Directx 11 needs to feature level 11? - directx-11

My friend has this problem here:
How to turn on DX11 feature level 11.0
I read the answer, but I don't understand. Could anyone elaborate what she should do? The previous problem was that the display driver was outdated, so I led her to the current driver. The next problem was that the DirectX was 12,(it needs to be 11) so I had her reinstall the driver. When my friend tries to open Dead by Daylight, a message pops up saying "DX11 feature level 11.0 is required to run the engine. She has AMD Radeon R4 Graphics. I'll provide any information that's needed.

The AMD Radeon R4 supports D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_0 according to a quick web search. It therefore should be able to support DirectX 11.x API using D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 or D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1 just fine. The same diver is used for both DirectX 11 an DirectX 12--assuming your friend is running Windows 10; Windows 7 will only ever support up to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0.
When a game says "DX11 feature level 11.0 is required to run the engine." it means that it does not support Direct3D Hardware feature level devices 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.0, or 10.1.
If you have the Windows 10 SDK installed, you can run the dxcapsviewer tool to verify the support level for various APIs and feature levels.
All that said, it's an APU solution so it's low-end video card. Demanding games are likely to not work unless they are run at low quality settings.
As I'm sure a moderator will note, this area of StackOverflow is intended for programmers and not end-users. If you are having problems with a specific game, you should contact the publisher of that game for support.


How control the Mavic Air drone with the computer

right now, I’m on a study project for School. I'm french. I have the Mavic Air drone, and I do to control my drone with my computer. DJI Developer has some SDK for different plateforme, whose a Windows SDK. But it was in beta version and he don't support the fly mod.
I think, to take the OX SDK (Android Version in JAVA) and translate it into a Java App for a Windows version. OX SDK support drone control commands. You thinks it's a good ideas ? And some people can help to translate this app ?
Can you help me find a solution? Have you some command-line to give to me?
Thanks you all.
It's unclear from your question if you've actually tried to implement the Windows 10 SDK and ran into difficulties or if you saw something which stated flight is not supported by the SDK. According to the SDK documentation (, high & low level flight control are supposed to be supported. For example, the ComponentManager.FlightControllerHandler has methods such as StartTakeoffAsync, StartGoHomeAsync, etc. Joystick control is available via the VirtualRemoteController.UpdateJoystickValue method. So far, I have only used these while my Mavic Air is in simulation mode (without propellers on!) and haven't encountered any issues. But I haven't seen any documentation that states the beta SDK doesn't support actual flight either. Before launching into a conversion effort (does DJI even provide the source? I haven't checked...), I'd stick with with Win10 SDK.

DirectX 11 & Windows SDK: any modern project setup tutorials for Windows 7?

