Dynamics Crm online 2016 set opportunity statecode - dynamics-crm-2016

I am looking for the C# (console application) syntax required to set the statecode of an opportunity to "not active" or "closed". In fact I would also like to know where I can find the available values for statecode, since in the field properties I see that the datatype is "Status", but I don't see the available values.
Thank you in advance

Valid state codes for Opportunity:
statecode - statuscode
0 (Open) - 1 (In Progress), 2 (On Hold)
1 (Won) - 3 (Won)
2 (Lost) - 4 (Cancelled), 5 (Out-Sold)
Because you want to "Close" the opportunity, use LoseOpportunityRequest SDK message to "Cancel" the opportunity.

You need to use the LoseOpportunityRequest to change the status. There is also a WonOpportunityRequest. As part of the changing to a closed-lost status you need to create an opportunityclose entity, which is part of the LoseOpportunityRequest processing.
LoseOpportunityRequest req = new LoseOpportunityRequest();
Entity opportunityClose = new Entity("opportunityclose");
opportunityClose.Attributes.Add("opportunityid", new EntityReference("opportunity", new Guid("D711C1BD-23DA-E011-94B4-1CC1DEF177C2")));
opportunityClose.Attributes.Add("subject", "Lost the Opportunity!");
req.OpportunityClose = opportunityClose;
// 4 = Cancelled and 5 = Out-Sold
req.Status = new OptionSetValue(4);
LoseOpportunityResponse resp = (LoseOpportunityResponse)_orgService.Execute(req);
Credit to https://community.dynamics.com/crm/b/mileyja/archive/2011/09/08/close-an-opportunity-as-lost-using-net-or-jscript-in-microsoft-dynamics-crm-2011-with-loseopportunityrequest


Dynamics 365 Customer Service : Email sent from one queue to another queue is getting linked to same ticket

I am facing an issue in Dynamics 365.
Let's say I have 2 queues - Queue1 & Queue2 and have enabled case creation rule on both the queues. Initially, the customer sent an email to Queue1 and converted it into the case, and I want to forward this email to Queue2.
When I forward email FROM Queue1 TO Queue2, it comes back as 'incoming' email to Dynamics through Queue2, but again gets linked to the same old case present in Queue1. I want that, it should create a new case in Queue2.
I tried a pre-create plugin also to clear regardingobject in an incoming email if the sender is a Dynamics queue and as per traces, code is clearing regardingobectid as well. However, it still gets linked to the same ticket somehow.
Is there anyone who faced the same issue and got a workaround.
Plugin code snippet - registered on Email Pre-create sync.
TargetEntity = (Entity)PluginContext.InputParameters["Target"];
var sender = TargetEntity["sender"].ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
EntityCollection senderQueue = GetQueue(sender);
if (senderQueue?.Entities != null && senderQueue.Entities.Count != 0)
TracingService.Trace("sender is a queue");
TracingService.Trace("updating : TargetEntity['regardingobjectid'] = null to platform");
TargetEntity["regardingobjectid"] = null;
I was finally able to do it after clearing 3 attributes in the incoming email's target entity.
I have written a pre-validate sync plugin on email cleared below 3 fields :-
TargetEntity["regardingobjectid"] = null;
// this line -- parentactivityid fixed the issue.
TargetEntity["parentactivityid"] = null;
TargetEntity["trackingtoken"] = null;

