3 layer application non networked? - oracle

I have a system named Windchill which runs in a CentOS 5.7 virtualbox;
The system consists of apache, oracle 11g, listener, windchillDS(openLDAP) and the application core (method server) which is a java process. All installed in the same vm(monolithic)
My question is related with the network, The system runs smooth on the network, but once I remove the network cable it stops working and the method server keeps restarting with the socket timeout error.
Im not a IT specialist, I manage the internal configuration of the system and I dont have an specialist to help me right now but I need desperately to make it run non networked in a laptop to show it for a customer.
I just want a hint of where may be the problem:
Does oracle runs non networked? Which configurations do I need to make it run without a network?
Maybe the problem is the listener?
I guess the problem is the oracle because of the socket timeout error with the database but Im not sure...
Sorry this is long and probably needs more explanation, please ask whathever you want!

I found this tip in another forum specific for the windchill product(login needed)
It is related with Linux configuration to resolve the IPs:
"Edit your /etc/resolv.conf to look like this when not connected to a network:
domain local domain
search localdomain
Worked perfectly!
Thank you for your prompt answers guys!!!


How to specify DNS server for a VPN connection by PowerShell without first being connected to the VPN?

I am a newbie at PowerShell but wouldn't ask without spending a ton of time looking online first.
Is there any possible way of specifying ipv4 DNS Server (and alternate) without being connected to the VPN first?
I am installing VPN profile for a business which I can do manually but there is close to 180 users which I am trying to implement through a PowerShell script in Endpoint Configuration Manager. I am obviously trying to work smarter, not harder.
I already have the Add-VpnConnection script down which works great but I still have to manually change the Primary and Alternate DNS for ipv4.
In addition, I would like to turn off ipv6 for this VPN but that coincides with this originally problem I am running across.
Any help or ideas down the right path would be much appreciated!

Laravel production environment

I've worked on my web app and now it's ready to go on production. For developmnent I used XAMPP on my local machine. I need to deploy the app on a Windows Server 2016 in which other people have access to.
So let's start with some question for you!
I suppose that using XAMPP is not a good idea since it doesn't offer a good level of security.
I want to protect my database, my database storage folders and I want to avoid other people to access any part of my environment.
So I actually want to ask you any suggestion on how to deploy my web app avoiding security issues.
I also would like to ask you the better free local environment I can use for production (something like XAMPP but with improved security).
Keep in mind that my web app should only be visible to the local network.
Is there a way I can set an hostname for my server in order to make everyone who is connected to the lan able to reach my server with that hostname? Writing the IP with the port isn't good for user experience. I know I can use the "name" of the computer itself, but setting a custom hostname would be better.
How should I serve the application? Running the normal command "php artisan serve"? Anyway that way just closing the terminal would result in killing the process so the server will become unavailable.
ANY suggestion would be really appreciated. Is my first approach to deployment so I'm really sorry if my questions are stupid.
Thank you in advance!

Remote Postgresql - extremely slow

I have setup PostgreSQL on a VPS I own - the software that accesses the database is a program called PokerTracker.
PokerTracker logs all your hands and statistics whilst playing online poker.
I wanted this accessible from several different computers so decided to installed it on my VPS and after a few hiccups I managed to get it connecting without errors.
However, the performance is dreadful. I have done tons of research on 'remote postgresql slow' etc and am yet to find an answer so am hoping someone is able to help.
Things to note:
The query I am trying to execute is very small. Whilst connecting locally on the VPS, the query runs instantly.
While running it remotely, it takes about 1 minute and 30 seconds to run the query.
The VPS is running 100MBPS and then computer I'm connecting to it from is on an 8MB line.
The network communication between the two is almost instant, I am able to remotely connect fine with no lag whatsoever and am hosting several websites running MSSQL and all the queries run instantly, whether connected remotely or locally so it seems specific to PostgreSQL.
I'm running their newest version of the software and the newest compatible version of PostgreSQL with their software.
The database is a new database, containing hardly any data and I've ran vacuum/analyze etc all to no avail, I see no improvements.
I don't understand how MSSQL can query almost instantly yet PostgreSQL struggles so much.
I am able to telnet to the port 5432 on the VPS IP with no problems, and as I say the query does execute it just takes an extremely long time.
What I do notice is on the router when the query is running that hardly any bandwidth is being used - but then again I wouldn't expect it to for a simple query but am not sure if this is the issue. I've tried connecting remotely on 3 different networks now (including different routers) but the problem remains.
Connecting remotely via another machine via the LAN is instant.
I have also edited the postgre conf file to allow for more memory/buffers etc but I don't think this is the problem - what I am asking it to do is very simple - it shouldn't be intensive at all.
Edit: Please note the client and server are both running Windows.
Here is information from the config files.
pg_hba - currently allowing all traffic:
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
# IPv6 local connections:
# host all all ::1/128 md5
And postgresqlconf - I'm aware I've given some mammoth amount of buffers/memory to this config, just to test if it was the issue - showing uncommented lines only:
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432
max_connections = 100
shared_buffers = 512MB
work_mem = 64MB
max_fsm_pages = 204800
shared_preload_libraries = '$libdir/plugins/plugin_debugger.dll'
log_destination = 'stderr'
logging_collector = on
log_line_prefix = '%t '
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
lc_messages = 'English_United States.1252'
lc_monetary = 'English_United States.1252'
lc_numeric = 'English_United States.1252'
lc_time = 'English_United States.1252'
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'
Any other information required, please let me know. Thanks for all your help.
I enabled logging and sent the logs to the developers of their software. Their answer was that there software was originally intended to run on a local or near local database so running on a VPS would be expectedly slow - due to network latency.
Thanks for all your help, but it looks like I'm out of ideas and it's due to the software, rather than PostgreSQL on the VPS specifically.
You can do an explain analyze which will tell you the execution time of the query on the server (without the network overhead of sending the result to the client).
If the server execution time is very quick (compared to the time you are seeing) than this is a network problem. If the reported time is very similar to what you observe on your side, it's a PostgreSQL problem (and then you need to post the execution plan and possibly your PostgreSQL configuration)
Have been plagued by this issue for awhile and this question lead me to the answer so thought I would share incase it helps.
The server had a secondary network interface (eth1) that was setup as the default route. The client performing the queries was within the same subnet as eth0, so this should not cause any issues.. but it was.
Disabling the default route made the queries return back within normal time frames. But the long term fix was to change the listen_addresses from '*' to the correct IP.
Use network monitoring tools (I reccomend wireshark, because it can trace many protocols, including postgresql's) to see if network connection is ok. You will see dropped/retransmitted packets if the connection is bad.
Maybe Postgres is trying to authenticate you using ident, which isn't working (for example firewalled out), and has to wait for timeout before allowing connection by other means.
Try to query remote server for select version() using psql - this should be instant, as it does not touch disk.
If it isn't instant please post your pg_hba.conf (uncommented lines).
Another possible causes:
authentication using RevDNS;
antivirus on server or client;
some other connection is blocking a table or row, because it didn't end clearly.
This is not the answer to why pg access is slow over the VPN, but a possible solution/alternative could be setting up TeamPostgreSQL to access PG through a browser. It is an AJAX webapp that includes some very convenient features for navigating your data as well as managing the database.
This would also avoid dropped connections which in my experience is common when working with pg over a VPN.
There is also phpPgAdmin for web access but I mention TeamPostgreSQL because it can be very helpful for navigating and getting an overview over the data in the database.

