Build single executable with Install Shield automation tool 2009 - installation

I am trying to automate the packaging process and stop using the GUI using install shield 2009 automation tool.
I have an Install Script Project and seems that there is no Build function in the automation tool that will allow me to Build a single executable image as the GUI has . I have searched to the manual and there is no Build function for Install Script projects.
Is it possible to build this kind of project with the install shield 2009 automation tool?
Thank you in advance

After you change or create your project with the VBscript.You are running the script with the usage of the ISCmdBuild.exe that is located inside the /programFiles/installShield/System in your computer.
With specific flags you say where you want to place your executable.

If your project type is InstallScript,you need ISCmdBuild.exe and ReleasePackager.exe to build a self-extracting executable file from the command line.


How to release/publish a .Net Core console application?

I have a console application that I want to publish for Windows and Ubuntu so end user can install and use it easily. The intended user is not a developer but able to use a CLI.
I can generate a release build with dotnet publish and zip it.
What is the release channel then?
Should I build a --self-contained release?
How is my tool placed into the $PATH on the users machine?
Should I provide an installer for Windows and a PPA for Ubuntu?
In general, a command for publishing console app is dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64
You should change win10-x64 by correct rid which belongs to OS such as linux-x64, osx.10.14-x64
What is the release channel then?
It depends, if it is running on Window or Linux, it will be .exe file
Should I build a --self-contained release?
--self-contained makes you to isolate any 3rd libraries and a release package. If you aren't sure the host doesn't install any 3rd libraries, so --self-contained will help you. Thus a build will be larger than.
How is my tool placed into the $PATH on the users machine?
Once again, it depends on your target OS. Each OS has a different way to set $PATH. And if you want to custom a cli as dotnet or npm, check in the link Custom commands in windows Command Prompt
Should I provide an installer for Windows and a PPA for Ubuntu?
If you are DevOps Engineer, so you don't want it because it isn't friendly with CLI. You want only release package.

How to deploy MSI on a network without actually installing it

I need to deploy an executable through AD/GPO in an enterprise network. The executable needs to be run only once and it doesn't need to be actually installed.
I know that I need to build a MSI package to deploy my executable through AD/GPO, but I don't want the MSI to be actually installed as a setup file.
What's the best approach to deploy such kind of file and have MSI to delete everything and self-delete once the execution is over?
Many thanks
Can this be accomplished by a login script rather than a AD/GPO? It seems like you are trying to use the wrong tool to simply copy an executable file to a target machine.

Grunt, Cordova & Windows Phone

I am developing an app for multiple platforms using Cordova. Grunt is used as a build tool. I use it to copy my source code to the right folder for each platform so I can develop them independently.
This works fine with Android using the scripts that are provided by Cordova. However, I have no idea if or how it is possible to automate the WP build process. I'm looking for two things:
Add all files in the www directory to the VS project (it does not include files that are not added to the project, which is sad).
Build, install and run the app in the emulator. I used adb & Grunt's exec for Android which was really simple, is there something similar for WP?
If you look in a cordova windows phone project there is a directory called 'cordova' which contains scripts to do all of this.
There should be scripts to build and run your project.
The run script can pretty much do it all. You can call it like :
run --device --release
run --emulator --debug
or just
A recent commit now makes it possible to use www\** in the .csproj file, which solved my first issue.

How do you build perl source code to target Windows?

I've got some perl source code here, how do I build it on Windows, to get a windows binary that I can work with?
Usage of external tools normally comes with compatibility issues, random errors etc. You are better off using the inbuilt perl 'pp' tool. Install PAR::Packer (which includes the pp tool) module and then read the manual for it...
It allows you to pack your perl scripts to executables, and has options as what modules and dependencies to include, I've used it on winXP and win7 and never had an issue with any executabe produced.
pp manual
I've found Cava Packager to be just what I needed.
How to compile Perl scripts into EXEs
Download ActivePerl 5.10 for Windows.
Install it.
Restart your PC.
Download Cava Packager
Install it.
Open it.
Make a new project choosing a blank folder.
Scripts > Add..
Choose your .PL script file
Perl library > [...]
Choose "C:\Perl\bin\perl510.dll"
Choose "C:\Perl\lib\"
You could use the Perl Development Kit from ActiveState to "compile" your script to a .exe file. I used it to create binaries of MRTG and a couple tools more to be deployed on windows servers running as a service. There used to be another product (from IndigoStar or something) called perl2exe I think to get the same result.
Just a note that Cava Packager also supports creating executables from Perl code on Linux and Mac OS X in addition to the original Windows version.
Note: As indicated by my name, I am affiliated with Cava Packager.

How can I create Debian install packages in Windows for a Visual Studio project?

I'm developing some cross platform software targeting Mono under Visual Studio and would like to be able to build the installers for Windows and Linux (Ubuntu specifically) with a single button click. I figure I could do it by calling cygwin from a post-build event, but I was hoping for at best a Visual Studio plugin or at worst a more Windows-native way of doing it. It seems like the package format is fairly simple and this must be a common need.
edit: Re-asked question under other account due to duplicate login issue.
Debian's .deb packages are just "ar" archives containing tarballs. You can manipulate both types of files using cygwin or msys quite easily:
$ ar xv asciidoc_8.2.1-2_all.deb
x - debian-binary
x - control.tar.gz
x - data.tar.gz
$ tar -tzf control.tar.gz
Or you can install all the "standard" Debian stuff using cygwin, I suppose, but most of that stuff won't benefit you much if you're building a .Net app anyway.
If you use the .NET Core SDK, you can use dotnet-packaging tools to create a Debian installer package from any platform that runs .NET Core.
For example, running dotnet deb -c Release -f netcoreapp2.1 -r ubuntu.16.04-x64 would then create a .deb file which you can use to install your app on Ubuntu 16.04.
The project repository has more details.
I am not aware of any plugin that does it natively, especially since Mono users seem to prefer MonoDevelop.
However, it should be possible to use Cygwin and a custom MSBuild Task or Batch file in order to achieve that by using the native .deb creation tools.
this must be a common need.
Some small percentage of software developers develop for .NET
Some very small percentage of that group develop for mono
Some small percentage of that group wants to provide .debs instead of just a zip
Some very small percentage of that group wants to build their linux apps on windows instead of natively on linux
It's just you :-)
If you don't mind using Java tools it's possible to build Debian packages with jdeb in an Ant script. That's probably lighter than relying on Cygwin.
