Why are exclamation marks used in Ruby methods? - ruby

In Ruby some methods have a question mark (?) that ask a question like include? that ask if the object in question is included, this then returns a true/false.
But why do some methods have exclamation marks (!) where others don't?
What does it mean?

In general, methods that end in ! indicate that the method will modify the object it's called on. Ruby calls these as "dangerous methods" because they change state that someone else might have a reference to. Here's a simple example for strings:
foo = "A STRING" # a string called foo
foo.downcase! # modifies foo itself
puts foo # prints modified foo
This will output:
a string
In the standard libraries, there are a lot of places you'll see pairs of similarly named methods, one with the ! and one without. The ones without are called "safe methods", and they return a copy of the original with changes applied to the copy, with the callee unchanged. Here's the same example without the !:
foo = "A STRING" # a string called foo
bar = foo.downcase # doesn't modify foo; returns a modified string
puts foo # prints unchanged foo
puts bar # prints newly created bar
This outputs:
a string
Keep in mind this is just a convention, but a lot of Ruby classes follow it. It also helps you keep track of what's getting modified in your code.

The exclamation point means many things, and sometimes you can't tell a lot from it other than "this is dangerous, be careful".
As others have said, in standard methods it's often used to indicate a method that causes an object to mutate itself, but not always. Note that many standard methods change their receiver and don't have an exclamation point (pop, shift, clear), and some methods with exclamation points don't change their receiver (exit!). See this article for example.
Other libraries may use it differently. In Rails an exclamation point often means that the method will throw an exception on failure rather than failing silently.
It's a naming convention but many people use it in subtly different ways. In your own code a good rule of thumbs is to use it whenever a method is doing something "dangerous", especially when two methods with the same name exist and one of them is more "dangerous" than the other. "Dangerous" can mean nearly anything though.

This naming convention is lifted from Scheme.
1.3.5 Naming conventions
By convention, the names of procedures
that always return a boolean value
usually end in ``?''. Such procedures
are called predicates.
By convention, the names of procedures
that store values into previously
allocated locations (see section 3.4)
usually end in ``!''. Such procedures
are called mutation procedures. By
convention, the value returned by a
mutation procedure is unspecified.

! typically means that the method acts upon the object instead of returning a result. From the book Programming Ruby:
Methods that are "dangerous," or modify the receiver, might be named with a trailing "!".

It is most accurate to say that methods with a Bang! are the more dangerous or surprising version. There are many methods that mutate without a Bang such as .destroy and in general methods only have bangs where a safer alternative exists in the core lib.
For instance, on Array we have .compact and .compact!, both methods mutate the array, but .compact! returns nil instead of self if there are no nil's in the array, which is more surprising than just returning self.
The only non-mutating method I've found with a bang is Kernel's .exit! which is more surprising than .exit because you cannot catch SystemExit while the process is closing.
Rails and ActiveRecord continues this trend in that it uses bang for more 'surprising' effects like .create! which raises errors on failure.

From themomorohoax.com:
A bang can used in the below ways, in order of my personal preference.
An active record method raises an error if the method does not do
what it says it will.
An active record method saves the record or a method saves an
object (e.g. strip!)
A method does something “extra”, like posts to someplace, or does
some action.
The point is: only use a bang when you’ve really thought about whether
it’s necessary, to save other developers the annoyance of having to
check why you are using a bang.
The bang provides two cues to other developers.
that it’s not necessary to save the object after calling the
when you call the method, the db is going to be changed.

Simple explanation:
foo = "BEST DAY EVER" #assign a string to variable foo.
=> foo.downcase #call method downcase, this is without any exclamation.
"best day ever" #returns the result in downcase, but no change in value of foo.
=> foo #call the variable foo now.
"BEST DAY EVER" #variable is unchanged.
=> foo.downcase! #call destructive version.
=> foo #call the variable foo now.
"best day ever" #variable has been mutated in place.
But if you ever called a method downcase! in the explanation above, foo would change to downcase permanently. downcase! would not return a new string object but replace the string in place, totally changing the foo to downcase.
I suggest you don't use downcase! unless it is totally necessary.

I like to think of this as an explosive change that destroys all that has gone before it. Bang or exclamation mark means that you are making a permanent saved change in your code.
If you use for example Ruby's method for global substitutiongsub!the substitution you make is permanent.
Another way you can imagine it, is opening a text file and doing find and replace, followed by saving. ! does the same in your code.
Another useful reminder if you come from the bash world is sed -i has this similar effect of making permanent saved change.

Bottom line: ! methods just change the value of the object they are called upon, whereas a method without ! returns a manipulated value without writing over the object the method was called upon.
Only use ! if you do not plan on needing the original value stored at the variable you called the method on.
I prefer to do something like:
foo = "word"
bar = foo.capitalize
puts bar
foo = "word"
puts foo.capitalize
Instead of
foo = "word"
puts foo
Just in case I would like to access the original value again.

