Using ExchangeService to Add Appointment Occurances - exchange-server

The target is someone's Exchange Calendar (2007). I want to add a simple "Appointment Occurance" to someone's calendar. This code works (I am using the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll):
service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("supervisor", "password", "DOMAIN.COM");
service.AutodiscoverUrl("<>", ValidateRedirectionUrlCallback);
appt = new Appointment(service);
appt.Subject = "<subject>";
appt.Body = "<Body Text>";
appt.Start = _DateFrom;
appt.End = _DateTo;
appt.Sensitivity = Sensitivity.Private;
However, there are problems with this code:
The appointment target is the employee. When adding the appointment, the appointment shows up for the employee (yay!) but also for the supervisor (boo!). Am I supposed to use the employee's credentials? If so, what if I do not have access to that - only the supervisors, am I out of the game already?
The appointment shows up in Outlook as a "Meeting Appointment" and not and "Appointment Occurrence". So, the box to input meeting attendees is showing (with no one in it of course), and is irrelevant in my scenario.
appt.Body does not respond at all to Environment.NewLine or "\r\n" - I haven't tried HTML yet.

Instead of WellKnownFolderName.Calendar
You should use new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar,"")
So the last line becomes
appt.Save(new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar,""));
Also having problems with the newline, this is only since version 1.1 so it probebly is a bug


Dynamics 365 Customer Service : Email sent from one queue to another queue is getting linked to same ticket

I am facing an issue in Dynamics 365.
Let's say I have 2 queues - Queue1 & Queue2 and have enabled case creation rule on both the queues. Initially, the customer sent an email to Queue1 and converted it into the case, and I want to forward this email to Queue2.
When I forward email FROM Queue1 TO Queue2, it comes back as 'incoming' email to Dynamics through Queue2, but again gets linked to the same old case present in Queue1. I want that, it should create a new case in Queue2.
I tried a pre-create plugin also to clear regardingobject in an incoming email if the sender is a Dynamics queue and as per traces, code is clearing regardingobectid as well. However, it still gets linked to the same ticket somehow.
Is there anyone who faced the same issue and got a workaround.
Plugin code snippet - registered on Email Pre-create sync.
TargetEntity = (Entity)PluginContext.InputParameters["Target"];
var sender = TargetEntity["sender"].ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
EntityCollection senderQueue = GetQueue(sender);
if (senderQueue?.Entities != null && senderQueue.Entities.Count != 0)
TracingService.Trace("sender is a queue");
TracingService.Trace("updating : TargetEntity['regardingobjectid'] = null to platform");
TargetEntity["regardingobjectid"] = null;
I was finally able to do it after clearing 3 attributes in the incoming email's target entity.
I have written a pre-validate sync plugin on email cleared below 3 fields :-
TargetEntity["regardingobjectid"] = null;
// this line -- parentactivityid fixed the issue.
TargetEntity["parentactivityid"] = null;
TargetEntity["trackingtoken"] = null;

cron job with php-ews to get only new emails from Exchange server

I need a cron job to obtain only the new emails received in a Exchange server since the last time it synchronized.
I coded the same with imap servers, and it was easy to get the emails since an ID. So I save the last ID at the end of the for cycle to the DB, and resume from that ID the next time the cron job executes.
I tried the same in Exchange, but I get the following error:
Failed to search for messages with "ErrorInvalidValueForProperty: El valor especificado no es válido para la propiedad."
To get the ItemId in Exchange I'm using the following code, with no error:
It returns something like:
To find the emails I'm trying the following code (with the error mentioned before):
$request = new FindItemType();
$request->ParentFolderIds = new NonEmptyArrayOfBaseFolderIdsType();
$request->Traversal = ItemQueryTraversalType::SHALLOW;
$greater_than = new IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType();
$greater_than->FieldURI = new PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$greater_than->FieldURI->FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType::ITEM_ID;
$greater_than->FieldURIOrConstant = new FieldURIOrConstantType();
$greater_than->FieldURIOrConstant->Constant = new ConstantValueType();
$greater_than->FieldURIOrConstant->Constant->Value = $UID;
The EWS ItemId isn't a searchable property because it doesn't need to be eg you can just Bind to the Id in question to see if the Item exists. If it nolonger exists then you will get a specific error to tell you that. The SyncFolderItems operation is probably a more appropriate method to use however

