ruby equal sign in method call - ruby

Hi there fellow rubyists!
I've just came across a weird syntax in method call: 'first_arg', more1='other', more2='another'
but when I test it out 'other' is always assigned to the second argument, never mind the word before equal sign. What is this? Why is this in ruby? I'm familiar with ruby 2.0 key-arguments, but this seems to have nothing to do with that.

This has nothing to do with key arguments.
This is just a shortcut of assigning and passing variables to the method. 'first_arg', more1='other', more2='another'
Can be rewritten as
more2='another''first_arg', more1, more2)

'other' is assigned to the variable more1 and the resulting expression is always 'other' so that value is passed to the bar method. So why do that? Well, probably more1 and more2 are used after that call. I don't like it but that's it.


confused with Ruby accessor methods

i'm really confused how to name method names in Ruby classes. if i create an accessor like:
attr_accessor :name
it creates to methods:
but when i call the second method with a whitespace between the 'name' and '=' it works
'' and ' =' both works.
i read somewhere that Ruby ignores whitespaces. Well then, why a method written by me does not work when i call it with whitespace?
def getname
if i call this way, it doesn't work. why?
t.get name
i'm not surprised as it does not work. but i'm confused how the setter method (name=) works then?
thanks in advance.
Setters are special in Ruby.
In fact, defining a method name ending in an equals sign makes that name eligible to appear on the left-hand side of an assignment.
Assignments are defined in Ruby as:
An assignment statement sets the variable or attribute on its left side (the lvalue) to refer to the value on the right (the rvalue).
So is calling the setter name= directly. = is using this special treatment of setters by the fact that it ends in an =, to make it so that you can use it as the lvalue (that is, it can appear on the left side) in an assignment.
getName is the name of the method, so you cannot have whitespace in that because then it thinks it is two methods or maybe a parameter, that is why we camal case to make it readable. But the equal sign is an operand and there can be space around that. Its the same as say '2+2' and '2 + 2'.
Hope that helps

What is the purpose of "!" and "?" at the end of method names?

Sometimes I see methods in Ruby that have "?" and "!" at the end of them, e.g:
name = "sample_string"
I was wondering what their purpose is? Are they just syntax sugarcoating?
It's "just sugarcoating" for readability, but they do have common meanings:
Methods ending in ! perform some permanent or potentially dangerous change; for example:
Enumerable#sort returns a sorted version of the object while Enumerable#sort! sorts it in place.
In Rails, ActiveRecord::Base#save returns false if saving failed, while ActiveRecord::Base#save! raises an exception.
Kernel::exit causes a script to exit, while Kernel::exit! does so immediately, bypassing any exit handlers.
Methods ending in ? return a boolean, which makes the code flow even more intuitively like a sentence — if reads like "if the number is zero", but if just looks weird.
In your example, name.reverse evaluates to a reversed string, but only after the name.reverse! line does the name variable actually contain the reversed name. name.is_binary_data? looks like "is name binary data?".
Question mark indicates that the method returns boolean. Already answered here:
What does the question mark operator mean in Ruby?
The bang indicates that the method acts on the object itself. Already answered here:
Why are exclamation marks used in Ruby methods?
In Ruby the ? means that the method is going to return a boolean and the ! modifies the object it was called on. They are there to improve readability when looking at the code.
In contrast to the – I suppose – majority of programming languages ...
Ruby, methods are allowed to end with question marks or exclamation marks.
By convention, methods that answer questions (i.e. Array#empty? returns true if the receiver is empty) end in question marks.
Potentially “dangerous” methods (ie methods that modify self or the arguments, exit! etc.) by convention end with exclamation marks.
From:, Section Funny method names
Beware, this isn't always the case. Take for example, Ruby Array#concat
Where you can get burnt badly is something like MyActiveRecordModel.column_names.concat([url]). Later calls related to MyActiveRecordModel will try to look for a column of 'url' for MyActiveRecordModel and throw.
Instead you must clone it before doing the concat. Fortunately my test suite caught this one, but.. heads up!

