How to deploy MSI on a network without actually installing it - windows

I need to deploy an executable through AD/GPO in an enterprise network. The executable needs to be run only once and it doesn't need to be actually installed.
I know that I need to build a MSI package to deploy my executable through AD/GPO, but I don't want the MSI to be actually installed as a setup file.
What's the best approach to deploy such kind of file and have MSI to delete everything and self-delete once the execution is over?
Many thanks

Can this be accomplished by a login script rather than a AD/GPO? It seems like you are trying to use the wrong tool to simply copy an executable file to a target machine.


zipping on docker-remote-microsoft/dotnet/sdk6.0 bash

Somewhat new to docker so please bear with me. I'm working on a cicd pipeline, moving from building dotnet core 5.0 on a powershell image to building dotnet core 6.0 on an image with the bash shell microsoft-dotnet-sdk/dotnet/sdk:6.0 ( I'd like to compress a the bin folder after the code is compiled.
Previously the contents of the compiled bin folder were zipped up using the powershell command Compress-Archive-Path. I'd like to do the same on the new build step, so the other existing steps in the deployment that are expecting a zipped file just work.
However, I'm unsure of the commands or other software I may need to put on the docker image. The "zip" utility I'd usually use on a unix box doesn't seem to be installed, or the path is something I don't expect.
The build service is isolated from the internet, but with minimal administrative steps I can put a package our local artifactory server. But I'm not sure of the commands (apt-get, yum, something else) to use or where to find a package I can setup and use (e.g. I'm pretty sure a zipped copy of the zip utility isn't going to help me).

Cannot Run Qt Installer Application on MAC(Mojave)

I have developed a camera application for MAC platform. The app executable and framework dependencies were bundled into an installer app named QtCameraInstaller (developed using Qt Framework). This installer app, perform unzip process to extract the compressed files.
QTProcess process;
process.start("/bin/sh unzip /User/MyMac/Desktop/");
Case #1:
By clicking the installer application, I was able to run the installer. Exactly the unzip shell commands(part of my Qt code) were not working. The unzip task were skipped, resulted in unsuccessful installation of my Camera App (dependencies found missing after the installation).
Case #2:
When I tried to run the installer resides inside the bundled package, I was able to install the application successfully (i.e) now the shell commands were working fine. The unzip commands were working and dependencies were copied successfully.
MAC OS Version: 10.14.5(Mojave)
Can someone please help to fix the problem in Case #1 ?
What differs between Case #1 vs Case #2 ?
Please try modifying it to this: /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/unzip /User/MyMac/Desktop/
It a suggestion that may work, considering you may not have a full environment on the first case, so passing the exactly path with the -c may help.

InstallForge, run a third party exe from the current directory?

I am building an installer using InstallForge.
Along with my install, i need to run some Third Party installers, for example, Cuda 9.1.
What I want is to create an installer, and a folder structure like this:
Then when my installer runs, it should also run the other two exe files.
In the setup process for InstallForge, it allows you to run commands, which i can use to run the exe files.
There is a command variable: <installpath>\ that is used to run a file from the path that my programme is installed to.
My question is, is there a similar command that i can use to run a file in the directory that the installer runs from?
How can i set a relative link to the current directory using InstallForge setup?

How to run multiple DMG files in one installer using Iceberg or Package Maker?

I am trying to create a Mac Installer to streamline the process for my end users.
The idea is that they could just run one installer that would take them through the process of installing 5 different pieces of software.
Another complicating factor is that I would like to run different types of installers within this one meta-installer in a particular order
1) Install a bunch of files (including the DMG files)
2) Run one DMG file and install it
3) Run another DMG file and install it
4) Run a .sh python script that would execute through the terminal
5) Install some more files
My questions are:
Is this possible?
Any idea how to do this with either Iceberg or Package Maker?
Thanks in advance!
Well, it is definitely possible.
Seems like your requirement is that you have 5 different installers and you want to install them one by one from a single main installer.
In this case, lets assume you have all these installers inside a dmg file with one main installer (All those installers can be hidden so that user sees only the main installer when he mounts the dmg).
Now, inside the postinstall script of this main installer (assuming you use packagemaker), you can write the logic to get the current path and start installing your sub-installers. You will have to do some error-handling as well to know if any of the installation failed.
What I provided is a high level idea of how to achieve what you want to do. I am sure there are a lot of improvements you can think of when you are writing the main postinstall file that contains all the business logic.
Command to install a packagemaker installer from the script:
installer -pkg "path_to_pkg" -target /
See man page of installer for more options.

Build single executable with Install Shield automation tool 2009

I am trying to automate the packaging process and stop using the GUI using install shield 2009 automation tool.
I have an Install Script Project and seems that there is no Build function in the automation tool that will allow me to Build a single executable image as the GUI has . I have searched to the manual and there is no Build function for Install Script projects.
Is it possible to build this kind of project with the install shield 2009 automation tool?
Thank you in advance
After you change or create your project with the VBscript.You are running the script with the usage of the ISCmdBuild.exe that is located inside the /programFiles/installShield/System in your computer.
With specific flags you say where you want to place your executable.
If your project type is InstallScript,you need ISCmdBuild.exe and ReleasePackager.exe to build a self-extracting executable file from the command line.