Note: I just wanna say at first that I tried literally everything I could find about the subject (MSDN, Stack Overflow, D3DCoder, etc.) without any success (after solving one, another error was waiting for me). So I am posting here by pure demotivation (there are similar posts already, yes, but none of them actually helped me out).
Here is how it goes:
A few months ago, I decided to start learning modern OpenGL by pure curiosity, and finally decided to switch to DirectX after reading the downsides of OpenGL (I was also only targeting Windows platform). I think it was one of the worst move I ever made: I heard that OpenGL was lacking of documentation and everything was a mess with third party libraries, but I realized that DirectX was way worst than what it seemed to be compared to OpenGL. In fact, trying to code in modern DirectX 11 using Windows 7 and VS2013 is just a pain (especially shaders) and the time it takes to figure it all out is just a time waster. After reading a lot of porting articles on MSDN about alternative libraries, like DirectXTK, DirectXTex, DirectXMesh, Effects11 and DXUT, I still don't know what to do and how to setup a fully working modern project in Windows 7. Specifically, the 5 (/5_0) shader model (deprecated) combined with the new Effects11 library (not deprecated) is the thing that confuse me the most.
By the way, I am currently reading the latest Frank Luna book about the subject ('Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct3D 11') and I still can't get his samples working at all (even with DirectX SDK). Also, I don't know if what I am learning is relevant or not since he wrote it before the Windows SDK switch. For your information, the latest error I am trying to solve with his samples (for those who know the book) is a E_NOINTERFACE from D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory function (at runtime):
HR(D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory(compiledShader->GetBufferPointer(), compiledShader- >GetBufferSize(),
0, md3dDevice, &mFX));
// Done with compiled shader.
ReleaseCOM(compiledShader); -> crash here
All that being said, here is what I wanna know:
Are there any clear step-by-step tutorials on how to setup a modern DirectX 11 project in Windows 7 using VS2013 or it is still in pre-alpha stage (just kidding)?
What is actually going on with the shader model, the HLSL compiler, and the .fx files and what should be used (I hear everywhere that it is deprecated but no replacement seems to exist yet)?
For those who know the book, any idea on how to build the old DirectX SDK samples without getting this silly runtime error?
Thanks a lot!
E_NOINTERFACE is an usual error in that context, so likely there's something wrong with the code around it you are not showing in your question.
You can still use the legacy DirectX SDK with VS 2013, but it takes a slightly different procedure than was used with VS 2010. In VC++ Directories set Executable to $(ExecutablePath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Utilities\bin\x86 or $(ExecutablePath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Utilities\bin\x64;$(DXSDK_DIR)Utilities\bin\x86, Include to $(IncludePath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Include, and Library to $(LibraryPath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Lib\x86 or $(LibraryPath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Lib\x64. Read MSDN for some other details of doing this. I've also made some notes w.r.t. to that book here.
You actually don't need the legacy DirectX SDK, but you may find it easier to do that for now using that book. VS 2013 comes with the Windows 8.1 SDK that has all the OS headers for DirectX 11 along with D3DCompile #47.
You can use the Direct3D tutorial for a simple example of setting up a Win32 desktop app (i.e. one that works on Windows 7) with a device, swapchain, and window. This makes no use of legacy DirectX SDK.
There are some additional Effects Tutorial Win32 Sample you can use as well. Instructions on adding the Effects 11 library is on the CodePlex wiki under Documentation / Effects 11 / Adding to a VS solution.
Your questions about FX vs. not are also covered on the CodePlex: Is Effects 11 deprecated? and How do I avoid using fx_5_0?. Also on StackOverflow.
Many of the older DirectX SDK samples have been reposted to MSDN Code Gallery and do not require the legacy DirectX SDK to build. You should read these posts for the fate of various DirectX SDK things:
DirectX SDK Samples Catalog
DirectX SDK Tools Catalog
Living without D3DX
DirectX SDKs of a certain age
The story for learning DirectX 11 with Windows Store apps / Windows phone 8.x aps is a lot cleaner, and is well supported by VS templates and MSDN documentation. Win32 desktop apps are of course a completely reasonable option, but you have to distinguish between legacy and modern with a bit of research. You still start with the standard Win32 desktop app project template in VS.
Note: Windows by default only supports OpenGL v1.5 software renderer. You have to install 3rd party ICD to get anything else, and there are no OpenGL VS templates.