Unable to create SLA Item and its action in MS CRM 2016 using code

I have been trying to create SLA and SLA Item using code and SDK as I have to create around 500 SLAs.
I am able to create SLA using code but when I try to activate SLA , it throws error.
I checked error log. It shows some unexpected error occurred.
I have few observations:
1. when I remove SLA Items from SLA , then I am able to Activate SLA. So, Problem is creation of SLA Items
2. I created one SLA Item manually and When I opened one manually created SLA Item and one auto created SLA Item, I found one difference that on manual SLA Item, "Add Step" buttons are visible below Success Action, Failure Action, Warning Action. But on auto created SLAItem , those buttons are not visible. I checked all properties of SLA Item but I found no difference.
I think Actions linked on SLAItem must be stored somewhere in different entity. But I dont know that relationship and entity name.
Manual SLA Item:
Auto Created SLA Item:
Code used to create SLA Item:
SLAItem slaitem1 = new SLAItem();
slaitem1.SLAId = sla.ToEntityReference();
slaitem1.Name = "SLAItem-CS" + dt.Rows[rowIndex][1].ToString() + "-" + dt.Rows[rowIndex][2].ToString();
slaitem1.SequenceNumber = counter2;
slaitem1.RelatedField = "hpi_slakpi";
slaitem1.ApplicableWhenXml = "<and><condition><column id=\"colEntity\" value=\"hpi_complaintsolution\" /><column id=\"colAttribute\" value=\"hpi_complaintsolutionstatus\"/><column id=\"colOperator\" value=\"eq\"/><column id=\"colStaticValue\" value=\"" + dt.Rows[rowIndex][3].ToString() + "\" dataslugs=\"\" /></condition></and>";
slaitem1.SuccessConditionsXml = "<and><condition><column id=\"colEntity\" value=\"hpi_complaintsolution\" /><column id=\"colAttribute\" value=\"statecode\"/><column id=\"colOperator\" value=\"eq\"/><column id=\"colStaticValue\" value=\"1\" dataslugs=\"\" /></condition></and>";
slaitem1.FailureAfter = ((int)dt.Rows[rowIndex][4]) * 60;
slaitem1.WarnAfter = ((int)dt.Rows[rowIndex][4]) * 30; // 50%
Console.WriteLine(counter.ToString() + "-" + counter2.ToString() + " SLA Item Creating...");
slaitem1.Id = orgService.Create(slaitem1);
Console.WriteLine(counter.ToString() + "-" + counter2.ToString() + " SLA Item Created.");
Please suggest, how can I create SLA Item and its Actions correctly so that later I can activate SLA?

Diff of Value Changes inside Reference Changes

I have a Application entity and a User entity. Theres a one to many relation from application to users, i.e one application can have multiple users.
i update the user and change the application assigned to him. So far i have below:
Diff diff = javers.compare(oldUser, newUser);
List<ReferenceChange> referenceChanges = diff.getChangesByType(ReferenceChange.class);
for (ReferenceChange referenceChange : referenceChanges) {
Object oldRef = referenceChange.getLeftObject().get();
Object newRef = referenceChange.getRightObject().get();
Diff refDiff = javers.compare(oldRef,newRef);
Please find the below result while debugging:
referenceChanges List:
ReferenceChange{globalId:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.User/3', property:'application', oldRef:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.Application/7', newRef:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.Application/3'}
Application [applicationId=7, applicationName=KYC, applicationDesc=DEV_TEST, applicationLaunch=2016-12-31 00:00:00.0, live=false]
Application [applicationId=3, applicationName=KYC, applicationDesc=hellp, applicationLaunch=Sat Mar 12 00:00:00 IST 2016, live=true]
When i pass both objects to javers.compare(oldRef,newRef), it again gives me same result as referenceChanges. I thought it should give me Value Changes of each property e.g, applicationDesc, oldVal = DEV_TEST, newVal = hellp.
Am i missing something here? All i want to do is to get the value changes of properties of the Application object which is referenced inside User object.
P.S: If i change Object oldRef = referenceChange.getLeftObject().get(); to Object oldRef = referenceChange.getLeftObject();, i get JaversException: CLASS_EXTRACTION_ERROR JaVers bootstrap error - Don't know how to extract Class from type 'T'.
Just noted i am not getting ValueChanges while doing Diff refDiff = javers.compare(oldRef,newRef);
Debug shows follwing changes:
1. NewObject{globalId:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.Application/7'}
2. ObjectRemoved{globalId:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.User/5'}
3. ObjectRemoved{globalId:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.Application/3'}
4. ObjectRemoved{globalId:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.User/6'}
5. ObjectRemoved{globalId:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.User/7'}
6. ReferenceChange{globalId:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.User/3', property:'application', oldRef:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.Application/3', newRef:'com.ds.appmanager.services.domain.Application/7'}

