How Do I Stop App Store Notifications about Xcode Version Updates? - xcode

I've already downloaded the latest version (8.1 at this time) from Apple's direct download page.

While attempting to solve a similar issue on my own Macbook, I had found that the App Store will try to discover updates for apps it has indexed in Spotlight. This apparently includes the backup copy of xcode 7 it found on my Time Machine disk.
The asking of a second xcode download only occurred when my Time Machine disk was mounted (and when I did attempt to update it, it would always fail with permission errors). The fix for me was to tell Spotlight not to index my backup disk.
Hope that helps


On Starting mac and running xcode simulator Consume around 500MB Internet Data

For Past 4 week i observer when i run my Xcode application on simulator on first time simulator launch it consume around 500MB internet data.
This is not project specific issue. Every time when i shutdown and start the mac and run Xcode as soon as simulator open it will consume same amount of Data.
Can any one help me What is the issue?? or any background service run??
Xcode version: 11.6 (11E708)
simulator: 13.6
OSX: 10.15.6
Please help me unnecessary every time my Internet Data is consume i have to fix this
This issue is still persist after updating to xcode 11.7
Thanks For #Rado for suggesting the
After posting the question on i fond the answer.
Orginal Answer: Xcode simulator constantly download something
rename the file delete) in
to something
and also the file nsurlsessiond(Dont delete) in
to something -nsurlsessiond
Apps with admob works perfectly also no problem with safari
If you don't need an internet connection for testing you application, you could simply disable the network.
You could run wireshark and see what it is actually doing, or at least see where it is connecting to.
I used tripmode firewall don't give simulator internet access only give when you need it.
Works fine but when you forget to turn it off and start the simulator next time, you feel horrible :(

Problems with Xcode 7.2.1

just install the new version of Xcode (7.2.1), he took a little longer than expected.
But when it finished and run the xcode continues with version 7.1.1
I thought it would be solved by restarting the Mac, but no.
Any idea what can be spent? or happened to me to be done?
My MAC version.
My xcode options
My applications
I had exactly the same problem. I installed 4GB large 7.2.1 version of Xcode from the AppStore over an existing 7.2 version, and whichever way I was launching Xcode it was always the same old 7.2 popping up. What was worse I could not download 7.2.1 again, as AppStore app was not showing Install button anymore, but rather Launch button instead (like it was installed).
Finally I found a solution. I went to Downloads for Apple Developers site (a login to a developer account was required), I dowloaded Xcode_7.2.1.dmg 4.7GB large from there, launched an installation... which successfully replaced the older 7.2 version of Xcode.
Another answer suggests installing Xcode via a Developer Member Center download. I'd like to caution against this, and suggest an alternative approach.
Shortly before Xcode 7 became available, I upgraded an Xcode 6 installation to 6.4 by using the download. I did this to save download time for upgrading multiple machines (I put the installer on a flash drive). I subsequently discovered that using the downloaded installer broke tracking the version history in the App Store, and I was no longer able to upgrade via the App Store. Also, I was no longer notified of pending Xcode updates via the MAS "Updates" panel.
So a possible consequence for you may be that the App Store may not be able to handle your future Xcode updates, or even notify you when an update is pending.
What I ended up doing was deleting my then-current Xcode installation (I used AppDelete to get all of the components of the installation), and starting from scratch using the App Store. I recommend doing the same. Probably the best way to start is to try deleting Xcode via Launchpad. But if that doesn't work (say, it doesn't delete all versions if you still have multiple versions), try AppDelete or a similar app.
I should note that one reason I used the download to upgrade Xcode 6 was that I'd done so previously without breaking the App Store's ability to track Xcode's version history. Whether that previous behavior was a fluke, or whether the later behavior (losing the version history) was a fluke, I can't say.
If you've already installed via the Member Center installer, you can check to see if you'll have this problem by looking up Xcode in MAS. If the store shows you have the version you manually installed, then all is well (probably!). If not, either you'll have to keep track of updates by yourself, or you should re-establish MAS version tracking by deleting Xcode and starting from scratch via MAS. I'd be interested to learn whether the store is tracking your manual installation.

