Xamarin Datepicker: Is it possible to change the default DatePicker design and behave? - xamarin

The default Xamarin DatePicker looks like this :
How can I change his default style ? For example, I want to add multiple columns of months above the current month section. Also how can I make it to select a Range instead of only one date ?
If it is not possible to make those changes what you can recommend me as a more fancy Xamarin DatePicker choose (I also tried those from Telerik but I could find only the Spinner style Picker but I still prefer calendar style ) ?

I do approve of the syncfusion datepicker but that doesn't answer your question. And the license is expensive.
I assume what you'll have to do is create your own new UserControl: "MyDatePicker" and let it inherit from the xamarin datepicker. There in the constructer you should be able to change what you want.
Be aware, the Xamarin components are still in an early "young" stage so you may not be able to change everything that you want.

I end up by creating a new page with a calendar control (which allows me select a range and some customizations) instead of popup, so basically was not needed to buy another license from Syncfusion since I already have one from Telerik.


The name of the GUI widget?

What is the name of the following GUI widget? I would like to use it in GWT.
That type of widget is usually known as a carousel. Sometimes people also call it a slide show or slider.
You can see a demo of a GWT MaterialCarousel. By default it only shows one item at a time, but you can configure it to show multiple items as per your picture.
The domino-kit ui framework also has a carousel.

Kendo UI Angular filter menu automatically closes when selecting a time in kendo timepicker

I recently started working with Kendo UI grid with Angular.
After some testing I discovered the lack of timepicker filter menu component and decided to make my own.
The problem is when I use the Kendo UI timepicker in the template and choose a time, the filter menu automatically closes.
Here is a stackblitz to reproduce the issue:
A small note: The reason I extended the DateFilterMenuComponent in my custom TimeComponent is that I have the same operators as date related values which is okay and to gain easy access to other common filter properties (example logic operators).
Can someone help me out with the menu not closing when a time is selected?
So far I tried the following:
On the timepicker I tried
(click)="$event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation()"
That results into the timepicker not closing but the filter menu still closes.
I found the answer after contacting Telrik support, they pointed me to
The problem is that the timepicker is being rendered in the body/root component and the filter menu is (by default) configured to close when a user clicks outside the filter menu content.
Here is the documentation mixed with my problem fixed in stackblitz:

Checkboxes in Xamarin.Forms

I’m trying to make a page in my app where a user selects from a list of choices, then presses done to submit what he has selected. I’m using Xamarin.Forms. I directly thought of using checkboxes to achieve this; but apparently Xamarin.Forms doesn’t have checkboxes . Anyone have any suggestions to achieve this?
If I understand you correctly you don't seem to be looking for a radiobutton but more for something like a checkbox.
I've used this package: https://github.com/messier16/Forms.Controls to use checkboxes
Make sure to call Messier16Controls.InitAll(); right after Xamarin.Forms.Init(); in your projects. Look a tht AppDelegate.cs code snippet from the sample app:
If you want radio buttons you can xlabs their package (https://github.com/XLabs/Xamarin-Forms-Labs/tree/master/src/Forms/XLabs.Forms/Controls/RadioButton)
I'd just use a picker, Xlabs package hasn't been updated in a while so their might be some bugs in the radiobutton
You can use XLabs as suggested by below answer or you can create you own radio buttons with image and set selected and un-selected images on tap of image
i prefer to use my own radio buttons

How to add RichText editor to a page as component in HippoCMS?

I'm creating some project using HippoCMS 10 and I need to add RichText editor as part of the page, so that customer can use it and fill something there. This editor must act exactly the same way as in Document Editor (customer can click Image button in toolbar and select image from ImagePicker dialog box).
Can't find anything about it in HippoCMS official documentation. I learned how to create custom plugins and how to integrate CKEditor into page separately, but for image picking, I need default behaviour as in Hippo.
How can I achieve this? Any help will be appreciated!
I think your question was answered on the community group. The answer there was:
"it should be quite easy to have a CKEditor in the website.
However, it doesn't really make sense to me to have site visitors able to pick CMS documents and images from the site. The picker dialogs are designed to work inside the CMS only. You should be able to create your own picker dialog that can read from a REST service that exposes the images/documents.
I don't think it will be possible to reuse the CMS picker dialog in the site."
"your use case is fine, when I said "it doesn't really make sense", I was really referring to the technical limitations of the pickers. You should be able to achieve what you want with a custom dialog that plugs into a REST service though. Unfortunately there is no quick solution for this that I can think of."
Just adding this for future reference.

Programmatically show the popup from a DatePicker

I'm using the DatePicker from the Silverlight Toolkit on Mango
I want to programmatically display the date picker full mode display, but I can't see any API hook to do that at the moment.
Is this possible? or do I have to implement this myself by (intelligently) writing a new control?
Build your own I'm afraid.
Be careful about the user expectations around opening it automatically though. ;)
Sadly Matt was right - there's no public or protected API to hack into and security prevents the use of Reflection - so I've +1'd his answer... and a full answer is:
take the files from Silverlight.codeplex.com
either use the whole project or create your own library with just DatePicker.cs, DateTimePickerBase.cs and the DatePicker Style template from Generic.xaml
in your DateTimePickerBase, add:
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> PopupClosedByDateSelection;
in ClosePickerPage() inside PopupClosedByDateSelection inside the if(_dateTimePickerPage.Value.HasValue) block, add:
if (PopupClosedByDateSelection != null)
PopupClosedByDateSelection(this, EventArgs.Empty);
This seems to work for the Back button case as well as for the cancel and OK cases.
