How to open project VS 2015 with VS Code? - visual-studio

I have developed a project (AngularJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS) with Visual Studio 2015 (.sln) in Windows, and want to know how I can open it with Visual Studio Code in iOS.

Visual Studio Code is meant to be a powerful editor and not a full IDE. So, it isn't designed to work with project files (.sln or .csproj).
If you want to use your project created in Windows, then create a .NET Core application. See, more information on the .NET Core.
Also, check out this explanation by Benjamin Pasero.


Opening a VB6 project [duplicate]

I want to open a program (written in Visual basic 6) to be open in Visual Please guide, how could I do that?
While trying to open VB6 (.vbp file) program directly from the OPEN project option in visual, I was getting this error,
"Visual Basic 6 (.vbp) files cannot be opened in Visual Studio"
I am trying to open in VS 2010.
Visual Studio 2010 does not support VB6 projects. See the link here
From the msdn documentation:
Visual Studio 2010 does not provide tools for upgrading applications and projects from Visual Basic 6.0. If you want to upgrade your project from Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic 2010, you can use the upgrade tools provided with earlier versions of Visual Studio and then upgrade the project again in Visual Studio 2010.
Visual Basic Tools for Visual Studio
There's a plugin called Visual Basic Tools for Visual Studio that provides the following features:
load classic VB workspace- and project-files and offers quick access to the extension´s options
integrates with the solution explorer and the code editor having support for syntax highlighting, basic outlining (allows to expand/collapse methods, properties and types) as well as navigation bar support.
Classes, Types, Modules, Forms and Controls can be inspected using the Object Browser and Class View.
From the reading, it's unclear if you can actually build the project, though it does say:
The import tool creates a new solution and MSBuild compatible projects.
Links to the plugin by VS Version
RAD Basic
There is also an independent IDE called RAD Basic that claims the following features:
New and modern IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with form designer supporting drag and drop, code completion, refactoring tools, etc.
RAD Basic Compiler: Compiler 100% compatible with your VB6 project (vbp, frm, bas and cls files). Generate native executables (exe and ocx) in both 32-bit and 64-bit.
RAD Basic Forms: Reimplementation of common VB6 controls and components supporting 32-bit and 64-bit.
Speaking from my experience, it's not easy to open a Visual Basic 6.0 project in any versions of Visual Studio above 2008.
Although 2008 and below versions do provide an automatic function to convert Vb6 code to the framework. But, the problem starts after the conversion - it can skip some code, add functions/variables on its own, or modify the functional behavior on its own, and with that the VB.proj will be created with errors and you will not be able to open it anywhere as a solution file. The same with any 3rd party tools.
If you want to open the VB6 code try Visual Basic 6.0 Portable edition.
But headache will still follow you there, please refer this link
Installation of VB6 on Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Make sure you are clicking on the project file itself... Right click on the file and select "Open With" and select your visual studio program. It may need to be converted and if so, it will prompt you to convert the project.
Download Visual Basic Tools for Visual Studio,allows to work with classic VB workspaces and projects

Can I use Visual Studio Community 2015 without .NET?

I'm looking for a new html/jquery/css IDE to edit and publish existing websites. Can I use Visual Studio Community 2015 to edit a website that doesn't use .NET and publish it to a server using ftp?
Yes you can use Visual Studio as your main editor. Select any ASP.NET project as your starting point, delete everything in the project and you're good to go. You can add a Publish Profile to enable web deployment (which supports FTP).
It will require the concept of a "Project File" for most features to work well. There is the old Web Site project which just works on any folder, but that hasn't seen much love in the past years. It's new cousin is being introduced with Visual Studio 15 (which will likely be Visual Studio 2016 or 2017).
As an alternative you may want to look at Visual Studio Code as well, it's the light weight cousin of Visual Studio Community Edition and is suited perfectly for the kind of work you're planning it seems.

Will visual studio 2015 projects and solutions be backward compatible with 2013?

Now that Visual Studio 2015 RC is out, has anyone installed it and opened Visual Studio 2013 projects/solutions?
Does it ask the files to be changed?
If yes, are the changes it makes backward compatible?
Take a look at the Porting, Migrating, and Upgrading Visual Studio Projects article for Visual Studio 2015. All of the various caveats are described there.
Not all types of project are supported. I tried the following 4 project types: Class project, OK. Web Services project, OK.
Cordova JS project, not OK, need to migrate manually, by moving the sources from root directory to the www directory and install all API again. winform project, OK.
Yes, though you sometimes will have to change the version (single number) in .sln file, no other differences found yet.
We resolved this by typically excluding this file from check in and only check it in when there really was a change (added project, ...) - and then to fix the version before checking in. (Different developer machines with different versions of VS.)
See question Visual Studio 2015 solutions backwards compatibility with Visual Studio 2013 and answer
(Assuming you are having basic projects that are supported by both versions, like C# and .net framework that is supported by lower version VS.)

visual studio 2012 gadgeteer

I need to program some .Net Gadgeteer modules for a big project on visual studio 2012.
Unfortunately I can't find the templates for Gadgeteer.
All the tutorial I have found says I have to use visual c# or visual studio 2012.
Do you know if some suitable templates exist?
The templates can be found at the codeplex project.
Here is a detailed tutorial of setting up the environment.

Specflow with Visual Studio express

I have used Specflow in Visual Studio 2010 Pro at work but would like to use it on my personal projects. Unfortunately I only have VS210 Express.
I have not managed to get Specflow working in VS2010 Express. has anyone done this or is it even possible.
I have managed to do this, and I have written a blog post on how to do this entitled: "C# ATDD on a shoestring (or the complete guide to SpecFlow & NUnit in VS2010 Express)"
The main idea is: SpecFlow generates fixtures for one of the common Unit-Test-Frameworks. More information you can find here.
I suppose that you loose some Item templates that appear in the Visual Studio Professional but disappear for Visual Studio Express versions. To overcome this problem you should take all templates files from SpecFlow application folder on computer where you have Professional version installed. On my computer it is located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\TechTalk\SpecFlow\ItemTemplates
There should be the files like: and etc, all with *.zip extension. Then you should copy its to your computer for this place:
C:\Users\[User name]\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C#
And finally, open Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. Create console application, for example. And choose Project -> Add new item. There is only possible to open these templates with Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. Because inside template files it was defined that templates could be open only with C# project type.
You can't use 3rd party add ons (like Specflow, ReSharper etc.) with the Express editions of Visual Studio. I can't find the reference right now, but this will be why you can't integrate Specflow.