EWS. How to change DateTimeCreate property via EWS Proxy Classes

I write client application that uses Exchange Web Services Proxy Classes in order to connect to Exchange Web Services. Sometimes, I need create ItemType object and make it looks like as received letter. Therefore I need set up such properties of ItemType as DateTimeSent, DateTimeCreate, DateTimeReceived, but they haven’t public set assessTherefore I need set up such properties of ItemType as DateTimeSent, DateTimeCreate, DateTimeReceived, but they haven’t public set assessor.
I found resolve for some of them via MAPI properties:
ItemType newItem = xmlParser.LoadItem(); //info for newItem takes from xml
newItem.ExtendedProperty = new ExtendedPropertyType[1];
PathToExtendedFieldType q = new PathToExtendedFieldType();
q.PropertyTag = "3590"; //DeliveryTime
q.PropertyType = MapiPropertyTypeType.SystemTime;
newItem.ExtendedProperty[0] = new ExtendedPropertyType();
newItem.ExtendedProperty[0].ExtendedFieldURI = q;
newItem.ExtendedProperty[0].Item = new System.DateTime(2014, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
Well, it works for DateTimeSent and DateTimeReceived, but not for DateTimeCreate. ES dont give any errors, but DateTimeCreate doesnt change. I tried to UpdateItem with DateTimeCreate propery, but there was no result (update another properties runs fine).
P.S. MAPI ID for CreationTime: 0x3007.
Can someone help me with this problem?
I finally found a solution for this.
Source: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/40a29c69-96d3-488b-8f0e-911dd5f04086/setting-a-emailmessage-datetimesent-and-isdraft?forum=exchangesvrdevelopment
You have to set 3 Extended MAPI properties PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS, PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME, and PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME. Make sure when setting the Time you use UTC time.
For example:
EmailMessage emUploadEmail = new EmailMessage(service);
emUploadEmail.MimeContent = new MimeContent("us-ascii", bdBinaryData1);
emUploadEmail.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(57,MapiPropertyType.SystemTime), DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"));
emUploadEmail.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(3590, MapiPropertyType.SystemTime), DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"));
emUploadEmail.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(3591,MapiPropertyType.Integer),"1");
Create and last modified dates are read-only and cannot be set. The store provider updates these properties internally.

Using ExchangeService to Add Appointment Occurances

The target is someone's Exchange Calendar (2007). I want to add a simple "Appointment Occurance" to someone's calendar. This code works (I am using the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll):
service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("supervisor", "password", "DOMAIN.COM");
service.AutodiscoverUrl("<employee#domain.com>", ValidateRedirectionUrlCallback);
appt = new Appointment(service);
appt.Subject = "<subject>";
appt.Body = "<Body Text>";
appt.Start = _DateFrom;
appt.End = _DateTo;
appt.Sensitivity = Sensitivity.Private;
However, there are problems with this code:
The appointment target is the employee. When adding the appointment, the appointment shows up for the employee (yay!) but also for the supervisor (boo!). Am I supposed to use the employee's credentials? If so, what if I do not have access to that - only the supervisors, am I out of the game already?
The appointment shows up in Outlook as a "Meeting Appointment" and not and "Appointment Occurrence". So, the box to input meeting attendees is showing (with no one in it of course), and is irrelevant in my scenario.
appt.Body does not respond at all to Environment.NewLine or "\r\n" - I haven't tried HTML yet.
Instead of WellKnownFolderName.Calendar
You should use new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar,"employee#domain.com")
So the last line becomes
appt.Save(new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar,"employee#domain.com"));
Also having problems with the newline, this is only since version 1.1 so it probebly is a bug
