how can I send an email from codeigniter application using exim? - codeigniter

All contact forms that i have created on old server worked just fine. On the newone Postfix is not installed, they use Exim and i have to re-work all my contact forms.
Anyone know how can i send e-mail from codeigniter using Exim?

Not able to find a reference to CodeIgniter, but the link below is helpful for PHP, maybe you can check if it works for CodeIgniter as well.


How to override auth/local/register endpoint validations in Strapi Framework?

I am new to Strapi framework (started learning today itself) and My front-end has login with Instagram only. So no need to remove email and password validation for the http://localhost:1337/auth/local/register endpoint.
I have removed validation from .chache/admin/containers/AuthPage/forms.js, but it doesn't get affected.
Where do I making mistake? I have searched for the answer but didn't get it.
I found the solution.
I copied config and controllers folder from node_modules/strapi-plugin-users-permissions into extensions/users-permissions and made changes in controllers/Auth.js and it worked .

Securing roxyfilemanager in CodeIgniter

I'm trying to build a website for myself. It has front and back end.
In the back end I have TinyMCE and I installed the standalone roxyfileman file manger and have it working perfect with my codeigniter site, but there's a catch.
I have my back end password protected via codeigniter sessions using a database
(I don't use password protected directories). I see that roxyfileman is accessible directly via browser if a user knows here to look, and a hacker could delete all pictures via file manager.
How can I secure the filemanager with codeigniter or any other way that will forbid direct access to the page?
In my case sessions are saved in database.
I gess I must figure out a way to connect the standalone filemanager to codeigniter and database and validate if a valid user is executing the filemanager.
Please advise on how to achieve this.
Solution for me:
Eventually I managed to find a great contribution from a developer.
Thanks to him I sorted my issue out.
Solution found here:

custom contact form not working with magento installation

I want to implement this Contact form from inside a separate folder (named "custom-contact-form") on my Magento root directory.
Now, gives you whole package with html, php and css files to make and run your custom contact form. Here is the package.
One of the files that they give out is test.php to send a test mail to a given email address to see if everything works all right or not. This file is has a pretty simple php script to send an email to a secific email address. Now, it doesn't work! And I can't figure out why? Is it because of some kind of PHP conflict with magento installation?
Infact, I have tried many other simple contact form scripts and none of them seem to work.
I want to know the reason causing it not to work. Also, is there a way to add a custom contact form in magento WITHOUT creating a new extenshion?
oh, why do you want use that contact form?
the magento connect has this very nice webforms extension.

Can we install Codeigniter in Magento?

I tried a lot with installing codeigniter in Magento, and I am doubtful now whether it is possible or not. In a critical situation. Is it possible to install codeigniter in Magento ? And can we access codeigniter files through magento? Any links or tutorials for supporting ?
Since both the framework are in PHP itself, the answer is yes. You can install codeigniter by creating a folder with CI files on it. It works. You can share session variables to control the session in between two systems.
But the question is why exactly do you want to do like so ? If you are trying to access codeigniter libraries for your magento app, then answer is no.
But, if these magento and codeigniter works independently on their own, then its fine.

joomla integrating external php signup form

I have a joomla is the link
link for siteI want to integrate a external php signup and login form.I create a php signup form.It works perfecly.
signup linkBut the problem is i dont know how to integrate that form to my joomla web pages...I want to secure my web pages..Only registered users can view my page....please help me..
Why have you create your own register form? Joomla already has the one. To see it follow the link index.php?option=com_user&task=register, Login for there index.php?option=com_user&task=login. If you need more fields to be filled out during registation you may you Community Builder. This extention allows to add to user profie as many fields as you want
It is also possible to use Chronoforms to allow for registration that brings in multiple fields as well without having to bring in an external file for registration/login.
Using the tools Joomla has to stay within Joomla is really the best way to go about it. It will allow you to keep your sanity and keep things as uniformed as possible.
