Installing ElasticSearch on Live server from cpanel. Shared Hosting - elasticsearch

i am quite new to elasticsearch and have been experimenting on it quite a bit. I have elastic search installed on my windows and have make a small web application.
Now i want to move it to live server. I have cpanel with me how can i install the elasticsearch on the server and transfer my local elasticsearch data to live server??
On ELK stack i didnt find much.


Kibana service is running but can not access via browser to console

Good afternoon community,
I have the following problem, which will surely be silly, but I do not give with the key. I have a Debian 9 machine where I have ELK installed (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana). It has been configured as it comes in the documentation. The installation versions correspond to the 6.x.
The services start correctly each and every one of them, the problem is when accessing the Kibana console through port 5601, when I access the browser and enter the url : 5601, I get a message that tells me the following "Kibana server is not ready yet"
I have not configured much more than what the official documentation says, so I do not understand why I do not lift the console to start configuring it.
Thanks in advance.

Memcache on kubernetes

I have a spring boot api running on google cloud kubernetes cluster, I wanna have a caching server to use for my api so I thought to use memcache.
I tried two ways of doing it:
I downloaded the memcache from the google launcher which is basically deploying an instance of memcache on a vm. And then I assigned an external IP to my vm, whitelisted my ip to try it locally and ofc opened the port 11211 (the default one). For the client side I used, this guy, specified the ip address but I still get connection cancelled : java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Cancelled and the doc is bad so I could find anything that helps.
I decided to try another way, which is following this tutorial and now I have the memcached cluster but I don't know how to consume these pods from my other cluster or should the pods be on the same cluster i have the api running on?
I would appreciate any help, this is my first encounter with the global caching.
So I figured it out based on Jonah Benton's advice.
It was actually pretty simple, i used this tutorial to create a new pod running memcached in my cluster and then I used this client to connect on it and it worked like a charm!
Hope it helps someone.

Getting logs from remote windows systems in Elastic Search ELK

I am new to Elasticsearch and logstash. I wanted to know if there's a way to get windows event logs of remote systems which login to my server(which has logstash) where the windows systems don't have any logpusher software on them.
Thanks in Advance!

Accessing elasticsearch outside of localhost

Elastic-search: Installed on windows server 2012 running windows 10
I have been working with elasticsearch on localhost as I get familiar with it. Now, that I am familiar with it I have started up a Windows Server and installed elastic search on that machine.But, now I can't find documentation to access Elatic-search without using localhost.If somebody can point me in the right direction it would be highly appreciated.
I think this is the page you are after. Dont forget the security implications of having an ES server accessible from outside your network as there is no access controls for ES.

Elasticsearch serving data for 2 apps

I have 2 web applications where I am indexing data on elasticsearch in 2 different servers and currently using as an elasticsearch hosting service(I have 2 accounts on
Now I am configuring an ubuntu server and I want both apps to point to the same ubuntu elasticsearch server and make it serve elasticsearch data for both of my apps python web apps.
What's the best approach:
Is it possible and do I have to run multiple elasticsearch instances
in the ubuntu server?
Configuring the server, do I need multiple
Authentication, do I use elasticsearch shield or is there any
other option avaliable for free?
