How do I change laravel mail body? - laravel

I used laravel default Auth to learn laravel by using php artisan make:auth. Where I also used default mailing of laravel.
I want to know about mailing process. I able to send password reset mail. But I want to change this default mail format. Where I can change this or how?

You can modify your laravel mail body view from:
But if you want to change some text information then see below page:


how to add or edit gravitar within laravel

I know that we can user the gravitar in laravel for display pic but how can we add one if the new user doesn't have it or wish to update the current one from within the application?
below article shows how to show existing gravitar in laravel.
How do I implement Gravatar in Laravel?
You can supply a default image through the Gravatar URL.

how to send custom html verification email?

I want to replace the default verification email of Laravel 5.8 with my own HTML email, so, I tried to search in controllers to see where it is getting generated so I can replace but I could not find it.
My question exactly is: how can I replace the default verification email in Laravel 5.8? and how to access the same parameters that are in the default emai? for example the token and the username.
You can override email templates. You need to run this first:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-mail
Now in your resources/views/vendor/mail, you can customize the the email templates or create your own HTML templates there. The standard method is to customize or extend the default email templates come with Laravel.
But sometimes you may need to use an entirely new email template. In that case, simply place the new email template (inlined-version) in resources/views/vendor/mail directory and use that template using view() method in your mailables.

Laravel 5.7 HTML in Password Reset Email

There is HTML being displayed within the password reset email. I'm running default email notifications packaged with Laravel. Unsure why this is happening.
I would expect it to look more like this:
Any help tracking this down would be appreciated.
Problem solved. I didn't realize I had to publish the laravel-notifications vendor files. Once I did this, the email worked as expected.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-notifications

How to make multi account in laravel 5.2

I'm confused to make user "student","teacher",and "admin" in laravel 5.2. I don't know steps after I type php artisan make:auth. Please tell me to use it untill route.php
What you need is laravel's authorization:
Have a look at the documentation
Or if you need extended functionality, have a look at Cartalyst's Sentinel. Which integrates very nicely with laravel

how can I send an email from codeigniter application using exim?

All contact forms that i have created on old server worked just fine. On the newone Postfix is not installed, they use Exim and i have to re-work all my contact forms.
Anyone know how can i send e-mail from codeigniter using Exim?
Not able to find a reference to CodeIgniter, but the link below is helpful for PHP, maybe you can check if it works for CodeIgniter as well.
