How to make illumination moving effect on hover WINUI 3 - windows

Sorry for maybe stupid question.
In WinUI 2 Gallery on reveal focus there is amazing effect on mouse over, is something like this in WinUI 3?
I tried to google, but it gives me nothing...

In WinUI3, RevealBackgroundBrush is no longer supported, and there is no related content in the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media Namespace.
In the document of RevealBackgroundBrush
RevealBackgroundBrush is available for use in the operating systems
specified in the Requirements section. However, we do not recommend
its use as it may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.
I think this should be the reason why RevealBackgroundBrush disappeared in WinUI3.


Problem with Web Live Preview with Kendo controls

We have a website that heavily uses Kendo controls, which makes it hard to know how the page will look after rendering. I want to use the "web live preview" extension to visual studio, however i have an issue. When the page opens, says in the bottom right corner "building tree" or something along those lines and never actually finishes. Is there a trick to get it to work with Kendo? I tried it because i got an email from them suggesting we do it.
Any ideas?
I'm guessing the message you're seeing is "Generating Logical Tree...". The extension is still in Preview, so there's several things that could be the cause of that, but we would like to work with you to try to address them. If you could file an issue on Developer Community, and include any errors messages you see from your browser's console (make sure to include Verbose messages), we can try to dig in. Also keep a look out for updated versions of the extension (it should automatically update) as we're steadily fixing bugs.

Turn off theme for Delphi 7 application

I had to fix something in a 20-years-old Delphi 7 application. After the fix, I thought I would improve the application by fixing the GUI theme, so I dropped the XPManifest component on the main form. Although this gave most controls a better look, there were some problems. For example, there are checkboxes and radio buttons with yellow text on blue background (blargh), and the black text color set by the theme rendered their labels unreadable. So I decided to delete the XPManifest component and rebuild the program to get back the original look.
Interestingly, the GUI theme remained after deleting XPManifest and recompiling the exe. I checked the DFM, and the XPManifest is really not in there. How can I fix this?
All the component does is add a unit to the uses clause, XPMan IIRC, that links a resource file enabling themes. Remove that unit from the uses clause to revert the behaviour.
This is a clear indication of the value of revision control.
The VCL was simply not very theme-aware way back then. A lot of VCL components exhibit bugs when theming is enabled, but not when disabled. Install Soft-Gems' XP Theme Manager 1 into your project. Not only does it enable theming for you, it also hooks into the VCL to fix a lot of the bugs, too.
1: Soft-Gems' code was eventually incorporated directly into the VCL, but I don't recall if that happened in Delphi 7 or if it was later.

VSCODE -- has anyone figured out how to stop markdown preview from jumping to top of file?

When I work on documents, I like to toggle to markdown preview frequently (old habit from MS Word days) or have the preview shown in a split window. What I've found is that the preview does not track the location that is in view in the editor, so I have to scroll down every time I check. If working in split window mode, the preview does not keep up and thus I have to keep scrolling that to catch up. This makes what should be an amazing workflow a bit of an irritation and it gets old very quickly.
I am considering switching editors because of it. But before I do that, I am hoping that perhaps someone out there knows of a way to pin the markdown preview to the current file location (locked scrolling, plugin, etc.) Thanks!
*** EDIT:
Ended up not switching, but found a plugin called Instant Markdown that launches a web preview of your document and renders it in real time. While it too does not track location through auto-scroll, it is much more pleasant to work with I have found, since I can move it around, even on another monitor and can thus keep much more of the render in view at once. This is a partial answer to the issue and I am no longer actively seeking the auto-scroll technique since I much prefer this technique for WYSIWYG.
Unfortunately, according to this issue #5047, the feature you are requesting is still under development
In case you didn't switch editors yet, this feature milestone is set to January 2017, i.e. we can hope that it will be done soon

Alternative til jQuery Lazyload

I have searched and searched, but didn't find what I was looking for, so sorry if it's already there. I did a photo blog for a friend and used to implement jQuery Jazyload ( to load all the pictures along the way, however, it doesn't work in all browsers anymore and he stopped developing it. I heard of, but it will need a lot of extra text and code when you have 500-1,000 pictures on one site. Also I want to be able to load the images lets say 1000px, before they appear in the window.
Do anyone have suggestions/solution or else, to get the problem fixed?
You can view his site here: (NSFW)
Thank you in advance.
It is the part of automatically removing image src which does not work anymore. Version 1.5 released Dec 23, 2009 provided alternative where you must alter HTML and store image url in original attribute. I renamed it recently to data-originalto be HTML5 friendly. I also updated to documentation which better explains how to use it.
But yes. The way Lazy Load used to work is not possible anymore. Before you could just drop in the JavaScript and it handled everything automagically. Due to changes in new browsers you now must alter the HTML.
PS. Lazy Load is not dead. It was just orphan for a while.

Can anyone explain why my workflow designer is so messed up?

I'm trying to learn TFSBuild 2010 and workflows and I found using the designer was very confusing. Then I realized from seeing screenshots of other peoples workflows, my designer is clearly messed up. Take a look at this:
Something is very strange here. As I click on each task the borders for that task show up but this can get extremely confusing when there is a lot going on.
Yes, your designer is messed up. Why? Dunno.
First thing I'd do is update your graphics card. WPF is sensitive to bad video drivers.
Second is to go to Tools-Options and check out the Workflow options. You can change the "theme" of the workflow there. Change the theme, restart it and see if that makes a difference. If it works, you can try going back to the other theme.
Lastly, I'd definitely open a Connect on this. Check for the link under the Help menu.
Could it be that the XAML file for your workflow has invalid markup and is corrupted? Does it look the same when you create a new/empty workflow?
I'd say that if its happening for all workflows, including new ones, then you probably should try posting on a Microsoft help forum like this one.
Can you show your XAML file? Seems that it has more to do with the rendering of the Rehoster.
