Create a audio wave scrubbable timeline. Swift 3 MacOS [closed] - xcode

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am creating a MacOS application to take an audio file chosen by the user and display its sound waves in a timeline. Like the one below.
I have searched Google and Stack Overflow for a few hours and only found IOS examples. Every time I tried to take one and convert it to work with MacOS there were conflicting libraries used.
If you could provide me with some code to get started or a source/article that has information that would be great.
Thanks In Advance!

AudioKit can display waveforms using AKTableView. It is cross platform and there's an example of how to load files into one on of the framework's playgrounds, which is also shown online here:
The code is simple so even if you need to add to it, you can pull the necessary parts from AudioKit and place it in your own project, if you don't want to add all of AudioKit to your project just for this one feature.


Intro/tour guide in react native application [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to implement an intro/tour in my react native application only when first time using the application.
I need to show a single part to mention what it does and at the same time hide the rest of the screen, like in the image below. So, basically my intro will be a guide on how to use the application each time shows something and hide the rest and we use the button "next" to get through it all.
I've already found this repository, but that's not exactly my purpose... any help?
So, basically, I need to make a very similar tour guide like this one but in react native application

Should I choose MvvmLight or MvvmCross on a new project of simple to medium complexity? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to find the main difference between MVVMlight and MVVMCrossthose frameworks. I am planning to develop for Android and Windows Phone. I will use the Xamarin framework. (and Xamarin.Forms)
The project should be a vehicle tracking application that talks to Azure-run server. The app itself will be (as usual in the beginning of a project) very simple (start, stop, keep recorded locations).
Why should I use one over the other?
Other details: VS2012
Completely up to you. People have gotten MvvmCross working with Forms here but still early days. Do you need any of the nice plugins of MvvmCross? Will there be screens that you'll need to manage per platform because they are too complicated for Forms? I don't think there is a right or wrong answer here....

Building webkit for osx from scratch [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to build a basic browser with webkit. Does it need certain osx libraries to build? Where should I get the source and how should I compile it? How should I get started with webkit?
There is an excellent document provided by Apple regarding development using WebKit. Also various good tutorials are available throughout the Web.

Mac: force another application to use a specific audio device [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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As the question already suggests,
I'm trying to figure out, if it's possible to force another Application/process to use a specific output device.
Not every Application has a dropdown menu to select which audio device should be used and therefore always uses the standard device.
But when running multiple applications this isn't always the desired solution.
Plus, even if the application has a device-selection, it's almost always buried deep within the menus.
I was thinking of something like faking the change of the standard-device (but only to one application)
Looking forward for you answers :)
Audio Hijack Pro already does this and it works great. Rogue Amoeba are the experts at Mac OS X audio.

What is iTunes for Windows written of? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was wondering it for a long time since Apple released iTunes for Windows. What did they use to write iTunes for Windows? It seems completely with its own UI components and everything is contained inside it. It even uses QuickTime resources files. Can we assume that they've Cocoa working with windows. Anyway, my main question is, is there any known (public or private) tool/language/framework used in developing iTunes for Windows?
Not a direct answer, but if the reason you're asking is that you want to port a cocoa application to Windows, you might be interested in this:
bit more info here:
Haven't used it myself, but I gather they've got enough done to make a useable cross-platform Cocoa app.
itunes for both mac and windows are written in c++ as it is easier to port between operating systems with much or the same codebase
