Can I use Visual Studio Community 2015 without .NET? - visual-studio

I'm looking for a new html/jquery/css IDE to edit and publish existing websites. Can I use Visual Studio Community 2015 to edit a website that doesn't use .NET and publish it to a server using ftp?

Yes you can use Visual Studio as your main editor. Select any ASP.NET project as your starting point, delete everything in the project and you're good to go. You can add a Publish Profile to enable web deployment (which supports FTP).
It will require the concept of a "Project File" for most features to work well. There is the old Web Site project which just works on any folder, but that hasn't seen much love in the past years. It's new cousin is being introduced with Visual Studio 15 (which will likely be Visual Studio 2016 or 2017).
As an alternative you may want to look at Visual Studio Code as well, it's the light weight cousin of Visual Studio Community Edition and is suited perfectly for the kind of work you're planning it seems.


How To Convert Visual Studio 2010 project to Visual Studio 2015

I have a project from VS Studio 2010 that I want to work with in VS 2015. When I start this Project with VS 2015 I receive an error saying something like "compatibility-Error (Version)".
How can I successfully convert a Visual Studio 2010 project to use with Visual Studio 2015?
Without you going into any more detail about the actual error. (error numbers / screenshot) it will be very hard for any of us to give a real answer. Therefore I am going to suggest you take a look at Troubleshooting Unsuccessful Project Upgrades.
Something else to check out might be the Porting, Migrating, and Upgrading Visual Studio Projects guide
One of the key things mentioned in the 2nd link I provided is:
The following list describes support in Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2013 for projects that were created in Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2010 SP
Therefore I'd recommend upgrading the 2010 version to SP1 first. (if this is still installed that is)
One further thing to note is that if you keep the old version of Visual studio installed you can import a project which is made with an older version and skip the update. Visual studio 2015 will then use parts of the older version itself to open the project.
For details you can read How to: Upgrade Visual C++ Projects to Visual Studio 2015 page and the equally useful Installing Visual Studio Versions Side-by-Side page.
It appears that there are issues when moving from VS 2010.Net to VS 2015.Net and may require that you build the project from scratch and copy the code over. VS 2015 requires a Namespace. There are a number of designer issues on control that require the style page be used since various attributes have been removed. Something still, however, do work but you need to review the HTML, specifically things like Font and alignment. While it's a pain it isn't a big deal since it requires mostly cut and paste.
If you are having issues converting web projects the projects may have originally been created as a "web site" rather than a "web Project" . Try opening the application as a web site and see what happens. At least that may help get you to the point you can actually get to the code to convert it in VS 2015. Hope this helps.
Try to Right-click the solution, then select "Re-target solution".

Azure biztalk project in visual studio 2015?

I am trying to install Azure biztalk services SDK and then create project in vs 2013 and vs 2015 community edition but dont see any project template.
I can only see project template for biztalk in vs 2012 professional.
This is also made clear in the link here
However the issue is the microsoft doesnt sell vs 2012 online anymore and i dont see any reason in buying a 3 year old IDE when i have VS 2015.
So just checking if any one here has been able to create biztalk projects for azure in vs 2015.
Its the same problem with Microsoft at Every Release of BizTalk and Visual Studio, the same question you asked get asked everytime
I have VS 2010 but BizTalk project 2006R2 template doesn't appear
I have VS 2012 but BizTalk project 2010 template doesn't appear
You have to know that unfortunately BizTalk Project templates are not backward compatible this means that unless you have VS 2012 you won't be able to get those templates.
BUT There is maybe a chance that you can copy those templates from an existing install and get it on your computer (i'll try this at home and edit my answer later) i think it can work if it does i'll post this stuff

TFS for web designers

We are a small design agency based on .net. The devs use VS and TFS. Is there a way of setting up the designer with some kind of way of getting source code and building it on their machines without the full version of VS which is pretty expensive for people who only want to change CSS and odd bit of HTML. The designers currently use Dreamweaver.
Visual Studio 2010 Express does not have a support for TFS.
But now you can use Visual Studio 11 Express which supports TFS.
Visual Studio 11 Express Features
In TFS2010, you can install the Team Explorer and use your favorite file editing tool. The designer then only needs a TFS CAL to connect to the TFS server.

Specflow with Visual Studio express

I have used Specflow in Visual Studio 2010 Pro at work but would like to use it on my personal projects. Unfortunately I only have VS210 Express.
I have not managed to get Specflow working in VS2010 Express. has anyone done this or is it even possible.
I have managed to do this, and I have written a blog post on how to do this entitled: "C# ATDD on a shoestring (or the complete guide to SpecFlow & NUnit in VS2010 Express)"
The main idea is: SpecFlow generates fixtures for one of the common Unit-Test-Frameworks. More information you can find here.
I suppose that you loose some Item templates that appear in the Visual Studio Professional but disappear for Visual Studio Express versions. To overcome this problem you should take all templates files from SpecFlow application folder on computer where you have Professional version installed. On my computer it is located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\TechTalk\SpecFlow\ItemTemplates
There should be the files like: and etc, all with *.zip extension. Then you should copy its to your computer for this place:
C:\Users\[User name]\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C#
And finally, open Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. Create console application, for example. And choose Project -> Add new item. There is only possible to open these templates with Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. Because inside template files it was defined that templates could be open only with C# project type.
You can't use 3rd party add ons (like Specflow, ReSharper etc.) with the Express editions of Visual Studio. I can't find the reference right now, but this will be why you can't integrate Specflow.

Bug-tracking system that integrates with Visual Studio 2010 with online-support?

Where can I find a bug-tracking system that integrates with Visual Studio 2010 as an addin, and supports online support (so that anonymous people can add bugs to the buglist)?
You could use TFS and write a simple web frontend utilizing the TFS webservices. Perhaps there are bugtrackers that support TFS integration.
Unfortunately, I do not know of other solutions integrated into VS.
I ended up building my own system based on a database and a webserver. I then created a Visual Studio Package (add-in) through the Visual Studio 2010 SDK for managing bugs that were synced live from the website.
Way better for my needs, and only took 1 week of development.