My IP seems to be blocked by web hosting server

I have a strange problem, I just installed my php web site on a shared hosting, all services were working fine. But after configuring my app I just could visit my web site only once, other attempts gives:
"The server is taking too long to respond.".
But from other IP i can access, but only once, it seems all ip addressess beeing blocked after first visit(even ftp and other services get down, no access at all from the IP), can anyone help to explore this problem ? I don't think that it's my app problem, the app works fine on my local PC.
First thing to try would be a traceroute to determine where your traffic is being blocked.
In a windows command prompt:
tracert www.yoursharedhostingserver.com
At the moment, trying to access this address gives this:
Fatal error: Class 'mainController'
not found in
on line 181
I have tried it multiple times and it didn't block me. It might be that You have already solved this problem.
As far as I know, the behavior described by You could only be explained by a badly configured intelligent firewall. It may have been misconfigured by Your host.
If You visit a site at a certain host and suddenly You cannot access an ftp on this host, then it's either a (really bad) firewall or a (very mean) site that explicitly adds a firewall rule to ignore that address.
Some things that You might look into:
It might be something with identd too. What was the service You have configured on Your host? Was it by any chance any kind of server-controll panel (that might have an ability to controll a firewall)?
Is the blockade permanent, or does it go off after 24h, or does it only go off after rebooting the server? Does restarting some services makes the blockade go off?
Did You install any software that "protects Your server from portscanning"? It might be a bit too aggressive.
I wish You good luck in finding a source of this problem!
Chances are that if you can access it once that its actually working. The problem is more than likely in the php code than in the server.

What could be wrong: ping works fine but tnsping works intermittently

We have oracle 10g running on windows server 2003. A machine which runs an application using that database has as of a few weeks ago suddenly started having connectivity problems. Today we ran the automatic updates for windows server and the problem has only gotten worse. I realize this isn't enough information for anyone to diagnose the problem but perhaps you can get me pointed in the right direction with the following more specific scenario:
From this machine we can ping the server with absolutely no problem and, being physically close and on an intranet the return is very fast.
However, when we run tnsping I have seen 3 different results within a few minutes of each other.
tnsping returns just fine and in a reasonable amount of time
tnsping returns but only after a real long time (several seconds)
tnsping results in an ora-12560 protocol adapter error
At the same time I can tnsping the server from my machine with no problem.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I'd try to check the following:
do traceroute from the app server and from your machine check for anything abnormal
check tnsping from various other machine and try to identify a pattern
try a tcp/ip sniffer to see what is going on at both ends of the connection
get oracle support involved
To help eliminate DNS issues from the equation, specify the host's IP address in the TNSNAMES.ora file for your connection instead of a hostname. Are you using DHCP?
Have you eliminated hardware as the problem - have you tried a different NIC?
Before calling Oracle, I would create a trace file for a Fail case.
Use the parameter TNSPING.TRACE_LEVEL to turn TNSPING utility tracing on, at a specific level, or off.
* off: for no trace output
* user: for user trace information
* admin: for administration trace information
* support: for Oracle Support Services trace information
Before involving oracle in this issue, get some help from your network administrator for the following test. First enable verbose logging on the database in the listener. Enable logging on the client via sqlnet. Go to the machine that is having trouble with tnsping, have the network administrator run a network tool to trace tcp packets from there. Perform the tnsping and see if what packet are being sent, what dns lookup are being made, what route is being taken. On the database see if the listener actually receives a ping from the client. If not then see where along the network to the database the problem is. Is it nameserver resolution? Is it a bad network cable, bad switch port, etc. Your network admin is your best friend for this problem. Do the same test via sqlplus with a simple connection and see what the client is logging.
Make sure there is no other machine on the network with the same IP address. A method would be unplug your machine from the network and see if you can still ping it. If you can then this is the problem.
If the server doesn't have a domain-name setup at a dns server, then add it's ip address and name to the host file on the server; this (the server not being able to find itself in dns) has been known to cause tns timeouts.
