I am trying to make my UI visible in the game but I'm not sure why it isn't. I have created it as an asset and modified it in the editor, then saved it only to see it is not visible. I have been trying for a few minutes now to make it visible but can't seem to do it. I also looked on the Internet and found one person that seemed to have the same problem as me but their solution did not work.
Basically, how do I make the UI I made in the editor visible in the game?
Product Version: UE 4.12
So I had to add some stuff with my blueprints to draw the UI:
Basically I needed to make the Class the UI I had made inside the window, and then connect it to the Viewport.
I cannot take credit for this answer though, as I had posted this question elsewhere too and got feedback: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/469420/how-do-i-make-my-ui-visible.html I am simply posting it in case anybody needs it.
First time working "deep" with phpbb.
I'm adapting OneAll phpbb plugin for Comboot theme, and I have a particular issue about it.
For clarity, here is the (fork of) theme i'm working, and here is the repository of the adaptation. Different for prosilver, it have more places where login can be made directly (in navbar, or in the home page). Due to this, i needed to make some extra events to call the social icons from oneall to the theme, but they arent been called.
What are missing?
Thanks in advance
Nailed my problem.
After inserting the text "IT WORKS" in the first line of both custom events html files, they're showed correctly in the right place. So both custom events works like intended.
Maybe i accidentally something very bad with the oneall code (maybe stripped too much) it doesn't show.
So, case closed. Thanks all for the help!
I'm using two great modules for Silverstripe 3 but there is a conflict somewhere which I can't work out. I've asked the developers but they have not found the solution yet.
FocusPoint which allows you to choose where the image crops from. Great!
Gallery, popular gallery module.
Both work fine. But Focus points do not "save" within the gallery section of a Gallery page. You can edit and choose the focus point but after saving it snaps back to the previous position. You can alter the focus point in the Files tab of the CMS so it must be how Gallery saves each image.
I have updated the template to CroppedFocusedImage but this is not a template issue.
It would be a very helpful addition.
Can you please provide some details of failure? Do you see any warning or error messages if you run in dev mode? Any small black error box on left-top when you save?
If FocusPoint module does not work, you can have a look at folder permissions or maybe any PHP libraries like ImageMagick, GD support etc. Maybe you you changed something during upgrade?
If both modules work individually, but the problem is cropped image is not saved in correct directory, it is another issue although it could still be permission issue.
You can set which folder it needs to save into, same as how you set in normal UploadField. But it wouldn't change just because of your upgrade.
For anyone looking for the answer it has been resolved here: https://github.com/frankmullenger/silverstripe-gallery/pull/23
So in short, i dont mess with Joomla at all (been a few years) and today i get a "hey can you fix this" problem which ive dedicated too much time to and i cant seem to figure out the problem. i definitively need help
The website is http://www.inrecordtime.net
The problem is that, the slider doesn't fully work and by "fully" i mean that, everything is in place, ive checked paths and replaced the original files with updated versions, also changed out the google hosted cdn version of jquery with a local copy, checked image paths etc....and nothing.
What happens is that when the page loads, the first image on the slider loads, but the slider doesnt "slide" its just one image in place.
Ive tested the images on firebug and they load fine.
Ive removed the parameters in the slider and left it as a regular function call like jQuery('#slider').nivoSlider(); and nothing.
i placed back the parameters and within the slider, one of the parameters is startSlide
and this parameter instructs the slider to start at a specific image in the list.
currently its at "0" which is the first image, when i change it like so startSlide: 2 for example, and then reload the page, the slider starts at the second image (which indicates the not fully working part of it all ) but again, the slider doesnt "slide".
I suggested to the higher ups that instead of mixing it all up, to let me hard code it but that was shot down because they want them to be able to change the images.
Im really lost so any help or code or suggestion etc, i humbly appreciate.
Thanks in advanced.
Based on the errors that are popping up in my console, you likely need to update the jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js file to a later version, which you can grab from here: https://github.com/gilbitron/Nivo-Slider/blob/master/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js
The version you are running relies on the live function in jquery, which was deprecated and I think is now removed, hence the errors being thrown now that you use the latest jquery version. The new version of nivo slider has been updated to rely on the new on function of jquery and should run.
Looks like your version is located here: http://www.inrecordtime.net/templates/IRT/scripts/nivo-settings/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js
i am not sure that this is the right place to ask this question, but i will anyway. i have only been working with html / javascript & jquery for about 2 months, but i have learned a little.
this is what i am trying to do. i have a free image gallery that i managed to included in a website i am trying to make. the gallery works fine, and i have set it up so that on top of each image is a button that fires a short .mp4.
it works fine, but when i click the gallery button to show the next page of pictures (about 15 per page), there are my old buttons. i think, just maybe if i could figure out what js or jq function id being called i may be able to swap in new buttons.
but i cannot understand what is happening. i looked for an onclick, but what they use is a bunch of "this" statements. i am pretty sure they are using an anchor tag to flip the page, but i can't figure out what is being called.
so i came across this site, and after about 10 attempts, finally got the thing to let me join.
i'm hoping i can post the code and maybe somebody could tell me what is happening.
i guess this wasn't much of a question, just an appeal for assistance.
Are you asking how you can debug your code? If you are using Chrome, you can use its Javascript debugger. Similarly, Firebug is a good developer plugin for Firefox.
Can anyone point me in the direction of such a script? It should also be able to work when called into another ajax window. This is the type of gallery i am going for:
It should go on this page:
Portfolio section.
This script should be real simple to use with minimal extra files to make it work. I also should be able to just drop images in a gallery folder and it populates the gallery automatically with thumbnails....I shouldnt have to write code for each image in my html. Should be all dynamic.
I also would like to know how I could go about a window effect where every time I open up a new section via my navigation, the window shrinks closed with the old content, then expands open with the new content. the window effect should be vertical (top to bottom shrink into center, expand from center top to bottom)
Please Let me know. Thanks
JQuery is one of my personal favorite javascript libraries (along with 99% of this site apparently!)
But it will have a learning curve, as your requirements seem pretty specific, and you will have to read some documentation to pull it off.
Try Spry from Adobe. They have a very similar demo. Also, the other common frameworks for this would be prototype/scriptaculous, dojo, mootools, jquery. In many cases they have extensions that would provide the exact thing you are looking for. For example, try
shadowbox extension which is framework agnostic. Best of luck!
Imago looks promising:
Just discovered the very awesome-looking jQuery Tools library today. Meets your "simple and minimal" requirements and could probably pull off what you've sketched, with just the "tooltips" and "scrollable" components.
I also should be able to just drop images in a gallery folder and it populates the gallery automatically with thumbnails
My instinct is that you'd be better off writing server-side code to handle this part of your requirement.