Can I adress a element and a child without retyping the parent in scss? - sass

Let's assume our html looks something like this:
<span class="title">Foo</span>
<span class="black-color-important">Bar</span>
Let's say .black-color-important stays always black. .title has a color assigned.
On hover, the normal text in the link and the title should switch colors to the $primary-color.
My SCSS for it looks like this:
a:hover, a:hover .title {
color: $primary-color;
Is there a better way? Or with other words is there a way, that I don't have to retype a:hover?
(If it would help, I don't care if it's a:hover > .title or a:hover .title in my case the .title would always be a direct child, but I tried to keep the question as open as possible)
Note: this is just an abstract example, not the real use case for it.

If the state of child element depends of its parent state, than you can't write styles without retyping the parent in scss.
But if you want to set a regular styles to a child, you can use BEM methodology and don't retype parent name.
.parent {}
.parent__child {}


Change the select to custom select with down arrow in react quill

Is there a way I can change this select drop down to a custom select drop down with a down arrow instead of the default quill arrows?
You can select ql-picker-label, and makes its default icon (the double pointing arrow) which is enclosed within an svg hidden, by setting display: none. Then, since the text itself is enclosed within the ::before pseudo-element, you can set the background-image on the ql-picker-label itself. The code below should be self-explanatory. However, because the text is within ::before element, I could not find an easy way to make space between the icon and the text. Perhaps, you can edit the icon image, and manually insert space before it.
This sample code below will select all ql-picker-label elements, you can avoid this behavior by entering more specific selectors.
.ql-picker-label svg {
display: none;
display: inline-block;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg fill='black' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' width='24' xmlns=''><path d='M7 10l5 5 5-5z'/><path d='M0 0h24v24H0z' fill='none'/></svg>");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center right;

meaning of *= in the below snippet in SCSS

I am new to scss. What is the meaning of *= in the below code ?
div[class*="SnackbarItem-contentRoot"] {
width: 600px;
background-color: $orange;
color: $white;
*= is not SCSS features, it is an attribute selectors used in CSS.
For example, this will select all a element with href attribute whose value contains at least one occurrence of example and apply font size to 2em
a[href*="example"] {
font-size: 2em;
In our case, *= means get all div with class whose value contains at least one occurrence of "SnackbarItem-contentRoot"
However &, a parent selector invented by Sass that’s used in nested selectors.
&[class*="SnackbarItem-variantError"] means get all div with class whose value contains at least one occurrence of "SnackbarItem-contentRoot"
Your can find more information about attribute selectors here
> This is CSS Attribute Selector.
It is used to select all html elements whose Attribute or class Attribute is "className" or html Attribute name.
where * means 'All' and '=' match Attribute value.
e.g - it select all div whose className is 'SnackbarItem-contentRoot'
div[class*="SnackbarItem-contentRoot"] {
background: yellow;
So, you can use this selector in css as well as in scss file.

What is ">ul" means in SASS?

Here is the SASS code part:
So I want to know the exact mean of the string ">ul" means? I cannot find it in the SASS manual.
Furthermore, can it be translated to stylus?
This the CSS syntax to select the child of an element. See this reference for more on how it works:
This selector matches all elements that are the immediate children of
a specified element. The combinator in a child selector is a
greater-than sign (>). It may be surrounded by whitespace characters,
but if it is, Internet Explorer 5 on Windows will incorrectly treat it
as a descendant selector. So the best practice is to eschew whitespace
around this combinator.
#main-nav {
> ul {
color: red;
The same in CSS:
#main-nav > ul { color: red }
About > selector you can read here (#8)