Unable to download Xcode update to 4.5.2 from iTunes store

I noted that there was an update to xcode available (to 4.5.2), but after not receiving any update notifications I logged into the iTunes store and tried to run 'update' from there. It then replied that I needed to log into the iTunes store with the Apple ID that originally purchased the app. I only have one Apple ID. I recently upgraded the hard drive on my macbook. I presume this error relates to the change in the hard-drive or to the change in the name of the drive I made during the upgrade.
Apple support suggest removing Xcode from my macbook and downloading and re-installing it from scratch.
Has anyone else experienced this issue and/or can offer some suggestions about the best way to go about the update in this situation? Would re-using the /Applications/Install on the machine be a way to get this to work?

Mac App mysteriously disappears directly after downloading and installing from the Mac AppStore

Last night we have released a free app in the Mac AppStore. The app didn't yet show up when searching for (parts of) the title, however, we could find it by searching for one of our existing Mac Apps and clicking through to our 'Developer Page'.
When 'buying' the app (it's actually free), the icon pops up in LaunchPad and the progress bar for downloading & installing shows. Under Snow Leopard, the icon pops into the Dock and the progress bar for downloading & installing shows.
However, in both cases, as soon as the progress bar is filled, the app directly disappears from the LaunchPad / Dock and can no longer be started.
I've checked my Applications folder, but the app is nowhere to be found. I also checked this on other systems (under user accounts that never develop in XCode), those showed the exact same problem. I've also tried downloading a few other free apps from the Mac AppStore on my own system, these downloaded and installed successfully and don't disappear.
There seems to be a problem with our app that causes this issue, but I have no idea what it could possibly be. I didn't find anyone else suffering from this problem.
First and foremost, I would love to know what causes this so we can fix it.
Secondly, I am wondering how this app ever came through Apple's review process having this issue.
Any ideas?? Thanks in advance!
An Apple Dev on the Apple Developer Forums answered this question:
Do you have a copy of that app elsewhere on the system? App Store will install it over an existing copy, whereever that copy happens to be.
A different user on my system had previously built a debug build of the app from XCode. Apparently, any downloaded versions of Mac Apps are written over those apps -- even if the old version is within the home folder of a different user on your system, any version you purchase/download from the Mac AppStore will overwrite thát version; effectively locking out the downloading user from the app that he may have just paid for.
Imho, that's a crappy way of handling 'updates'. But it's good to know our app is working fine.
Thanks for the help StilesCrisis!
Update: Apple has asked me to file a bug report for this issue, will do.
I'm developing an app on Electron, and for me problem was that I had build files in my project folder, even after I deleted the app which I installed with .dmg in Application folder. So, it seems Mac Store looks throw whole disk space and trying to find app with same app ID, and if it exists, don't rewrite it.
After deleting my .app and .pkg build from the project folder app successfully installed from Mac Store. If it will not work for you, please try to clean app related folder in these directions: ~/Library/Caches and /Library/Application Support. I did it before, and can't guarantee that removing only project build files can help you. Maybe these actions are somehow connected. And removing app build files do not work for you.

XCode 4 can I copy the download from one machine to another

I downloaded the XCode 4 which uses the app store to download and install and took over 8 hours for the 4.1 GB download to complete.
Can I copy this install from to another machine without having to do that massive download again?
Just to be clear I know how to move files between machines its more the location and what needs to be moved that I am interested in,
Thanks in advance,
I simply copied "/Applications/Install" from one machine to the other after the first machine downloaded from the App Store ($4.99 version). It worked fine.
I am stumped by other answers here - I have just downloaded XCode 4.3.2 for Lion (AFAIK latest at the moment) from this site:
You only need a valid AppleID (free of charge) developer account. No credit card whatsoever.
The filtering & pagination on download page do not work properly / are somewhat weird, at least in FF. But you can still find and download the 1.8GB .dmg file there and install it wherever you want.
OP has stated that he has downloaded a 4.1GB file, so the versions might be different. I do not miss anything from mine though, it works (well, mostly - but that's just the quality of Apple software... :) ).
For what it’s worth, if you’re a registered developer you can download a single .dmg file from Apple’s website and install Xcode from that. The disc image can then be obviously copied wherever you wish.
Isn't it just a *dmg file? That's what I have done one with a previous version. Just copied it and a normal install did the trick..
The newest is called xcode_4_and_ios_sdk_4.3__final and is in my download folder...
