zipping on docker-remote-microsoft/dotnet/sdk6.0 bash - bash

Somewhat new to docker so please bear with me. I'm working on a cicd pipeline, moving from building dotnet core 5.0 on a powershell image to building dotnet core 6.0 on an image with the bash shell microsoft-dotnet-sdk/dotnet/sdk:6.0 ( I'd like to compress a the bin folder after the code is compiled.
Previously the contents of the compiled bin folder were zipped up using the powershell command Compress-Archive-Path. I'd like to do the same on the new build step, so the other existing steps in the deployment that are expecting a zipped file just work.
However, I'm unsure of the commands or other software I may need to put on the docker image. The "zip" utility I'd usually use on a unix box doesn't seem to be installed, or the path is something I don't expect.
The build service is isolated from the internet, but with minimal administrative steps I can put a package our local artifactory server. But I'm not sure of the commands (apt-get, yum, something else) to use or where to find a package I can setup and use (e.g. I'm pretty sure a zipped copy of the zip utility isn't going to help me).


How to how to install poppler from the .tar file downloaded from poppler official site

There is no useful information on the site describing how to install the file .I have tried extracting the .tar file, installing through command prompt . there is no information available on the web.OS used is windows 11. Its for a project to extract data from images, using OCR. Poppler is used for getting page numbers of the pdf file which will be converted to an image file later in the process."" is the site from which I downloaded the file.Is this the right site.Any answer is helpful.Thank you
Poppler source is constantly updated, and thus common for Linux and Mac users to build or brew on demand. It is not much different when using Programming Suites like Python, Ruby etc.
Windows users expect one exe, but the poppler utils were built as a spin off from non-commercial licensed xpdf and for personal 32 bit users that is often simpler.
I have given examples for how simple that xpdf unpacking can be for one exe in several posts such as (how to scan a file list, not used here) and (how to use to run a single file) and (running one exe on demand)
Poppler prebuilt binaries are available as 64bit only so the first step after making a work directory is download latest version from using most current and save to the working folder, then you can use right click Extract All... OR
tar -m -xf to unpack in that folder so it should look like in the binary folder
Now the exe files are in a subdirectory and when using those it is best if that folder is included on the path environment.
RESIST any means to add using set or worse setx simply add folder via system gui, note in some cases after saving the setting it may need log off and log on to stick and in very rare cases even a reboot/restart.

MobaXTerm how to create your own plugin?

I see all these plugins from MobaXTerm, but I don't know how to make my own. I see no links to any tutorials or whatever. Is there even a way to do it?
What I really want (XY problem)
I want to create my own commands. I want these to be available on each server I go to and I don't want to add each of these to my bin and .bash_profile etc. I think plugin is the way to go.
Even more background
I am not that good in shell programming, but I can program java. I created a jar which handles my commands. So I have created my own linux script on my local environment to test all these things. They work, but I dont want to 'export' them to other servers. Seems like a bad idea to do.
MobaXterm plugins are just Windows or Cygwin executables packaged in a .mxt3 file which is just a standard ZIP archive with a specific structure.
Read this from the MobaXterm FAQ:
I would like to create a new plugin for MobaXterm. How can I do that?
Download an existing plugin file (for instance "Midnight commander")
Rename plugin extension from ".mxt3" to ".zip"
Open the ".zip" file You will notice that creating MobaXterm plugins only consists in putting the required commands (executables, libraries
and configuration files) into a ZIP file, keeping the same folders
tree than in MobaXterm ("/bin", "/lib", "/usr", "/etc").
If you want to add a simple Windows program (exe file), you will just have to copy the executable file into the "/bin" directory,
create the ZIP archive, rename it to ".mxt3" and put it in the same
directory than MobaXterm executable.
If you want to add a Linux program, you will have to get it from the Cygwin project or to recompile it using make, gcc, g++ or other
compilers that are available from the MobaXterm "Development" plugin.
Remember MobaXterm's terminal is just Cygwin, so you may be able to cross compile some packages within Moba by simply installing the necessary compiler tools.

Nifi won't start

Can't get NiFi to even start, I think I've made a really obvious mistake, but there is no bin folder immedietly in the directory that I unzipped, which I downloaded from here
The file structure in the folder that I have is like this:
Clearly have a bit of a stupid problem, appreciate the help.
There is a bin folder nested away in nifi-nar-bundles, but the .bat doesn't run.
You need to download the binary zip or tar, not the source zip.
Bryan has provided the simplest solution. However, if you are interested in building it from source, you can use Apache Maven to compile the source code you have downloaded into an executable application. The complete steps are here, but in summary:
Open a command prompt in this directory
Ensure Maven >= 3.1.0 and Java 8 are installed
Run the command mvn clean install -T2.0C -DskipTests (clean and install this application with 2 threads per core and skip running unit and integration tests)
When the build is complete, change the directory to nifi-assembly\target\nifi-1.5.0-bin\nifi-1.5.0\
You will now see the bin, conf, lib, logs, etc. directories
Run bin\nifi.bat start to start NiFi

How to deploy MSI on a network without actually installing it

I need to deploy an executable through AD/GPO in an enterprise network. The executable needs to be run only once and it doesn't need to be actually installed.
I know that I need to build a MSI package to deploy my executable through AD/GPO, but I don't want the MSI to be actually installed as a setup file.
What's the best approach to deploy such kind of file and have MSI to delete everything and self-delete once the execution is over?
Many thanks
Can this be accomplished by a login script rather than a AD/GPO? It seems like you are trying to use the wrong tool to simply copy an executable file to a target machine.

Running or modifying the source code(binaries) that are available under GNU General public license

Dear stackoverflow members,
I have a question that might sound silly to most of the members here, but it is bothering me for quite a while now and couldn't find any appropriate answer for it, yet.
My question is, how can we run a source code or binary of a open source project which is distributed under GNU license.
When I download the project, all I get is a .tar file, when unzipped, I get a folder containing many sub-folders, like src, build and etc. This folder looks similar to the project folder created by an IDE like netbeans. But how can I compile and modify these source file?
Is there an application that does it? or do i have to switch to linux to do it?
I am currently using a copy of windows 7 and also have a copy of windows xp at disposal.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance.
Under GNU and GNU/Linux distros the packages are installed by the package manager (e.g. no need to build or download anything). Some programmers distribuite (along with the source code) binary versions of the program (which you run by clicking on them, or by invoking them from the command line). You can compile source code on Windows thanks to MinGW. For the istructions to run read the `README' file that you find in the unpacked dir. Most programs can be build with:
./configure; make; make install
If you post the link to the project I could help you with the building process.