VWAttachment added through API is not showing in CM 5.2

I have retrieved a workitem using API and changed the attachment fields using setParameterValue , After saving the work usingstepElement.doSave(true), I can see the added attachments in the process tracker through process administration console , but my problem is it is not showing up in case navigator and in workplaceXT also it is saying "Attachment may be corrupted or deleted"
below is the code i used to create attachment
tempAtt.setAttachmentDescription("Added by code");
tempAttA[0] = tempAtt;
stepElement.setParameterValue("Zip", tempAttA, true);
I dont understand where i am wrong , please suggest.
//Filenet p8 5.2 , Content Platform Engine
Got the solution after banging my head for a couple of hours , posting the entire code , may be helpful for others
//Connect to PE
//Query the queue with wobnum and get the workobject
queryIndex = "F_WobNum";
queryMin[0] = wob;
queryMax[0] = wob;
queryTypeStepElement = VWFetchType.FETCH_TYPE_STEP_ELEMENT;
queue = session.getQueue("Queue_Name");
query = queue.createQuery(queryIndex, queryMin, queryMax, queryFlag, null, null, queryType);
System.out.println("count " + query.fetchCount());
workObject = (VWWorkObject);
//get the stepelement
stepElement = workObject.fetchStepElement();
parameters = stepElement.getParameters(VWFieldType.ALL_FIELD_TYPES, VWStepElement.FIELD_USER_AND_SYSTEM_DEFINED);
//get the existing attachment value
tempAttA= (VWAttachment[]) stepElement.getParameterValue("attachment_field_name");
//attachment is VWAttachment array
//lock the item for working
//set the new values for the new attachment to be added
tempAtt=new VWAttachment();
tempAtt.setAttachmentDescription("Added by code");
//vs id of the existing CE document , note that adding attachment means refering a CE object , so the document u want to attach should be stored in CE before.
//law is a arraylist of VWAttachment type , so u dont override any existing attachments
//set the attchment field with new values
stepElement.setParameterValue("attachment_name", law.toArray(), true);

EWS. How to change DateTimeCreate property via EWS Proxy Classes

I write client application that uses Exchange Web Services Proxy Classes in order to connect to Exchange Web Services. Sometimes, I need create ItemType object and make it looks like as received letter. Therefore I need set up such properties of ItemType as DateTimeSent, DateTimeCreate, DateTimeReceived, but they haven’t public set assessTherefore I need set up such properties of ItemType as DateTimeSent, DateTimeCreate, DateTimeReceived, but they haven’t public set assessor.
I found resolve for some of them via MAPI properties:
ItemType newItem = xmlParser.LoadItem(); //info for newItem takes from xml
newItem.ExtendedProperty = new ExtendedPropertyType[1];
PathToExtendedFieldType q = new PathToExtendedFieldType();
q.PropertyTag = "3590"; //DeliveryTime
q.PropertyType = MapiPropertyTypeType.SystemTime;
newItem.ExtendedProperty[0] = new ExtendedPropertyType();
newItem.ExtendedProperty[0].ExtendedFieldURI = q;
newItem.ExtendedProperty[0].Item = new System.DateTime(2014, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
Well, it works for DateTimeSent and DateTimeReceived, but not for DateTimeCreate. ES dont give any errors, but DateTimeCreate doesnt change. I tried to UpdateItem with DateTimeCreate propery, but there was no result (update another properties runs fine).
P.S. MAPI ID for CreationTime: 0x3007.
Can someone help me with this problem?
I finally found a solution for this.
You have to set 3 Extended MAPI properties PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS, PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME, and PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME. Make sure when setting the Time you use UTC time.
For example:
EmailMessage emUploadEmail = new EmailMessage(service);
emUploadEmail.MimeContent = new MimeContent("us-ascii", bdBinaryData1);
emUploadEmail.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(57,MapiPropertyType.SystemTime), DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"));
emUploadEmail.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(3590, MapiPropertyType.SystemTime), DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"));
emUploadEmail.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(3591,MapiPropertyType.Integer),"1");
Create and last modified dates are read-only and cannot be set. The store provider updates these properties internally.

How to handle Reminder that are old and new for windows phone

say, this is the way to create reminder:
Reminder reminder = new Reminder(name);
reminder.Title = titleTextBox.Text;
reminder.Content = contentTextBox.Text;
reminder.BeginTime = beginTime;
reminder.ExpirationTime = expirationTime;
reminder.RecurrenceType = recurrence;
reminder.NavigationUri = navigationUri;
// Register the reminder with the system.
I can not see the result as I use emulator and I have these questions:
1) If I create a reminder today 25/Jul : Begin time 25-jul and ExpirationTime : 25-jul, after 25-jul, will the reminder created on 25-jul will still be in the system or scheduler?
2) If the expirationTime is 28-Jul, will it shows the BeginTime when this reminder got activated on 28-jul?
3) How to I retrieve all the reminders have not be activated.
--- Updated :
var reminders = ScheduledActionService.GetActions (ScheduledAction)();
.Where(a => a.IsScheduled);
1) Yes, it will be there. Reminders associated with an application are still available, even if those are dismissed by the user.
2) The BeginTime will be set according to the class property that is set by the application, not when the reminder was activated.
3) You can retrieve all reminders registered for your application through:
var n = ScheduledActionService.GetActions<Reminder>();
foreach (Reminder r in n)
// Action here
You can check the IsScheduled property to make sure that the reminder is scheduled to be triggered or is already out of the queue.
