visual studio 2012 gadgeteer - visual-studio

I need to program some .Net Gadgeteer modules for a big project on visual studio 2012.
Unfortunately I can't find the templates for Gadgeteer.
All the tutorial I have found says I have to use visual c# or visual studio 2012.
Do you know if some suitable templates exist?

The templates can be found at the codeplex project.
Here is a detailed tutorial of setting up the environment.


How to open project VS 2015 with VS Code?

I have developed a project (AngularJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS) with Visual Studio 2015 (.sln) in Windows, and want to know how I can open it with Visual Studio Code in iOS.
Visual Studio Code is meant to be a powerful editor and not a full IDE. So, it isn't designed to work with project files (.sln or .csproj).
If you want to use your project created in Windows, then create a .NET Core application. See, more information on the .NET Core.
Also, check out this explanation by Benjamin Pasero.

Specflow with Visual Studio express

I have used Specflow in Visual Studio 2010 Pro at work but would like to use it on my personal projects. Unfortunately I only have VS210 Express.
I have not managed to get Specflow working in VS2010 Express. has anyone done this or is it even possible.
I have managed to do this, and I have written a blog post on how to do this entitled: "C# ATDD on a shoestring (or the complete guide to SpecFlow & NUnit in VS2010 Express)"
The main idea is: SpecFlow generates fixtures for one of the common Unit-Test-Frameworks. More information you can find here.
I suppose that you loose some Item templates that appear in the Visual Studio Professional but disappear for Visual Studio Express versions. To overcome this problem you should take all templates files from SpecFlow application folder on computer where you have Professional version installed. On my computer it is located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\TechTalk\SpecFlow\ItemTemplates
There should be the files like: and etc, all with *.zip extension. Then you should copy its to your computer for this place:
C:\Users\[User name]\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C#
And finally, open Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. Create console application, for example. And choose Project -> Add new item. There is only possible to open these templates with Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. Because inside template files it was defined that templates could be open only with C# project type.
You can't use 3rd party add ons (like Specflow, ReSharper etc.) with the Express editions of Visual Studio. I can't find the reference right now, but this will be why you can't integrate Specflow.

openFrameworks Visual Studio Setup Tutorial?

I've been trying to get oF examples to compile with Visual Studio, but I'm either missing a link or something.. Is there a tutorial on how to setup oF with Visual Studio 2010 (or 2008 - or any version)? If not, can someone provide step-by-step directions on setting up oF with Visual Studio?
(Unfortunately, the oF website doesn't provide any info on setting up oF with VS. Their VS link just tells you how to download VS o.O )
There is a short Tutorial how to setup Openframeworks and Visual Studio 2010
in the OpenFrameworks Forum.
link to article
I haven't tried it yet, but it seems ok to me. Zach event hosts prebuild libraries for Visual Studio 2010 (poco comes to mind). They are currently working on a 2010 Version by the way.
Edit December 2010: The people at openframeworks released a new version 0.062 which is available for Visual Studio 2010. You can find it here: link text

visual studios 2010 atl web service

Can anyone tell me where to find an visual studios 2010 atl web service template like the one that comes with visual studios 2008?
According to the comments on the Visual C++ Team Blog they were removed starting with Visual Studio 2008. However, you can find the latest version on codeplex. There may be a way to use the latest compiler to build such a project, by utilizing the project template from the a previous version of Visual Studio. This article provides a description of how it could be done.

Visual Studio 2010 and Web Deployment Projects (wdproj 2008)

I have several wdprojects (web deployment 2008) in vs2008 solutions.
When I installed vs2010 RC none of my wdprojects will open.
What can I do to make it work?
Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects RTW is available here: Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects RTW
As per this SO question, Visual Studio 2012 does not have Web Deployment Projects.
But it's ok: Visual Studio 2012 Web Deployment Projects are Dead – Long Live Publishing Profiles
According to this post on the ASP.NET forum they will actually provide support for it some time after the release of Visual Studio 2010. But I can confirm that it is not supported out of the box in the Visual Studio 2010 RTM.
Note there could also be some conflicts/warnings or errors when migrating.
Something like:
"Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive"
Here is an article which explains how to fix that:
VS 2010 convertor will convert the project as required when you try opening it in VS2010.