Ruby: Setting a global variable by name

I am trying to dynamically set (not create, it already has to exist) a global ruby variable in a method. The variable name is determined from the passed symbol. What I am currently doing is the following:
def baz(symbol)
eval("$#{symbol}_bar = 42")
$foo_bar = 0
puts $foo_bar # => 42
But to me, this kind of feels very wrong. Is this the way to do this? Or can it be done differently? Also, I don't know how evals perform in ruby. Does it run much slower than
$foo_bar = 42
The method looks fine to me. This guy says that eval efficiency is much worse, though the post is 3 years old.
I will point out that this method suggests you have a lot of global variables, which is generally a code smell if the code base is significant.
If you can use an instance variable instead, there is Object#instance_variable_set.
def baz(symbol)
instance_variable_set("##{symbol}_bar", 42)
Note that it only accepts variable names that can be accepted as an instance variable (starting with #). If you put anything else in the first argument, it will return an error. For the global variable counterpart to it, there is a discussion here: Forum: Ruby
Either way, you also have the problem of accessing the variable. How are you going to do that?

Tips on understanding Ruby syntax, when to use ?, and unless

Is the keyword unless the same as if?
When do you use ??
I've seen:
if someobject?
I know it checks against nil correct?
Is the keyword 'unless' the same as 'if' ?
No, it's the opposite.
unless foo is the same as if !foo
if someobject?
I know it checks against nil correct?
No it calls a method named someobject?. I.e. the ? is just part of the method name.
? can be used in methodnames, but only as the last character. Conventionally it is used to name methods which return a boolean value (i.e. either true or false).
? can also be used as part of the conditional operator condition ? then_part : else_part, but that's not how it is used in your example.
unless is actually the opposite of if. unless condition is equivalent to if !condition.
Which one you use depends on what feels more natural to the intention you're expressing in code.
unless file_exists?
# create file
if !file_exists?
# create file
Regarding ?, there is a convention for boolean methods in Ruby to end with a ?.
This statement:
unless conditional expression
Is the equivalent to:
if not (conditional expression)
In Ruby you can end your method names with a question mark which is normally used to show that it is a boolean method.
With Rails a check against nil would look like this:
This calls the nil?() method of the object, which returns true for NilObject and false for anything else.
I think the convention for ?-suffix is to use it when naming a method that returns a boolean value. It is not a special character, but is used to make the name of the method easier to understand, or at least I think that's what the intention was. It's to make it clear that the method is like asking a question: it shouldn't change anything, only return some kind of status...
There's also !-suffix that I think by convention means that the method may have side-effects or may modify the object it is called on (rather than return a modified copy). Either way, the ! is to make you think carefully about calling such a method and to make sure you understand what that method does.
I don't think anything enforces these conventions (I've never tried to break them) so of course you could abuse them horribly, but your fellow developers would not be happy working with your code.
for unless see here:
if someobject?
The appending of a '?' here only means that it returns a boolean.

Why are exclamation marks used in Ruby methods?

