it working, I had to manually delete and copy-paste the DLL into C:\System32 after each compilation with Visual Studio. I also had to side-download and install the now removed (from what I can tell) devcon utility to add & remove drivers with devcon dp_add/dp_remove commands. You also need the Windows Driver Kit (WDK).
You need to enable unsigned driver loading within Windows so it may not be a great route if you want to distribute it. Anticheat and DRM software may also not appreciate it :)
There are two projects being compiled:
MediaSource - COM DLL project for the custom media source
SimpleMediaSourceDriver - UMDF driver install package
Just install obs studio
In newer versions it automatiaclly installs an easy to use virtual webcam that mirrors the OBS scene.

ibeacons Technology from Microsoft

I just come across about ibeacons technology which introduced by Apple but haven't got any API/framework from Microsoft.
Is there any API or framework available from Microsoft which gives support for Ibeacons implementation?
Unfortunately, this is not possible with Windows Phone 8, because it only supports Bluetooth 3.1 iBeacons require Bluetooth 4.0, also known as BluetoothLE.
In October 2013, Nokia announced that upcoming phones would have Bluetooth LE support. Unfortunately, these only allow OS-level pairing with Bluetooth LE devices. There is no public api.
This makes it impossible to develop a third-party iBeacon Library for the Windows Phone similar to the Android iBeacon Library.
Unfortunately, Windows Phone users will have to wait for a later release with either native iBeacon support or a public BluetoothLE API that allows a third party to develop a Windows iBeacon Library.
Update: this appears to remain impossible with Windows Phone 8.1. See my comment on the answer from #keni
Windows 10 will support Bluetooth LE Advertisements. Current status as of today (4/23/2015) is that the preview build of Windows 10 still has an incomplete SDK implementation and a few bugs. However, next week a new build will be introduced and it can be safely assumed that we'll get a good glimpse on how this will actually work.
Sending and receiving pure Advertisements works already. Have a look at the Sample that you can download from github here:
a public BluetoothLE API will come in Window Phone 8.1
Please read the following blog post for BLE for developers in Windows 8.1

OpenCV in Windows Phone 7

I want to use opencv in windows phone and not sure if any support available for that. any link / sample code would be highly appreciated
You can't. WP7 only supports managed code, OpenCV is native library.
You have 3 options:
Target WP8 instead.
Some companies (e.g. Tango, Spotify) somehow convinced Microsoft to allow native code development for WP7 platform.
Look for alternatives to OpenCV, such as AForge.NET.
