generation of random binary numbers in python - random

I want to print or plot list of binary numbers which are randomly generated. I have print and plot random numbers between 1 and 5000 and my code is as under;
generation of random numbers
for a in range(0, 5000):
a=random.sample(range(0, 5000), 5000)
print (a)
This code is running perfectly.
but I want Binary numbers instead of Decimal numbers.
kindly help me in this regard.

To get the binary representation of your random generated number (decimal int) , use bin()
For instance, the following code will print 10 random numbers. in decimal and binary
import random
for i in range(0, 10):
a = random.randint(0, 5000)
print a, bin(a)
1465 0b10110111001
1624 0b11001011000
2963 0b101110010011
510 0b111111110
3653 0b111001000101
3671 0b111001010111
2624 0b101001000000
4412 0b1000100111100
3910 0b111101000110
2582 0b101000010110
Online demo -
NOTE: in your example i saw some usage in matplotlib however you weren't explicitly asking about matplotlib so i answered more generally


Generating uniform random bits using a source of biased bits [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Unbiased random number generator using a biased one
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
We have a source of biased random bits, namely a source that produces 0 with probability p, or 1 with probability 1 - p.
How can we use this source to build a generator that produces 0 or 1 with equal probability?
You throw the biased coin two times. There are four possible outcomes:
01 - Pick the number 0 as the return value.
10 - Pick the number 1 as the return value.
00 - Start again throwing two coins.
11 - Start again throwing two coins.
When you calculate the probability for getting 01 or 10, you will see it's the same. That way the sequence 01 and 10 appear with the same probability, regardless of the value p.
One way would be to call your biased generator N times, sum up the results and then take your unbiased sample to be 0 if the sum is less than the median of the sum, 1 otherwise. The only trick is knowing how to pick N and what the median is. In the wiki article they discuss finding the median. (Note they have p the other way round, in the article its the probability of 1)
Well, there is an approach, called entropy extractor, which allows to get (good) random numbers from not quite random source(s).
If you have three independent but somewhat low quality (biased) RNGs, you could combine them together into uniform source.
Suppose you have three generators giving you a single byte each, then uniform output would be
t = X*Y + Z
where addition and multiplication are done over GF(28) finite field.
Code, Python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyfinite import ffield
def RNG(p):
return np.random.binomial(1, p) + \
np.random.binomial(1, p)*2 + \
np.random.binomial(1, p)*4 + \
np.random.binomial(1, p)*8 + \
np.random.binomial(1, p)*16 + \
np.random.binomial(1, p)*32 + \
np.random.binomial(1, p)*64 + \
np.random.binomial(1, p)*128
def muRNG(p):
X = RNG(p)
Y = RNG(p)
Z = RNG(p)
GF = ffield.FField(8)
return GF.Add(GF.Multiply(X, Y), Z)
N = 100000
hist = np.zeros(256, dtype=np.int32)
for k in range(0, N):
q = muRNG(0.7)
hist[q] += 1
x = np.arange(0, 256, dtype=np.int32)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.stem(x, hist, markerfmt=' ')
will produce graph of bytes distribution - looks reasonable uniform for values in [0...256). I could find paper where this idea was proposed
Just for illustration, this is how it looks when we collect bytes without entropy extraction, code
q = RNG(0.7) # just byte value from bits with p=0.7
and graph

Is there a way to get a random sample from a particular decile of the normal distribution using Stata's rnormal() function?

I'm working with a dataset where the values of my variable of interest are hidden. I have the range (min max), mean, and sd of this variable and for each observation, I have information on which decile the value for observation lies in. Is there any way I can impute some values for this variable using the random number generator or rnormal() suite of commands in Stata? Something along the lines of:
set seed 1
gen imputed_var=rnormal(mean,sd,decile) if decile==1
Appreciate any help on this, thanks!
I am not familiar with Stata, but the following may get you in the right direction.
In general, to generate a random number in a certain decile:
Generate a random number in [(decile-1)/10, decile/10], where decile is the desired decile, from 1 through 10.
Find the quantile of the random number just generated.
Thus, in pseudocode, the following will achieve what you want (I'm not sure about the exact names of the corresponding functions in Stata, though, which is why it's pseudocode):
decile = 4 # 4th decile
# Generate a random number in the decile (here, [0.3, 0.4]).
v = runiform((decile-1)/10, decile/10)
# Convert the number to a normal random number
q = qnormal(v) # Quantile of the standard normal distribution
# Scale and shift the number to the desired mean
# and standard deviation
q = q * sd + mean
This is precisely the suggestion just made by #Peter O. I make the same assumption he did: that by a common abuse of terminology, "decile" is your shorthand for decile class, bin or interval. Historically, deciles are values corresponding to cumulative probabilities 0.1(0.1)0.9, not any bins those values delimit.
. clear
. set obs 100
number of observations (_N) was 0, now 100
. set seed 1506
. gen foo = invnormal(runiform(0, 0.1))
. su foo
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
foo | 100 -1.739382 .3795648 -3.073447 -1.285071
and (closer to your variable names)
gen wanted = invnormal(runiform(0.1 * (decile - 1), 0.1 * decile))

Unix command to generate four digit random number with four decimals

I want to generate a random number between 1000 and 9999 with 4 digit decimals.
eg : 2345.5678
For generating a random four digit number i'm using the following
$((1000 + RANDOM % 9999))
How do i add decimal to this ?
You can use pretty much the same logic and just construct the number.
echo "$((1000 + RANDOM % 9999)).$((RANDOM % 9999))"

Code 16K barcode - checksum computation

I found 2 docs abouth this barcode.
None of them described fine how to compute checksum.
They both just give a formula and didnt say which characters to include in computation.
Also, these docs doesnt present integer values for start/stop/pad or rest special symbols. So if they are included in the computation i even dont know their values.
Does anyone know how to compute checksum ?
I found this information there :
and there (more complete) :
So this code has 2 checksums which are calculated by weighting the sum of the values of each character including the start character.
The first check symbol starts the weighting at 2.
The second starts weighting at 1.
Next, take the modulo 107 of the sum.
So if you had the character values 22, 10, 15, 20, the two checksums would be:
(2*22 + 3*10 + 4*15 + 5*20) % 107
(1*22 + 2*10 + 3*15 + 4*20) % 107
If you have more characters just keep going... a general formula would be for n characters :
C1 = modulo 107(sum((i+1)*Char(i))
summed from i=1 to number of symbol character -2
C2 = modulo 107(sum(i*Char(i))
summed from i=1 to number of symbol character -1 (so this includes C1)
Here is an image of the structure of a 16k code :

Need to devise a number crunching algorithm

I stumbled upon this question:
7 power 7 is 823543. Which higher power of 7 ends with 823543 ?
How should I go about it ? The one I came up with is very slow, it keeps on multiplying by 7 and checks last 6 digits of the result for a match.
I tried with Lou's code:
int x=1;
for (int i=3;i<=100000000;i=i+4){
System.out.println("i="+ i+" x= "+x);
if (x==823543){
System.out.println("Ans "+i);}
And CPU sounds like a pressure cooker but couldn't get the answer :(
Multiply modulo 10^6. See this Lua code.
local x=1
for i=1,100000 do
x=(x*7) % 1e6
if x==823543 then print(i) end
You could use Euler's generalization of Fermat's little theorem which applied to your case says that for any number a that is not divisible by two or five, a to the power 400000 is equal to 1 modulo 10^6. Which means that 7^400000 is equal to one and 7^400007 is equal to 823543 modulo 10^6
There may be smaller powers of 7 that are also equal to one modulo 10^6. Any such power should be a divisor of 400000. So if you search all divisors of 400000 you should find your answer.
Brute-force solution in Python:
def check():
i = 8
while True:
if str(7**i)[-6:] == "823543":
print i, 7**i
i += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
Runs in a tad more then 10 seconds on my machine:
$ time python 7\*\*
5007 25461638709540284156782446957365168367138070393489656084508152816071765490828583739345420574947301301356529652113030016806506783009529977928336772622054260724106711204039012806363481521302203821096274017061906820115931889920385802499836705571461280700786627503189500663279772123190279763997339608040949194040289041117811256914511855302927500076094761237077649092849658261309060277197389760351907599243227298336309204635761799394324969277220810221310805265921431367291459357151617279190810954501590069774137519833706444943573459910208627100504003480684029216932299650285683013274883359754231186580602570771682084721896446416234857382909168309309630688331305154545352580787700878011742720440707156231891841057992434850068501355342227582074144717324718396296563918284728120322255330707786227631084119636101174217518654320128390401231343058708073280898554293777842571799775647325449392944570725467462072394864457569308219294304248413378339223195121800534783732295135735588409249690562213409520783181313960347723827308102920022860541043691808218543350580271593107019737918976365348051012746817678592727727988993175444584453532474156202438866838819565827414970029052602274354173178190323239427022953097424087683011937130778414189673555875258508014323428137406618951161046883845551087123412471364400737145434714864392224194773030522352601143771552489895838728148761974811275894561985163094852437703080985644653666048979901975905667811053289029958524703063742007291722490298429637413913574845245364780928447142275001431370017543206188428912106120676556219532197108435997375879569102044435752697298456147512203108094030745606163915437604076966518127099543894645297945324345093247636119593298654296614887389164509070158924404441687810434488061150620012547321097786493748417764592151734279632949607485719050349385098350202294648324398902047614892248381794929374952059877187100434970751833289677556040879755065563758085919673107576808662549999202791489324437408075089456174056904323973798979207791446889016369166632636035638123394649891606479407561222474471530411700646266636732205895085248823824764170316644547100628119484733814900100986786082211477261114056206393554335903410036064553032366200714266053598548735147707681592574886559888869327771461046450774938490837810526377213647071217152427693219479552580138352651791476758476864761332281826701978038126122728967682552206820425685782165630494478519812498630475776384700259524274670258777572341538755828794632819515842335609785884327007667337426644594091547392441314523035569100326662245947022517857248412004291423280879791576077952474202068318934524092750814844945529148131063116233331840380254781283689084385600858175504170157015630699919186013526052643206240745256569669847298952477441594748635701081031979500954081732722211598460098426985932512920424237248250698541558227081975966598720056015879151923686438360541128221854058867910136449528237543680180470919685862102358708465872395643586424250239281775923511452769821487580471289910257908740451431952197725174728917413539539795856895884961513784804247268727165303942024508367184898248006123651950710237279288601317817391869969699767431782664773248447758526620050588927086506013616563459173620496200348863132442180734592661348887012997849309740799709045762939781801481205704629203758859772476278892928066844445088880207986848424855774325574728566649552154520262460969975214802828263093097997124519153537792591659204109087699977445745067857471581656151077039286563447099850537