Show up Recently added places into AutocompleteTextView - google-places-api

I have implemented an Add Place option into my app if the user find that the place isn't available in the AutocompleteTextView Google API,but after adding a place the place do not show up in the AutocompleteTextView option.

Unfortunately, Place Add has been deprecated on June 30, 2017 and will stop working on June 30, 2018. So you cannot use this method anymore. For further details please refer to the corresponding geo blog post.


How to change Azure Analysis Services project from readonly to read-write?

I downloaded the deployed model from Azure Portal and I was trying to modify some measures and redeploy the solution. Everything is greyed out and I can change nothing, even when I want to save the model I get the following error (see picture below):
Click here
Thanks in advance!
Sharing the answer as per the original poster on the Microsoft Q&A platform.
The problem was fixed by itself I kept closing and reopening Visual Studio until it allowed me to process the cube and re allowed me to modify my measures.

Xamarin Datepicker: Is it possible to change the default DatePicker design and behave?

The default Xamarin DatePicker looks like this :
How can I change his default style ? For example, I want to add multiple columns of months above the current month section. Also how can I make it to select a Range instead of only one date ?
If it is not possible to make those changes what you can recommend me as a more fancy Xamarin DatePicker choose (I also tried those from Telerik but I could find only the Spinner style Picker but I still prefer calendar style ) ?
I do approve of the syncfusion datepicker but that doesn't answer your question. And the license is expensive.
I assume what you'll have to do is create your own new UserControl: "MyDatePicker" and let it inherit from the xamarin datepicker. There in the constructer you should be able to change what you want.
Be aware, the Xamarin components are still in an early "young" stage so you may not be able to change everything that you want.
I end up by creating a new page with a calendar control (which allows me select a range and some customizations) instead of popup, so basically was not needed to buy another license from Syncfusion since I already have one from Telerik.

Multiple Image Selecting from gallery on xamarin forms

I have a project that I need to select multiple images from gallery on xamarin forms, there is some options like MediaPlugin but this plugin is not allow to select multiple images. there was another option with ELCImagePicker , but now ELCImagePicker is no longer supported on updated xamarin forms (Can not find at NuGet packages). Now there is no any other option to get multiple images from gallery with xamarin forms. Do you know how to do it ? I'm stuck with this.
there I found a library called GMImagePicker ported from written in objective-c. compatible with Xamarin.iOS ,It allows multiple Image selection , be aware that you should do some modifications to work with iCloud. It works with PHAsset. Asset Image stream , file Url and other details can be managed by PHAssetImageManager
GMImagePicker For Xamarin
This question is relatively old, but through the months of building Xamarin software for our clients, I have seen this question pop up dozens of times in the course of searching for various pieces for my code. I figured that since I've found an important answer, I should share it for the sake of anyone else who will come across this question.
James Montemagno has added support for selecting multiple photos using the OP's mentioned MediaPlugin! The previous implementation of calling
MediaFile result = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
returns a single result of type MediaFile. The new implementation
List<MediaFile> result = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotosAsync();
returns a list result of type List<MediaFile>. Make sure to check the documentation on Montemagno's page for the details on how to correctly set up and run the code.
Very important note:
After testing multiple different options, including Montemagno's MediaPlugin, it is clear that picking multiple photos is not supported on certain Android devices, as a function of the manufacturer's software. Multiple folks have opened issues on Montemagno's page, but it's not something his team can fix. I don't have an answer for that upcoming question, but hopefully something will develop soon.

Can't find JED Submit Extension Button

I have registered in, selected category went as deep as there are no sub category but cant find any submitting, adding or uploading button. Can someone tell me please what could i have done wrong ?
JED have disabled extension submissions (as of 31st October) whilst they are migrate all existing extension over to the new component/site. This will hopefully be complete on the 7th November.
For more information, have a read of the following:
Hope this helps

Editing a Phone Call's 'Quick View Form'

I find the Quick View Form for Phone Call activity non-editable (save button disabled) in my installation of Dynamics CRM 2013 (trial version downloaded from Microsoft site). However, this video describes the said form as editable (watch from 10:35 - 12:35 mins). So how can I edit this form?
Moreover, it is described in the video that a said Quick View Form is used to create a quick phone call record in the social pane of the entity form. How can we use the Quick View Form like this (create quick record) for our custom entity? Or is it only a built-in feature for out of the box social pane?
This was changed in the final version of CRM, the video uses the beta version. I watched the whole series a while ago and noticed this and some other small differences between the beta and the released version.
SELECT TOP 1000 [FormXmlManaged]
FROM [Main_MSCRM].[dbo].[SystemFormBase]
where FormId = '8E0B7C1E-F5A0-4E7D-B04D-4CA8D5C5CA80'
update [Main_MSCRM].[dbo].[SystemFormBase]
set IsManaged = 1
where FormId = '8E0B7C1E-F5A0-4E7D-B04D-4CA8D5C5CA80'
