Can I obtain raw depth data/map from PHAB2 Pro? - google-project-tango

I want to buy a Lenovo PHAB2 Pro mobile phone to learn Tango's depth perception. So can I obtain raw depth maps or data from PHAB2 Pro? And if possible could you tell me how to do it? Is Tango C API useful? Or does PHAB2 Pro have other open-source package or Development kit that I can use?

1 & 2 - Raw Depth Maps are not available natively, but for an idea of how to get them see Here. I've not done it.
However you do have the Point Cloud representation of the data to work with.
3 & 4 - It seems the majority of developers do not directly use the C API, but instead work with the UNITY SDK. There is a very good reference on which APIs to choose here. The PHAB2 does not have any different Development kit from the Dev Kit tablet.


Using the Mobile SDK for the Mavic 2 what language needs to be used for the iOS app?

I'm looking into the Mavic 2 Pro for autonomous flight. I just need to get some more information on what language I should use, and which SDK is the best: Mobile, Ux, Onboard, or the Windows SDK.
Thanks in Advance!
autonomous flight is a wide topic.
based on gps or gpsless there could be a huge difference.
when dealing with normal
normal Java should be sufficient.
But when you dealing with research level vision-based navigation .e.g. SVO, then bottom layer has to be C++ and you need a corss compiler for it.
also can give what you want. Below is the demo that I did use DJI WSDK alpha release and Windows UWP. As for what language it is, I think it is C#. but not sure(uwp not traditional C# anymore), I coded it without knowing what language it is. Just follow the sample style and API. You can code without knowing what language

How control the Mavic Air drone with the computer

right now, I’m on a study project for School. I'm french. I have the Mavic Air drone, and I do to control my drone with my computer. DJI Developer has some SDK for different plateforme, whose a Windows SDK. But it was in beta version and he don't support the fly mod.
I think, to take the OX SDK (Android Version in JAVA) and translate it into a Java App for a Windows version. OX SDK support drone control commands. You thinks it's a good ideas ? And some people can help to translate this app ?
Can you help me find a solution? Have you some command-line to give to me?
Thanks you all.
It's unclear from your question if you've actually tried to implement the Windows 10 SDK and ran into difficulties or if you saw something which stated flight is not supported by the SDK. According to the SDK documentation (, high & low level flight control are supposed to be supported. For example, the ComponentManager.FlightControllerHandler has methods such as StartTakeoffAsync, StartGoHomeAsync, etc. Joystick control is available via the VirtualRemoteController.UpdateJoystickValue method. So far, I have only used these while my Mavic Air is in simulation mode (without propellers on!) and haven't encountered any issues. But I haven't seen any documentation that states the beta SDK doesn't support actual flight either. Before launching into a conversion effort (does DJI even provide the source? I haven't checked...), I'd stick with with Win10 SDK.

Computer vision google tango

Tango is developed by google which has api that used for motion tracking on mobile devices. I was wondering if it could be applied to stand alone java application without android (for java-SE). If not then I was wondering are there any api out there are similar to tango where it tracks motion and depth perceptions.
I am trying to capture the motion data from a video, not camera/web cam. If this was possible at all.
Googles Tango API is only compatible with Tango enabled devices only. So it does not work on all mobile devices only devices that are Tango enabled. If you try to use the API with a device that is not Tango Enabled it wont work.
I think you should research a bit into OpenCV its an Open Source Computer Vision Library that is compatible with Java and many other languages. It lets you analyze videos without the need for that many sensors (like Raw Depth Sensors which are primarily used on Tango enabled Devices).
The Tango API is only available on Tango-enabled devices, which there aren't that many of. That being said, it is possible to create your own motion-tracking and depth-sensitive app with standard Java.
For motion-tracking all you need is a accelerometer and gyroscope, which most phones come equipped with nowadays as standard. All you basically then do is integrate those readings over time and you should have an idea of the device's position and orientation. Note that the accuracy will depend on your hardware and implementation, but be ready for it to be fairly inaccurate thanks to sensor drift and integration errors (see the answer here).
Depth-perception is more complex and would depend on your hardware setup. I'd recommend you look into the excellent OpenCV library which has Java bindings for you already and make sure you have a good grasp on the basics of computer vision (calibration, camera matrix, pinhole model, etc.). The first two answers in this SO question should get you started on how to go about determining depth using a single camera.

Windows Phone - XNA & SIlverlight

I was wondering if it is actually true that Microsoft is discontinuing XNA and Silverlight. If this is the case? What shall I learn to make applications for Windows Phone? What shall I learn to make simple/easy 2D based games (not c++)?
What are the alternatives with Windows 8?
There is no official announcement from Microsoft that says they are discontinuing Silverlight/XNA.
Of course, a lot of us have our own reasons to believe that Silverlight is dying. I would not say the same about XNA. At least not yet :-) Don't forget XBox.
For the next version of Windows Phone (8), application programming model is going to be based on/same as Windows 8 (Win RT). And they have been promoting DirectX as a technology to develop games for Windows 8 (WinRT). XNA is officially not supported in Metro Mode.
To program games in DirectX, C++ is not the only option. Managed DirectX can be used with C#/VB. You can look into that.
And if you know Silverlight, your understanding on XAML would really help you a lot with new Metro Style apps (Phone and Windows). So, you don't have to worry about that part.
It's hard to say something about a rumor, but in this case the best thing that you can do is to stay in contact with Microsoft and its forums or social network.
For example
Windows Phone 8 will surely introduce a support for DirectX and C++, XNA is a subset, more or less, of DirectX, if Microsoft will introduce DirectX in its phones i see no point for keeping XNA; Silverlight is a technology that will never succeed at this point, even Flash is dead, you can imagine what is the situation about Silverlight that is a really really really small player in this market and it's not even portable.
For games it's better to use XNA, because eventually you'll start to create 3d games.
Silverlight is more adapted for common applications, like notepad, browser and other stuff.
And again, if you want to create games, learn more Xna.
As there is no official statement yet, it's hard to say what will happen with those platforms. If you want to create games, you might consider using MonoGame.
What is MonoGame?
MonoGame is an Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4
Framework. Our goal is to allow XNA developers on Xbox 360, Windows &
Windows Phone to port their games to the iOS, Android, Mac OS X, Linux
and Windows 8 Metro. PlayStation Mobile development is currently in
I had a demo of a few games made in MonoGame on Windows 8 last week and I gotta say I was pretty impressed.

Augmented Reality in Windows Phone

I am a Beginner for Windows Phone 7. My project is on developing augmented reality in windows phone.Many of them suggested GART Toolkit. It seems to be good. But as a beginner i am not able to understand that. Are they any other SDK's or Toolkits available other than GART or any tutorial for GART Toolkit? Any Windows Phone lovers here? is the second article that comes up in Bing when you search using the terms: windows phone augmented reality tutorial gart
Try this one:
It's about implementing GART in 6 easy steps. :)
There is also the Augmented Reality sample on MSDN, described as:
This sample uses the Motion API and the PhotoCamera class to create an Augmented Reality application that lets you pin labels to points in space as you rotate the device. For more information, see How to: Use the Combined Motion API for Windows Phone.
