After updating to Unity version 1.3 I am finding that my models are inside out (i.e. the inside of every element is showing and the depth is back-to-front)
If I turn off 'Apply projection' things look ok again (while, as I remember, things did not look right before with this turned off)
So what does 'ApplyProjection' do? I cant find any information in the docs that actually says anything more than "'ApplyProjection' applies the projection" which does not tell me alot!
Sorry for maybe stupid question.
In WinUI 2 Gallery on reveal focus there is amazing effect on mouse over, is something like this in WinUI 3?
I tried to google, but it gives me nothing...
In WinUI3, RevealBackgroundBrush is no longer supported, and there is no related content in the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media Namespace.
In the document of RevealBackgroundBrush
RevealBackgroundBrush is available for use in the operating systems
specified in the Requirements section. However, we do not recommend
its use as it may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.
I think this should be the reason why RevealBackgroundBrush disappeared in WinUI3.
I am trying to make my UI visible in the game but I'm not sure why it isn't. I have created it as an asset and modified it in the editor, then saved it only to see it is not visible. I have been trying for a few minutes now to make it visible but can't seem to do it. I also looked on the Internet and found one person that seemed to have the same problem as me but their solution did not work.
Basically, how do I make the UI I made in the editor visible in the game?
Product Version: UE 4.12
So I had to add some stuff with my blueprints to draw the UI:
Basically I needed to make the Class the UI I had made inside the window, and then connect it to the Viewport.
I cannot take credit for this answer though, as I had posted this question elsewhere too and got feedback: I am simply posting it in case anybody needs it.
I recently replaced Aloha editor with HalloJS in my CMS for several reasons, the most important of which are HalloJS being more leightweight and a lot easier to customize. A severe problem I have however run into is that it doesn't seem possible to init the HalloJS toolbar to elements that are dynamically added to the DOM after initial initialization of Hallo.
Judging from the source, something is definitlety happening, since a div#hallojstoolbar appears upon clicking the newly created editable in the DOM, but it isn't visible and its widgets, controls & dialogs aren't to be found anywhere.
Ok, I feel slightly silly now. After sifting through heaps of 'foo is not a function' notices in the console before posting this question I found out that it wouldn't work because several of the options set in initialization weren't read/set (anymore).
After manually setting some of the vars at the point they were supposed to be used but missing, I discovered that HalloJS was using all the plugin's default options, such as the contextualToolbar (where I am using the static one) and, more importantly, an empty plugin list. I find this weird, bacause after dynamically adding my new element I tried calling HalloJS with all options set, to no result.
However, if you copy all your prefered option settings (including all plugin references!) into the jQuery.widget('IKS.hallo') settings in the hallo.js file, everything works as expected.
I chose to post this on here anyway since there isn't a single reference to any problem remotely related to this anywhere on the netz. So I figured this could save someone googling the same issue in the future the time it took me to figure this out.
My site's Google map is very slow! When ever you do anything, zoom in or out or move the map, my loader spins for too long. I was told it is probably because everything is programmed to load before it will display. Any ideas?
Heres mine
My Map
Heres one i would love to replicate, it is very fast. Follow link below and click "Map" in top right emnu bar next to "List".
May be your api version are old, please make sure and then use latest loading supported version....
Use this version
instead of this
So in short, i dont mess with Joomla at all (been a few years) and today i get a "hey can you fix this" problem which ive dedicated too much time to and i cant seem to figure out the problem. i definitively need help
The website is
The problem is that, the slider doesn't fully work and by "fully" i mean that, everything is in place, ive checked paths and replaced the original files with updated versions, also changed out the google hosted cdn version of jquery with a local copy, checked image paths etc....and nothing.
What happens is that when the page loads, the first image on the slider loads, but the slider doesnt "slide" its just one image in place.
Ive tested the images on firebug and they load fine.
Ive removed the parameters in the slider and left it as a regular function call like jQuery('#slider').nivoSlider(); and nothing.
i placed back the parameters and within the slider, one of the parameters is startSlide
and this parameter instructs the slider to start at a specific image in the list.
currently its at "0" which is the first image, when i change it like so startSlide: 2 for example, and then reload the page, the slider starts at the second image (which indicates the not fully working part of it all ) but again, the slider doesnt "slide".
I suggested to the higher ups that instead of mixing it all up, to let me hard code it but that was shot down because they want them to be able to change the images.
Im really lost so any help or code or suggestion etc, i humbly appreciate.
Thanks in advanced.
Based on the errors that are popping up in my console, you likely need to update the jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js file to a later version, which you can grab from here:
The version you are running relies on the live function in jquery, which was deprecated and I think is now removed, hence the errors being thrown now that you use the latest jquery version. The new version of nivo slider has been updated to rely on the new on function of jquery and should run.
Looks like your version is located here: