Code 16K barcode - checksum computation - barcode

I found 2 docs abouth this barcode.
None of them described fine how to compute checksum.
They both just give a formula and didnt say which characters to include in computation.
Also, these docs doesnt present integer values for start/stop/pad or rest special symbols. So if they are included in the computation i even dont know their values.
Does anyone know how to compute checksum ?

I found this information there :
and there (more complete) :
So this code has 2 checksums which are calculated by weighting the sum of the values of each character including the start character.
The first check symbol starts the weighting at 2.
The second starts weighting at 1.
Next, take the modulo 107 of the sum.
So if you had the character values 22, 10, 15, 20, the two checksums would be:
(2*22 + 3*10 + 4*15 + 5*20) % 107
(1*22 + 2*10 + 3*15 + 4*20) % 107
If you have more characters just keep going... a general formula would be for n characters :
C1 = modulo 107(sum((i+1)*Char(i))
summed from i=1 to number of symbol character -2
C2 = modulo 107(sum(i*Char(i))
summed from i=1 to number of symbol character -1 (so this includes C1)
Here is an image of the structure of a 16k code :


How to generate random string type primary key, which can auto increase its length?

If my table needs to use string type as its primary key, the length of which is increasable and as short as possible, and when it is available, it should be random in some sense, how can I make that?
For example:
given 26 letters, and the result should be like:
Assuming you just want a bit of obfuscation rather than proper cryptographic security, I'd suggest using a set of linear congruential generators to transform your integers into non-sequential values that you can then convert into base-26 values where each digit is represented by a letter of the alphabet (e.g., a=0, b=1, ..., z=25).
You'll need a different LCG for strings of each length, but these can be generated quite easily. Also, the input values will have to be adjusted so that, for example, the first two-character string corresponds to an input value of 26. (I'm counting from zero, since this makes the maths a bit more straightforward.)
For example, suppose you start with a value of n=12345. The first thing you need to do is figure out how long the output string needs to be:
n = 12345 # Input value
m = 26 # LCG modulus
k = 1 # Length of output string
while n >= m:
n -= m
m *= 26
k += 1
print(k) # Should be 3 in this case
print(n) # Should be 11643 (=12345 - 26 - 26**2)
Next, transform this output value of n with an LCG having a modulus of m=263 (for a 3-character output). For example, you could try a=7541 and c=12127. (Make sure the values you choose correspond to a maximal length sequence according to the Hull–Dobell theorem as described in the Wikipedia article.)
n_enc = (n * 7541 + 12127) % (26**3) # Should be 2294
In base 26, the mumber 2294 is represented as 3×262 + 10×26 + 6, so the final output will be dkg.
To reverse this process, convert the base-26 string back into an integer, apply the inverse LCG function
n = ((n_enc + 5449) * 3277) % (26**3) # Should be 11643
and add back on the smaller powers of 26:
while m > 26:
m //= 26
n += m
One slight wrinkle in this method is that if the length of your alphabet is not divisible by any squares greater than 1 (e.g., 26 = 2×13 is not divisible by 4, 9 or 16), then the LCG for single-character strings is inevitably going to produce sequential results. You can fix this by using a random permutation of the alphabet to represent the base-26 numbers.
I should also add the standard caveat that random strings of alphabet characters can sometimes spell words that are offensive or inappropriate, so you might want to consider restricting yourself to a disemvowelled alphabet if these strings are going to be visible to users at all.

Creating hash function to map 6 numbers to a short string

I have 6 variables 0 ≤ n₁,...,n₆ ≤ 12 and I'd like to build a hash function to do the direct mapping D(n₁,n₂,n₃,n₄,n₅,n₆) = S and another function to do the inverse mapping I(S) = (n₁,n₂,n₃,n₄,n₅,n₆), where S is a string (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).
My goal is to minimize the length of S for 3 or less.
I thought as the variables have 13 possible values, a single letter (a-z) should be able to represent 2 of them, but I realized that 1 + 12 = m and 2 + 11 = m, so I still don't know how to write a function.
Is there any approach to build a function that does this mapping and returns a small string?
Using the whole ASCII to represent S is an option if it's necessary.
You can convert a set of numbers in any given range to numbers in any other range using base conversion.
Binary is base 2 (0-1), decimal is base 10 (0-9). Your 6 numbers are base 13 (0-12).
Checking whether a conversion would be possible involves counting the number of possible combinations of values for each set. With each number in the range [0,n] (thus base n+1), we can go from all 0's to all n's, thus each number can take on n+1 values and the total number of possibilities is (n+1)numberCount. For 6 decimal digits, for example, it would be 106 = 1000000, which checks out, since there are 1000000 possible numbers with (at most) 6 digits, i.e. numbers < 1000000.
Lower- and uppercase letters and numbers (26+26+10) would be base 62 (0-61), but, following from the above, 3 such values would be insufficient to represent your 6 numbers (136 > 623). To do conversion from/to these, you can do the conversion to a set of base 62 numbers, then have appropriate if-statements to convert 0-9 <=> 0-9, a-z <=> 10-35, A-Z <=> 36-61.
You can represent your data in 3 bytes (since 2563 >= 136), although this wouldn't necessary be printable characters - 32-126 is considered the standard printable range (which is still too small of a range), 128-255 is the extended range and may not be displayed properly in any given environment (to give the best chance of properly displaying it, you should at least avoid 0-31 and 127, which are control characters - you can convert 0-... to the above ranges by adding 32 and then adding another 1 if the value is >= 127).
Many / most languages should allow you to give a numeric value to represent a character, so it should be fairly simple to output it once you do the base conversion. Although some may use Unicode to represent characters, which could make it a bit less trivial to work with ASCII.
If the numbers had specific constraints, that would reduce the number of possible combinations, thus possibly making it fit into a smaller set or range of numbers.
To do the actual base conversion:
It might be simplest to first convert it to a regular integral type (typically binary or decimal), where we don't have to worry about the base, and then convert it to the target base (although first make sure your value will fit in whichever data type you're using).
Consider how binary works:
1101 is 13 = 23 + 22 + 20
13 % 2 = 1 13 / 2 = 6
6 % 2 = 0 6 / 2 = 3
3 % 2 = 1 3 / 2 = 1
1 % 2 = 1
The above, from top to bottom: 1101 = our number
Using the same idea, we can convert to/from any base as follows: (pseudo-code)
int convertFromBase(array, base):
output = 0
for each i in array
output = base*output + i
return output
int[] convertToBase(num, base):
output = []
while num > 0
output.append(num % base)
num /= base
return output
You can also extend this logic to situations where each number is in a different range by changing what you divide or multiple by at each step (a detailed explanation of that is perhaps a bit beyond the scope of the question).
I thought as the variables have 13 possible values, a single letter
(a-z) should be able to represent 2 of them
This reasoning is wrong. In fact to represent two variables (=any combination these variables might take) you will need 13x13 = 169 symbols.
For your example the 6 variables can take 13^6 (=4826809) different combinations. In order to represent all possible combinations you will need 5 letters (a-z) since 26^5 (=11881376) is the least amount that is will yield more than 13^6 combinations.
For ASCII characters 3 symbols should suffice since 256^3 > 13^6.
If you are still interested in code that does the conversion, I will be happy to help.

Generate a unique number out of the combination of 'n' different numbers?

To clarify, as input I have 'n' (n1, n2, n3,...) numbers (integers) such as each number is unique within this set.
I would like to generate a number out of this set (lets call the generated number big 'N') that is also unique, and that allows me to verify that a number 'n1' belongs to the set 'n' just by using 'N'.
is that possible?
Thanks for the answers guys, I am looking into them atm. For those requesting an example, here is a simple one:
imagine i have those paths (bi-directional graph) with a random unique value (let's call it identifier):
P1 (N1): A----1----B----2----C----3----D
P2 (N2): A----4----E----5----D
So I want to get the full path (unique path, not all paths) from A knowing N1 and this path as a result should be P1.
Mind you that 1,2,...are just unique numbers in this graph, not weights or distances, I just use them for my heuristic.
If you are dealing with small numbers, no problem. You are doing the same thing with digits every time you compose a number: a digit is a number from 0 to 9 and a full number is a combination of them that:
is itself a number
is unique for given digits
allows you to easily verify if a digit is inside
The gotcha is that the numbers must have an upper limit, like 10 is for digits. Let's say 1000 here for simplicity, the similar composed number could be:
n1*1000^k + n2*1000^(k-1) + n3*1000^(k-2) ... + nk*1000^(0)
So if you have numbers 33, 44 and 27 you will get:
33*1000000 + 44*1000 + 27, and that is number N: 33044027
Of course you can do the same with bigger limits, and binary like 256,1024 or 65535, but it grows big fast.
A better idea, if possible is to convert it into a string (a string is still a number!) with some separator (a number in base 11, that is 10 normal digits + 1 separator digit). This is more flexible as there are no upper limits. Imagine to use digits 0-9 + a separator digit 'a'. You can obtain number 33a44a27 in base 11. By translating this to base 10 or base 16 you can get an ordinary computer number (65451833 if I got it right). Then converting 65451833 to undecimal (base11) 33a44a27, and splitting by digit 'a' you can get the original numbers back to test.
Of course this would work better digitally in base 17 (16 digits+separator). But I suspect there are more optimal ways, for example if the numbers are unique in the path, the more numbers you add, the less are remaining, the shorter the base could shrink. Can you imagine a number in which the first digit is in base 20, the second in base 19, the third in base 18, and so on? Can this be done? Meh?
In this variating base world (in a 10 nodes graph), path n0-n1-n2-n3-n4-n5-n6-n7-n8-n9 would be
n0*10^0 + (n1*9^1)+(offset:1) + n2*8^2+(offset:18) + n3*7^3+(offset:170)+...
offset1: 10-9=1
offset2: 9*9^1-1*8^2+1=81-64+1=18
offset3: 8*8^2-1*7^3+1=343-512+1=170
If I got it right, in this fiddle: the biggest number path would be: 102411
var path="9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0"; // biggest number
o2=(Math.pow(10,1)-Math.pow(9,1)+1); // offsets so digits do not overlap
var n=path.split("-");
var res;
n[9]*Math.pow(10,0) +
n[8]*Math.pow(9,1) + o2 +
n[7]*Math.pow(8,2) + o3 +
n[6]*Math.pow(7,3) + o4 +
n[5]*Math.pow(6,4) + o5 +
n[4]*Math.pow(5,5) + o6 +
n[3]*Math.pow(4,6) + o7 +
n[2]*Math.pow(3,7) + o8 +
n[1]*Math.pow(2,8) + o9 +
n[0]*Math.pow(1,9) + o10;
So N<=102411 would represent any path of ten nodes? Just a trial. You have to find a way of naming them, for instance if they are 1,2,3,4,5,6... and you use 5 you will have to compact the remaining 1,2,3,4,6->5,7->6... => 1,2,3,4,5,6... (that is revertable and unique if you start from the first)
Theoretically, yes it is.
By defining p_i as the i'th prime number, you can generate N=p_(n1)*p_(n2)*..... Now, all you have to do is to check if N%p_(n) == 0 or not.
However, note that N will grow to huge numbers very fast, so I am not sure this is a very practical solution.
One very practical probabilistic solution is using bloom filters. Note that bloom filters is a set of bits, that can be translated easily to any number N.
Bloom filters have no false negatives (if you said a number is not in the set, it really isn't), but do suffer from false positives with an expected given probability (that is dependent on the size of the sets, number of functions used and number of bits used).
As a side note, to get a result that is 100% accurate, you are going to need at the very least 2^k bits (where k is the range of the elements) to represent the number N by looking at this number as a bitset, where each bit indicates existence or non-existence of a number in the set. You can show that there is no 100% accurate solution that uses less bits (peigeon hole principle). Note that for integers for example with 32 bits, it means you are going to need N with 2^32 bits, which is unpractical.

Efficient method to get one number, which can't be generated from any XORing combination

If there is any number in the range [0 .. 264] which can not be generated by any XOR composition of one or more numbers from a given set, is there a efficient method which prints at least one of the unreachable numbers, or terminates with the information, that there are no unreachable numbers?
Does this problem have a name? Is it similar to another problem or do you have any idea, how to solve it?
Each number can be treated as a vector in the vector space (Z/2)^64 over Z/2. You basically want to know if the vectors given span the whole space, and if not, to produce one not spanned (except that the span always includes the zero vector – you'll have to special case this if you really want one or more). This can be accomplished via Gaussian elimination.
Over this particular vector space, Gaussian elimination is pretty simple. Start with an empty set for the basis. Do the following until there are no more numbers. (1) Throw away all of the numbers that are zero. (2) Scan the lowest bits set of the remaining numbers (lowest bit for x is x & ~(x - 1)) and choose one with the lowest order bit set. (3) Put it in the basis. (4) Update all of the other numbers with that same bit set by XORing it with the new basis element. No remaining number has this bit or any lower order bit set, so we terminate after 64 iterations.
At the end, if there are 64 elements, then the subspace is everything. Otherwise, we went fewer than 64 iterations and skipped a bit: the number with only this bit on is not spanned.
To special-case zero: zero is an option if and only if we never throw away a number (i.e., the input vectors are independent).
Example over 4-bit numbers
Start with 0110, 0011, 1001, 1010. Choose 0011 because it has the ones bit set. Basis is now {0011}. Other vectors are {0110, 1010, 1010}; note that the first 1010 = 1001 XOR 0011.
Choose 0110 because it has the twos bit set. Basis is now {0011, 0110}. Other vectors are {1100, 1100}.
Choose 1100. Basis is now {0011, 0110, 1100}. Other vectors are {0000}.
Throw away 0000. We're done. We skipped the high order bit, so 1000 is not in the span.
As rap music points out you can think of the problem as finding a base in a vector space. However, it is not necessary to actually solve it completely, just to find if it is possible to do or not, and if not: give an example value (that is a binary vector) that can not be described in terms of the supplied set.
This can be done in O(n^2) in terms of the size of the input set. This should be compared to Gauss elimination which is O(n^3),
64 bits are no problem at all. With the example python code below 1000 bits with a set with 1000 random values from 0 to 2^1000-1 takes about a second.
Instead of performing Gauss elimination it's enough to find out if we can rewrite the matrix of all bits on triangular form, such as: (for the 4 bit version:)
original triangular
1110 14 1110 14
1011 11 111 7
111 7 11 3
11 3 1 1
1 1 0 0
The solution works like this: First all original values with the same most significant bit are places together in a list of lists. For our example:
The last empty entry represents that there were no zeros in the original list. Now, take a value from the first entry and replace that entry with a list containing only that number:
and then store the xor of the kept number with all the removed entries at the right place in the vector. For our case we have 14^11 = 5 so:
The trick is that we do not need to scan and update all other values, just the values with the same most significant bit.
Now process the item 7,5 in the same way. Keep 7, add 7^5 = 2 to the list:
Now 3,2 leaves [3] and adds 1 :
And 1,1 leaves [1] and adds 0 to the last entry allowing values with no set bit:
If in the end the vector contains at least one number at each vector entry (as in our example) the base is complete and any number fits.
Here's the complete code:
# return leading bit index ir -1 for 0.
# example 1 -> 0
# example 9 -> 3
def leadbit(v):
# there are other ways, yes...
return len(bin(v))-3 if v else -1
def examinebits(baselist,nbitbuckets):
# index 1 is least significant bit.
# index 0 represent the value 0
bitbuckets=[[] for x in range(nbitbuckets+1)]
for j in baselist:
for i in reversed(range(len(bitbuckets))):
if bitbuckets[i]:
# leave just the first value of all in bucket i
# distribute the subleading values into their buckets
for ni in newb:
if lb:
v=2**(i-1) if i else 0
print "bit missing: %d. Impossible value: %s == %d"%(i-1,bin(v),v)
return (bitbuckets,[i])
return (bitbuckets,[])
Example use: (8 bit)
import random
# random set of values to try:
basel=[random.randint(0,topval-1) for dummy in range(basesize)]
bl is now the triangular list of values, up to the point where it was not possible (in that case). The missing bit (if any) is found in ii[0].
For the following tried set of values: [242, 242, 199, 197, 177, 177, 133, 36] the triangular version is:
base value: 10110001 177
base value: 1110110 118
base value: 100100 36
base value: 10000 16
first missing bit: 3 val: 8
( the below values where not completely processed )
base value: 10 2
base value: 1 1
base value: 0 0
The above list were printed like this:
for i in range(len(bl)):
if ii and len(bl)-ii[0] == i:
print "example missing bit:" ,(ii[0]-1), "val:", 2**(ii[0]-1)
print "( the below values where not completely processed )"
if len(bb):
print ("base value: %"+str(nbits)+"s") %(bin(b)[2:]), b

String to Number and back algorithm

This is a hard one (for me) I hope people can help me. I have some text and I need to transfer it to a number, but it has to be unique just as the text is unique.
For example:
The word 'kitty' could produce 12432, but only the word kitty produces that number. The text could be anything and a proper number should be given.
One problem the result integer must me a 32-bit unsigned integer, that means the largest possible number is 2147483647. I don't mind if there is a text length restriction, but I hope it can be as large as possible.
My attempts. You have the letters A-Z and 0-9 so one character can have a number between 1-36. But if A = 1 and B = 2 and the text is A(1)B(2) and you add it you will get the result of 3, the problem is the text BA produces the same result, so this algoritm won't work.
Any ideas to point me in the right direction or is it impossible to do?
Your idea is generally sane, only needs to be developed a little.
Let f(c) be a function converting character c to a unique number in range [0..M-1]. Then you can calculate result number for the whole string like this.
f(s[0]) + f(s[1])*M + f(s[2])*M^2 + ... + f(s[n])*M^n
You can easily prove that number will be unique for particular string (and you can get string back from the number).
Obviously, you can't use very long strings here (up to 6 characters for your case), as 36^n grows fast.
Imagine you were trying to store Strings from the character set "0-9" only in a number (the equivalent of obtaining a number of a string of digits). What would you do?
Char 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Str 0 5 2 1 2 5 4 1 2 6
Num = 6 * 10^0 + 2 * 10^1 + 1 * 10^2...
Apply the same thing to your characters.
Char 5 4 3 2 1 0
Str A B C D E F
L = 36
C(I): transforms character to number: C(0)=0, C(A)=10, C(B)=11, ...
Num = C(F) * L ^ 0 + C(E) * L ^ 1 + ...
Build a dictionary out of words mapped to unique numbers and use that, that's the best you can do.
I doubt there are more than 2^32 number of words in use, but this is not the problem you're facing, the problem is that you need to map numbers back to words.
If you were only mapping words over to numbers, some hash algorithm might work, although you'd have to work a bit to guarantee that you have one that won't produce collisions.
However, for numbers back to words, that's quite a different problem, and the easiest solution to this is to just build a dictionary and map both ways.
In other words:
If you want to map numbers to base 26 characters, you can only store 6 characters (or 5 or 7 if I miscalculated), but not 12 and certainly not 20.
Unless you only count actual words, and they don't follow any good countable rules. The only way to do that is to just put all the words in a long list, and start assigning numbers from the start.
If it's correctly spelled text in some language, you can have a number for each word. However you'd need to consider all possible plurals, place and people names etc. which is generally impossible. What sort of text are we talking about? There's usually going to be some existing words that can't be coded in 32 bits in any way without prior knowledge of them.
Can you build a list of words as you go along? Just give the first word you see the number 1, second number 2 and check if a word has a number already or it needs a new one. Then save your newly created dictionary somewhere. This would likely be the only workable solution if you require 100% reliable, reversible mapping from the numbers back to original words given new unknown text that doesn't follow any known pattern.
With 64 bits and a sufficiently good hash like MD5 it's extremely unlikely to have collisions, but for 32 bits it doesn't seem likely that a safe hash would exist.
Just treat each character as a digit in base 36, and calculate the decimal equivalent?
'A' = 0
'B' = 1
'Z' = 25
'0' = 26
'9' = 35
'AA' = 36
'AB' = 37
'CAB' = 46657