Check if SASS parent selector exists. Is it possible

I have a question. So in a mixing I am making a reference to the parent selector "&". This works as long as the mixin is not nested. Is there a way to to detect if the mixing is being used in a non nested scenario, or to check if "&" is null?
This works when the mixin call is not nested
#if $media == small {
#media only screen and (max-width: $break-small)
#else if $media == medium
#media only screen and (min-width: $break-small + 1) and (max-width: $break-large - 1)
This works great when the mixin call is nested, but will not resolve '&' when not nested
#if $media == small {
#media only screen and (max-width: $break-small)
.classInHTMLToAllowMediaQueries &
#else if $media == medium
#media only screen and (min-width: $break-small + 1) and (max-width: $break-large - 1)
.classInHTMLToAllowMediaQueries &
So the question is, if there is a way to be able to check the value of parent selector "&", so I can cover all bases in a single mixin?
#mixin does-parent-exist {
#if & {
.exists & {
color: red;
} #else {
.doesnt-exist {
color: red;
You're trying a wrong solution to solve your issue.
Have a look at how this problem is addressed in powerful SASS frameworks. Let's take Susy by Eric Meyer as a great example.
Let's imagine you've got the following HTML:
<div class="container">
<div class="parent">
<div class="child">
Bla bla
When you call a mixin for the first time, you're doing it simply (the code is in the indented .sass syntax):
$total-columns: 8 // Declaring a varible that will be used by the mixin
+span-columns(4) // Span four of eight columns
But when you call that for a child element, the proportions would be crooked, because the parent is already proportioned:
+span-columns(2) // This will fail. You want 2 of 8 columns,
// but due to nesting the math is crooked.
// It will be "2 of (4 of 8)".
To address the issue, you provide an optional argument: a context that is used to do the math:
+span-columns(2, 4) // Now the mixin will take 2 parts of 4
// instead of 2 parts of four
The source code for this mixin is available on GitHub.
In short, it creates an optional argument like this (the code is in the CSS-like .scss syntax):
#mixin span-columns(
$context: $total-columns
) {
width: columns($cols, $context /*...*/);
See how $context has a default value? Thanks to the default value this argument can be omitted. In other words, $context is an optional argument.
When calling this mixin, if $context is not provided (e. g. span-columns(2)), then it is set equal to $total-columns. The $total-columns variable should be set prior to calling the mixin for the first time (see my example above).
Then the two arguments are used to calculate the width.
UPD 2013-03-30
I am not trying to figure out things in regards to columns... I have modifier my question to make it clearer.
First of all, my recommendation concerns not only grid columns. It's a universal technique you can adopt.
Secondly, now i see that you're trying to nest media queries.
Well, some media queries of different type can be combined in CSS3: e. g. print and width. But you can't put a min-width: 601px inside max-width: 600px, this just won't work!
There's an extensive answer here on StackOverflow describing why you should not nest media queries of the same type:
Thirdly, you're trying to invent the wheel. There's already a fantastic mixin for crunching media queries: Respond To by Snugug. It's super easy to use and very effective.
Fourthly, the XY thing. Instead of asking about your crooked mixin, please describe the problem that you're trying to solve with it! Show us the actual HTML and explain what behavior you would like to achieve.
We will show you that it can be solved with a simple, elegant, semantic solution that does not require SASS hacking.

Using CSS max-height on an outer div to force scroll on an inner-div

I have an outer div with a variable height (and max-height) that's set with a specific pixel amount by JavaScript, containing two divs within.
The 1st div is intended to hold a variable amount of content, e.g. a list of links. It has no height set.
The 2nd div is intended to hold a fixed amount of content, and has a specific height set.
Right now, the max-height isn't working. The 1st div keeps growing, even with overflow: auto; set, and pushes the 2nd div below it outside the bounds of the outer div. How can I make it so that when the 1st div gets too large for the outer div to contain both it and the fixed-height 2nd div, the 1st div will start to scroll?
Example page:
Thanks for any help. I'd appreciate a CSS solution the most, even if it requires some hacks. It only has to work in Firefox 3+, IE8, and IE7.
You cant really do that without JS. Your max-height on the outer-div isnt going to control the height of one of your inner divs to invoke its scrolling. That inner div is always going to be the height you set (pixels, auto, etc..). You can either make the entire outer div scroll as needed by using overflow: auto or you can set a max height on the first inner div and set the overflow.
Given your setup, I would do the following (class names are implied by your question, not taken from the linked source):
div.outer {
position: relative;
max-height: $length(y);
overflow: hidden;
div.innerFixed {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
height: $length(y);
overflow: hidden; /* just in case, to keep things from
blowing out into all manner of crazy */
div.innerFlex {
max-height: $length(y);
overflow: auto;
These rules don't address box properties, which will have an impact on the height values that you apply. The combined height values (with box values included) of .innerFixed and .innerFlex should equal the height value of the container.
If you want to get all Zen and flip the vertical composition, you do that by swapping bottom for top on .innerFixed and assigning margin-top or padding-top to .innerFlex.
Something else I noticed is that you've got
div.outer { float: left; }
...But given what you need from that element (and to set the right content priority) I would instead suggest that you put your big column first in the source order and apply
div.mainContent {
float: right;
width: $length(x);
div.outer { /* i.e., the column that started the discussion */
margin-right: length(x);
with the understanding that the margin-right of the latter is somewhat greater than the width of the former (greater to account for the gutter between the two elements). Try it, you'll like it.