In Ruby some methods have a question mark (?) that ask a question like include? that ask if the object in question is included, this then returns a true/false.
But why do some methods have exclamation marks (!) where others don't?
What does it mean?
In general, methods that end in ! indicate that the method will modify the object it's called on. Ruby calls these as "dangerous methods" because they change state that someone else might have a reference to. Here's a simple example for strings:
foo = "A STRING" # a string called foo
foo.downcase! # modifies foo itself
puts foo # prints modified foo
This will output:
a string
In the standard libraries, there are a lot of places you'll see pairs of similarly named methods, one with the ! and one without. The ones without are called "safe methods", and they return a copy of the original with changes applied to the copy, with the callee unchanged. Here's the same example without the !:
foo = "A STRING" # a string called foo
bar = foo.downcase # doesn't modify foo; returns a modified string
puts foo # prints unchanged foo
puts bar # prints newly created bar
This outputs:
a string
Keep in mind this is just a convention, but a lot of Ruby classes follow it. It also helps you keep track of what's getting modified in your code.
The exclamation point means many things, and sometimes you can't tell a lot from it other than "this is dangerous, be careful".
As others have said, in standard methods it's often used to indicate a method that causes an object to mutate itself, but not always. Note that many standard methods change their receiver and don't have an exclamation point (pop, shift, clear), and some methods with exclamation points don't change their receiver (exit!). See this article for example.
Other libraries may use it differently. In Rails an exclamation point often means that the method will throw an exception on failure rather than failing silently.
It's a naming convention but many people use it in subtly different ways. In your own code a good rule of thumbs is to use it whenever a method is doing something "dangerous", especially when two methods with the same name exist and one of them is more "dangerous" than the other. "Dangerous" can mean nearly anything though.
This naming convention is lifted from Scheme.
1.3.5 Naming conventions
By convention, the names of procedures
that always return a boolean value
usually end in ``?''. Such procedures
are called predicates.
By convention, the names of procedures
that store values into previously
allocated locations (see section 3.4)
usually end in ``!''. Such procedures
are called mutation procedures. By
convention, the value returned by a
mutation procedure is unspecified.
! typically means that the method acts upon the object instead of returning a result. From the book Programming Ruby:
Methods that are "dangerous," or modify the receiver, might be named with a trailing "!".
It is most accurate to say that methods with a Bang! are the more dangerous or surprising version. There are many methods that mutate without a Bang such as .destroy and in general methods only have bangs where a safer alternative exists in the core lib.
For instance, on Array we have .compact and .compact!, both methods mutate the array, but .compact! returns nil instead of self if there are no nil's in the array, which is more surprising than just returning self.
The only non-mutating method I've found with a bang is Kernel's .exit! which is more surprising than .exit because you cannot catch SystemExit while the process is closing.
Rails and ActiveRecord continues this trend in that it uses bang for more 'surprising' effects like .create! which raises errors on failure.
A bang can used in the below ways, in order of my personal preference.
An active record method raises an error if the method does not do
what it says it will.
An active record method saves the record or a method saves an
object (e.g. strip!)
A method does something “extra”, like posts to someplace, or does
some action.
The point is: only use a bang when you’ve really thought about whether
it’s necessary, to save other developers the annoyance of having to
check why you are using a bang.
The bang provides two cues to other developers.
that it’s not necessary to save the object after calling the
when you call the method, the db is going to be changed.
Simple explanation:
foo = "BEST DAY EVER" #assign a string to variable foo.
=> foo.downcase #call method downcase, this is without any exclamation.
"best day ever" #returns the result in downcase, but no change in value of foo.
=> foo #call the variable foo now.
"BEST DAY EVER" #variable is unchanged.
=> foo.downcase! #call destructive version.
=> foo #call the variable foo now.
"best day ever" #variable has been mutated in place.
But if you ever called a method downcase! in the explanation above, foo would change to downcase permanently. downcase! would not return a new string object but replace the string in place, totally changing the foo to downcase.
I suggest you don't use downcase! unless it is totally necessary.
I like to think of this as an explosive change that destroys all that has gone before it. Bang or exclamation mark means that you are making a permanent saved change in your code.
If you use for example Ruby's method for global substitutiongsub!the substitution you make is permanent.
Another way you can imagine it, is opening a text file and doing find and replace, followed by saving. ! does the same in your code.
Another useful reminder if you come from the bash world is sed -i has this similar effect of making permanent saved change.
Bottom line: ! methods just change the value of the object they are called upon, whereas a method without ! returns a manipulated value without writing over the object the method was called upon.
Only use ! if you do not plan on needing the original value stored at the variable you called the method on.
I prefer to do something like:
foo = "word"
bar = foo.capitalize
puts bar
foo = "word"
puts foo.capitalize
Instead of
foo = "word"
puts foo
Just in case I would like to access the original value again.
Called "Destructive Methods" They tend to change the original copy of the object you are referring to.
numbers.collect{|n| puts n*2} # would multiply each number by two
numbers #returns the same original copy
numbers.collect!{|n| puts n*2} # would multiply each number by two and destructs the original copy from the array
numbers # returns [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil]
My answer explains the significance of Ruby methods with exclamation marks/shebangs in the context of Ruby on Rails (RoR) model validations.
Essentially, whenever developers define Model validations (explained here), their ultimate goal is to decline a database record change & raise/throw the relevant exception(s) in case invalid data has been submitted to update the record in question.
RoR ActiveRecord gem defines various model manipulation methods (Ruby on Rails guides.). Among the methods, the valid? method is the only one that triggers validation without database action/modification. The rest of the methods attempt to change the database.
These methods trigger callbacks whenever they run. Some of the methods in the list feature a sister method with a shebang. What is the difference between the two? It has to do with the form of callback returned whenever a record validation fails.
Methods without the exclamation/shebang merely return a boolean false in the event of record validation failure while the methods with a shebang raise/throw an exception which can then be handled appropriately in code.
Just as a heads-up, since I experienced this myself.
In Ruby, ! mutates the object and returns it. Otherwise it will return nil.
So, if you are doing some kind of operations on an array for example, and call the method .compact! and there is nothig to compact, it will return nil.
arr = [1, 2, 3, nil]
=> [1, 2, 3]
Run again arr.compact!
=> nil
It is better to explicitly return again the array arr if you need to use it down the line, otherwise you will get the nil value.
arr = [1, 2, 3]
arr.compact! => nil
arr # to get the value of the array