157044829081400190710358959493358343935904669416958301921942118288210835104022359479660409954097409669785908666166908117346073702337825511531650740900904200220658196171839969860945908503151878488455004283026700303698398069644419655035582904253655945381261383285097911378914794161551292914993411444083214513058414480129560671193659591364146612550890288116403596333209446976453193340267725222134755872075133141618388704912211996423838163706006930973361661094103734887312836613195349528793780496172839376426055357343094188450140671138356505144988151110902047791487250988374130384058324229250761311655685931891857894126054047458969174494155762486464149775147410127618088224310828566286409277000561087588768230619606746804073498788244935099280434916850444895829823543
real 0m10.779s
user 0m10.709s
sys 0m0.024s
Not so much an answer, more a hint:
Observe that the pattern of rightmost digits of powers of 7 goes 1,7,9,3,1,7,9,3,1,7,... so you only need to generate every 4th power of 7 from the 3rd. Further study might show a pattern for the two (three, four, ...) rightmost digits, but I haven't done studied them for you.
Be prepared for some very large numbers, Mathematica reports that the next power of 7 with the sought-for rightmost digits is the 5007th.
Which I guess answers your question -- a faster approach is to post on SO and wait for someone to tell you the answer ! You could even try Wolfram Alpha if you don't like the SO algorithm.
The Fermat's little theorem approach is a mathematically sensible one, and just mulitplying over and over by 7 mod 10^6 is the simplest code, but there's another approach you could take that is computationally efficient (but requires more complex code). First, note that when multiplying by 7 the last digit depends only on the last digit before (i.e. we're doing everything mod 10). We multiply repeatedly by 7 to get
7 (4)9 (6)3 (2)1 (0)7 ...
Okay, great, so if we want a 3, we start at 7^3 and go up every 7^4 from there. Now, we note that when multiplying by 7^4, the last two digits depend only on the last two digits of 7^4 and the last two digits of the previous answer. 7^4 is 2401. So in fact the last two digits will always be the same when going up by 7^4.
What about the last three? Well, 7^3 = 343 and 7^4 ends with 401, so mod 1000 we get
343 543 743 943 143 343
We've got our first three digits in column #2 (543), and we see that the the sequence repeats ever 5, so we should go up from there by 7^20.
We can play this trick over and over again: find how often the next block of digits repeats, find the right subsequence within that block, and then multiply up not by 7 but by 7^n.
What we're really doing is finding a (multiplicative) ring over the m'th digit, and then multiplying the sizes of all the rings together to get the span between successive powers that have the same N digits if we follow this method. Here's some Scala code (2.8.0 Beta1) that does just this:
def powRing(bigmod: BigInt, checkmod: BigInt, mul: BigInt) = {
val powers = Stream.iterate(1:BigInt)(i => (i*mul)%bigmod)
powers.take( 2+powers.tail.indexWhere(_ % checkmod == 1) ).toList
def ringSeq(digits: Int, mod: BigInt, mul: BigInt): List[(BigInt,List[BigInt])] = {
if (digits<=1) List( (10:BigInt , powRing(mod,10,mul)) )
else {
val prevSeq = ringSeq(digits-1, mod, mul)
val prevRing = prevSeq.head
val nextRing = powRing(mod,prevRing._1*10,prevRing._2.last)
(prevRing._1*10 , nextRing) :: prevSeq
def interval(digits: Int, mul: Int) = {
val ring = ringSeq(digits, List.fill(digits)(10:BigInt).reduceLeft(_*_), mul)
(1L /: ring)((p,r) => p * (r._2.length-1))
So, if we've found one case of the digits that we want, we can now find all of them by finding the size of the appropriate ring. In our case, with 6 digits (i.e. mod 10^6) and base 7, we find a repeat size of:
scala> interval(6,7)
res0: Long = 5000
So, we've got our answer! 7^7 is the first, 7^5007 is the second, 7^10007 is the third, etc..
Since this is generic, we can try other answers...11^11 = 285311670611 (an 8 digit number). Let's look at the interval:
scala> interval(12,11)
res1: Long = 50000000000
So, this tells us that 11^50000000007 is the next number after 11^11 with the same initial set of 12 digits. Check by hand if you're curious!
Let's also check with 3^3--what's the next power of 3 whose decimal expansion ends with 27?
scala> interval(2,3)
res2: Long = 20
Should be 3^23. Checking:
scala> List.fill(23)(3L).reduceLeft((l,r) => {println(l*r) ; l*r})
(Switched code in edits to use BigInt so it could handle arbitrary numbers of digits. The code doesn't detect degenerate cases, though, so make sure you use a prime for the power....)
Another hint: You are only interested in the last N digits: you can perform calculations modulo 10^N and keep the result fit nicely into an integer
