Multiple Image Selecting from gallery on xamarin forms - xamarin

I have a project that I need to select multiple images from gallery on xamarin forms, there is some options like MediaPlugin but this plugin is not allow to select multiple images. there was another option with ELCImagePicker , but now ELCImagePicker is no longer supported on updated xamarin forms (Can not find at NuGet packages). Now there is no any other option to get multiple images from gallery with xamarin forms. Do you know how to do it ? I'm stuck with this.

there I found a library called GMImagePicker ported from written in objective-c. compatible with Xamarin.iOS ,It allows multiple Image selection , be aware that you should do some modifications to work with iCloud. It works with PHAsset. Asset Image stream , file Url and other details can be managed by PHAssetImageManager
GMImagePicker For Xamarin

This question is relatively old, but through the months of building Xamarin software for our clients, I have seen this question pop up dozens of times in the course of searching for various pieces for my code. I figured that since I've found an important answer, I should share it for the sake of anyone else who will come across this question.
James Montemagno has added support for selecting multiple photos using the OP's mentioned MediaPlugin! The previous implementation of calling
MediaFile result = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
returns a single result of type MediaFile. The new implementation
List<MediaFile> result = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotosAsync();
returns a list result of type List<MediaFile>. Make sure to check the documentation on Montemagno's page for the details on how to correctly set up and run the code.
Very important note:
After testing multiple different options, including Montemagno's MediaPlugin, it is clear that picking multiple photos is not supported on certain Android devices, as a function of the manufacturer's software. Multiple folks have opened issues on Montemagno's page, but it's not something his team can fix. I don't have an answer for that upcoming question, but hopefully something will develop soon.


How to obtain a list of widgets in a windows form

I am trying to automate a help system. I have it set up so you right-click on any widget (Button, etc.) and one of the items is help. Selecting help causes a help file to display (PDF, HTML, or Wiki). Help positions the display to the paragraph that describes the widget. (The document is a hypertext document so the paragraph can contain cross links, etc.)
All of this is working. There is an implementation problem in that it is necessary to input the widget name manually when building the widget list for the help system. The problem is widgets can be renamed during development. New widgets can be added. Old ones deleted, etc. Maintenance becomes a problem.
So my question is, is it possible to obtain a list of widgets by form from a .net application being developed using Visual Studio? I don't mind scraping a set of files to extract the list, but I do need to automate obtaining the list so I can compare with the current list to determine any maintenance necessary to keep the help system in sync with the .net application.
Developer Studio does generate partial classes that do contain the information. Parsing these will be some effort since the parser must understand the format of the class. What would be nice is if Visual Studio had the ability to produce information about the structure of the app being developed.

custom gallery from user phone

I want to be able to show the user images from his phone gallery, and pick one or more, the images should be displayed in 2 or more columns according to the user choice.
I looked for some plugins, and didn't find one that solves that problem.
Is that possible using conventional Android/iOS functionality?
If not, I could build a custom gallery for the user, but the question is- how do I get all the gallery names (Video/Camera/Screenshots) etc.) and file paths?
Tried to look in nativescript-imagepicker, but it doesn't seem to give me that functionality. Any help would be appriciated
If you like to customise the layout then you got to build one from scratch. You would have to use the native apis, MediaStore on Android / PhotoKit on iOS to read available image list and wrap them on your own layout.

How to take a screenshot of entire web page using VC++ 2010?

Is there a way to take a screenshot of entire webpage using VC++ Win32 application.
You will have to communicate directly to the rendering engine. There are several projects that already do this on the web, using WebKit. Just google for "webkit page snapshot" and you will see several hits, including CutyCapt, WebKit2png, etc.
I did not try any of those, but sample screenshots they show on their project pages look like what you are asking for.

XGantt ActiveX issue on Dynamics AX (2012)

I’m facing some issues with the Netronic XGantt ActiveX. My problem is that my ActiveX in the Form doesn’t seem to find the table I specified in the config panel.
I can't post a screenshot here since I'm new (I don't have 10 points) so this is a link to it.Configuration panel screenshot
I tried with a CSV file storing the nodes information, it works well.
Is the name SAG_GANTT_SOURCE_MODEL used properly? Knowing that I already created a table with this name and those fields in the screen capture.
Is there any further configuration elements I need to consider?
I can do as I wish following the classes some Dynamics AX projects (Gantt) uses but it seems to me that it’s too much work for implementing a simple component, isn’t it?
Since I can’t find any documentation/article/tutorial to use the XGantt ActiveX properly (except this one which I already saw
I’m wondering if you have any document, a link or a contact to help me with my issue.
Thanks for your attention.
Have you tried Netronic. I think they can generate a license file which you can import and this would enable the disgner of the control. Also they probably still have some pdf documents on thier website.

How to use Xcode Utility view?

Sorry for such a basic question.
After using MS Visual Studio for 15 years, I recently moved to Apple and its Xcode. So I am really newbie in this new tool. I can work with some very basic parts of utilities as Referencing outlets or such stuff, but there are a lot of other stuff there that I had never seen in Visual Studio (as file owner, accessibility reference, ...)
I am looking for a good tutorial on that. Any one knows any? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Apple has very helpful documentation about their technologies: OSX and iOS
The best place to start using Xcode is Xcode 4 User Guide and Xcode Quick Start Guide
This is something like Properties menu in VS. the only difference is that you can simply change to Assistant editor and hold control+drag from each one directly to your code.
Remember this is based on MVC ( Model= data, View= what you see and Controller)
In fact view and model are almost separated and controller is the connector between them:
this may help in the picture above: everything is counted based on Controller: OUT-let can remind you OUT of controller: I mean commands from controller to something. and sender means what sends messages TO the controller. These will make codes just like delegate coding in Visual Studio when you drag and drop an object to the window and double click on them. The (id)sender is counterpart of (void)sender in VS.
watch the Stanford iOS class on iTunesU. It is very good and if you know programming it will be very fast. Make sure you watch the fall 2011 version, it is about iOS5 and xcode4.
