Accessing elasticsearch outside of localhost - elasticsearch

Elastic-search: Installed on windows server 2012 running windows 10
I have been working with elasticsearch on localhost as I get familiar with it. Now, that I am familiar with it I have started up a Windows Server and installed elastic search on that machine.But, now I can't find documentation to access Elatic-search without using localhost.If somebody can point me in the right direction it would be highly appreciated.

I think this is the page you are after. Dont forget the security implications of having an ES server accessible from outside your network as there is no access controls for ES.


Installing ElasticSearch on Live server from cpanel. Shared Hosting

i am quite new to elasticsearch and have been experimenting on it quite a bit. I have elastic search installed on my windows and have make a small web application.
Now i want to move it to live server. I have cpanel with me how can i install the elasticsearch on the server and transfer my local elasticsearch data to live server??
On ELK stack i didnt find much.

How to setup reverse proxy with nginx in windows server 2019 using docker?

Searched all web and there are many solutions for Linux but can not find any solutions for Windows.
What I have
Host; windows server 2019 + hyper-v + docker
Containers one with nodejs( and other with php api (
What I need
A nginx reverse proxy that could map both sub domains on port 80 into each container
Please don’t ask why I am using windows and not Linux, there are other application that work only in windows containers.
I am looking for a set of command lines which could accomplish this issue.
You can perfectly fine use Windows nothing wrong with that, however I would not use Nginx on windows they say this on their own website:
Due to this and some other known issues version of nginx for Windows is considered to be a beta version.
So you could technically work around it by running nginx also in Docker but I would say you are complicating things then. Since you have Windows Server 2019 I would just use IIS and reverse proxy into the docker containers this is much simpler and works perfectly fine.
You can do this by installing the following two applications into IIS:
URL Rewrite:
Application Request Routing:
I basically do the same for my Kibana installation you can have a look on my tutorial and skip to the IIS part, and do the exact same but then for your docker containers:
There probably more specific guides on this, I did a quick google and found the following:
I hope that helps you! :)

Kibana service is running but can not access via browser to console

Good afternoon community,
I have the following problem, which will surely be silly, but I do not give with the key. I have a Debian 9 machine where I have ELK installed (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana). It has been configured as it comes in the documentation. The installation versions correspond to the 6.x.
The services start correctly each and every one of them, the problem is when accessing the Kibana console through port 5601, when I access the browser and enter the url : 5601, I get a message that tells me the following "Kibana server is not ready yet"
I have not configured much more than what the official documentation says, so I do not understand why I do not lift the console to start configuring it.
Thanks in advance.

elasticsearch transport-couchbase plugin refusing connection on port 9091

On my server I have installed elasticsearch-2.2.1 and couchbase server version 4.1.0. The aim is to transfer data from bucket x on couchbase to elastic search.
Ive installed the transport-couchbase plugin on elastic-search which will basically allow for xdcr from the server to elastic search.
As I understand it, transport-couchbase listens by default on port 9091 so in essence I'm supposed to create a cluster reference that points to that port (both couchbase and elastic search are installed on the same machine).
When I try create the reference I get an internal server error. The logs don't give me much information regarding the issue and I can ping the port. However when I try to telnet the machine on the port it refuses connection.
the server is sitting behind a proxy and i am starting to think that the issue lies within either couchbase server or elasticsearch ( transport-couchbase plugin)
Im going out on a limb here but I think maybe im supposed to configure the plugin so that it accepts requests going through tthe proxy. If this is the issue, is there a way to embed proxy settings into the plugin so that it can accept connections for xdcr?
PS: When I did this whole process on a separate machine that isnt sitting behind a proxy, everything worked fine. So I have a strong suspicion that it is proxy issues
If you can't telnet or browse to port 9091, this most likely indicates a network config issue. The plugin binds to the interface that elasticsearch binds to. The first thing to check is that the bind_host and publish_host in elasticsearch.yml is configured to bind to an interface that allows connections from wherever the proxy is located and that the proxy is really connecting on that interface.
There is a thread in github for the bug in transport plugin where it might not bind to all interfaces :
The above solutions didn't work for me, however I added this line:
to /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options and it seemed fixed the issue in my case

3 layer application non networked?

I have a system named Windchill which runs in a CentOS 5.7 virtualbox;
The system consists of apache, oracle 11g, listener, windchillDS(openLDAP) and the application core (method server) which is a java process. All installed in the same vm(monolithic)
My question is related with the network, The system runs smooth on the network, but once I remove the network cable it stops working and the method server keeps restarting with the socket timeout error.
Im not a IT specialist, I manage the internal configuration of the system and I dont have an specialist to help me right now but I need desperately to make it run non networked in a laptop to show it for a customer.
I just want a hint of where may be the problem:
Does oracle runs non networked? Which configurations do I need to make it run without a network?
Maybe the problem is the listener?
I guess the problem is the oracle because of the socket timeout error with the database but Im not sure...
Sorry this is long and probably needs more explanation, please ask whathever you want!
I found this tip in another forum specific for the windchill product(login needed)
It is related with Linux configuration to resolve the IPs:
"Edit your /etc/resolv.conf to look like this when not connected to a network:
domain local domain
search localdomain
Worked perfectly!
Thank you for your prompt answers guys!!!