Debugging OpenGL ES 2.0 game that runs in Windows through PowerVR emulation

I have small cross platform engine that runs my OpenGL ES 2.0 games on Android and on Windows. To run it on Windows I am using PowerVR emulator (just libraries linked to the project). It all works well.
Now I would like to debug it and inspect in any OpenGL debugger. I tried Intel GPA, AMD CodeXL, gDebugger, glslDevil. But non of them were able to do it. In case of Intel GPA it did not find the running game. In other cases it started the game but failed to pause it or do anything later.
I do not know whether it is because it is OpenGL ES instead of OpenGL. But the PowerVR emulation must work like translating OpenGL ES to OpenGL, I think?
My questions are:
Is there any (utility) way how to debug OpenGL ES 2.0 programs on Windows?
Or is there any better emulation library than PowerVR that will force the app look like OpenGL for other tools (instead of OpenGL ES)?
I am doing all this as none of debuggers work for me on Android device. I am developing with Samsung Galaxy Tab (which is Tegra GPU), but Nvida's PerfHUD ES does not currently support it (and I also do not meet Android 4.0 or higher having only 3.1)
Is there any way how to debug OpenGL ES on Android device that has Android version 3.1 and it is Samsung Galaxy Tab device?
You're correct - PVRVFrame translates OpenGL ES calls into host OpenGL calls. This is why the likes of gDEBugger will capture the OpenGL API calls made by the emulator rather than the calls you actually submitted.
The PowerVR SDK includes an OpenGL ES/EGL API recording tool called PVRTrace that has all of the functionality you're looking for.
The PVRTrace recording libraries can be used to record applications using PVRVFrame on Windows and Linux. The SDK also includes recording libraries for Android and Linux devices.
PVRTraceGUI (analysis tool for Windows, OSX & Linux) can be used to review and inspect the data you've recorded. It also has an Image Analysis widget that allows you to step through the draw calls in your recording & some other handy features, such as a Pixel Analysis pie chart that highlights the most costly fragment shaders in your render so you know where to focus shader optimisation.
There's also a PVRTrace standalone playback tool that allows you to replay your recordings on any of the supported OS's (inc. Windows & Android).
You can find an overview of the tool on the Imagination website here & can download PVRTrace through the PowerVR SDK installer, available here
I routinely debug OpenGL ES on Windows using the PowerVR VFrame translator, which converts OpenGL ES calls to OpenGL, as you said. I think it's the best solution. VFrame has some step and tracing features, but mostly I am using the debugging features of MSVC++.
If you are using GLSurfaceView on android, it has an OpenGL ES tracing feature too. I also recommend using an X86 AVD rather than ARM or trusting the drivers on any one device. This article explains in detail:

Can or will Rebol run on Windows Phone 7?

I have an iPhone, an Ipad, don't have yet windows phone 7, but will get it right now if rebol can run on windows phone 7 so does/will rebol support it :)
Note: rebol could run on windows mobile so my question : will it continue to run on next version ?
Well if they don't release NDK, I will buy a tablet with classic Windows 7, that for sure can run rebol and a bunch of softwares I already have :)
When the ARM core library will be compiled, it may be possible for someone to port the host-kit to many new hand-held devices including Windows Phone 7, Android and even the iPhone (since they relaxed their TOS).
The ARM library is already high on the wish list of many people who are willing and able to work on the host-kit part of REBOL 3.
With 5 host-kit platforms already maintained by different developers (some indie) already at different levels of completion, the answer is not IF but rather WHEN will R3 run on these new exciting devices.
IMHO R3 still needs a little more stability work for mass porting, but in the last 2 months, I think R3 has matured to levels that are starting to catch up to R2 in many areas.
One good thing is that the extension API is proving to be highly effective and fast. Its design is also stabilizing which is a good sign of the current maturity of the host-kit.
A caveat
One must understand that many mobile platforms have strict development licenses and some even have hard to integrate APIs into which executables must try and link in.
Many don't even want binaries to work directly and the road to integration isn't meant to be easy on purpose. AFAIK winphone7 is probably the easiest one of the bunch, so don't despair.
Not until Microsoft or a third party releases a "native development kit" (NDK). The same problem hampers others, such as Firefox, who cannot readily port their apps to Silverlight, XNA or the .NET CF (which are the only Microsoft-supported development platforms at the moment).

Do the emulated samples from the 'gold' book or from ImgTec work on any of your 64-bit Win 7 machines?

Either the OpenGL_ES_Programming_Guide_v1.0.2 samples or the Imagination Technologies\POWERVR SDK\OGLES2_WINDOWS_PCEMULATION_2.06.26.0649\Binaries\Demos?
Either or both above using either AMD's OpenGL ES 2.0 emulator or Imagination Technologies' PVRVFrame emulator?
Does anybody see runtime activity other than blank client areas with nothing in them for either of those two example sets under 64 bit Windows 7?
Thanks for any replies.
I can't speak for the AMD demos, but the Imagination ones get tested on a 64bit Windows 7 system internally so it seems more likely that it's a problem with your graphics setup. What card do you have and are the drivers for it up to date?
It might also be worth getting in contact directly here:
or by email:
BTW A new version of this SDK has just been published, it might be worth trying that as well.