Called "Destructive Methods" They tend to change the original copy of the object you are referring to.
numbers.collect{|n| puts n*2} # would multiply each number by two
numbers #returns the same original copy
numbers.collect!{|n| puts n*2} # would multiply each number by two and destructs the original copy from the array
numbers # returns [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil]

My answer explains the significance of Ruby methods with exclamation marks/shebangs in the context of Ruby on Rails (RoR) model validations.
Essentially, whenever developers define Model validations (explained here), their ultimate goal is to decline a database record change & raise/throw the relevant exception(s) in case invalid data has been submitted to update the record in question.
RoR ActiveRecord gem defines various model manipulation methods (Ruby on Rails guides.). Among the methods, the valid? method is the only one that triggers validation without database action/modification. The rest of the methods attempt to change the database.
These methods trigger callbacks whenever they run. Some of the methods in the list feature a sister method with a shebang. What is the difference between the two? It has to do with the form of callback returned whenever a record validation fails.
Methods without the exclamation/shebang merely return a boolean false in the event of record validation failure while the methods with a shebang raise/throw an exception which can then be handled appropriately in code.

Just as a heads-up, since I experienced this myself.
In Ruby, ! mutates the object and returns it. Otherwise it will return nil.
So, if you are doing some kind of operations on an array for example, and call the method .compact! and there is nothig to compact, it will return nil.
arr = [1, 2, 3, nil]
=> [1, 2, 3]
Run again arr.compact!
=> nil
It is better to explicitly return again the array arr if you need to use it down the line, otherwise you will get the nil value.
arr = [1, 2, 3]
arr.compact! => nil
arr # to get the value of the array


Meaning of Ruby methods ending with "!"

I'm a newbie to Ruby, and so far have found the explanations for ! a bit too technical.
Let's say we have the following:
print "What is your first name?"
first_name = gets.chomp.upcase!
puts "Hi, #{first_name}. How are you?"
What does the ! add to the method? Does it mean that every time I use #{first_name} in any subsequent strings, all the letters in the name will print in upper-case? How is the code affected if I leave ! out?
Please explain it in layman's terms if you can, as I'm still coming to grips with some of Ruby's technical jargon.
Thanks in advance.
Ruby method names may end in !. It doesn't do anything special by itself, but there is a convention on which methods have it (though it is not always consistent); thus, just learn the method String#upcase! (and how it differs from String#upcase) on individual method-by-method basis, with the convention being a helpful reminder.
The convention is that the methods ending in ! are either dangerous, or change the object, or perform some other kind of change, or can raise an error where the other version wouldn't.
Specifically, String#upcase! changes the string it operates on. String#upcase makes a new string that is upcased.
foo = "test"
p(foo.upcase) # => "TEST"
p(foo) # => "test"
foo = "test"
p(foo.upcase!) # => "TEST"
p(foo) # => "TEST" ​
As described in comments, String#upcase! returns nil when no upcasing needs to happen, so you never want to reassign the return value of String#upcase! back to the same variable you tried to upcase!.
foo = "TEST"
p(foo.upcase!) # => nil
p(foo) # => "TEST" ​
RE: bang methods: see here
EDIT: "receiver" is the object receiving the message (i.e. method call). In foo.upcase!, the object in foo is the receiver. In "TEST".upcase, the string "TEST" is the receiver.
"in-place"` means the object itself is changed. The alternative is to create a new object that has the changes you want applied, with no change to the original object. For example, if you have a photo, cover the bottom half with a piece of paper and take a photo of that, you did a crude censorship by creating a new photo that is missing the lower half (but the original still exists). If you splat paint on the original photo, you censored it "in place".
What does the ! add to the method?
Nothing. The ! is simply part of the message name, just like the u, the p, the c, the a, the s, and the e are. It does not change anything about the message.
How is the code affected if I leave ! out?
Then you are simply sending a different message.
There is absolutely no difference whatsoever between upcase and upcase! or between foo and bar. They are just message names. If you write foo, then you send message foo, if you write bar, then you send message bar, if you write upcase, then you send message upcase (which in your case will be dispatched to the method String#upcase), if you write upcase!, then you send message upcase! (which in your case will be dispatched to the method String#upcase!).
There is absolutely nothing special about message names ending in !, just like there is absolutely nothing special about message names ending in ?, just like there is absolutely nothing special about message names ending in a or b or c.
There are, however, some conventions. In particular, the convention is:
If you have a pair of methods that both do more or less the same thing, then the one that is more surprising is named with a !.
That's it. That is all there is to it.
For example, there are the methods Process::exit and Process::exit!. They both do the same thing (terminate the process), but one of them skips running the installed exit handlers.
Since they both do the same thing, they could both be named "exit", but of course, you can't have two methods with the same name (on the same receiver). Therefore, we need to somehow distinguish between the two. We could come up with a completely different name for one of the two, but that would also be annoying.
So, instead, we add a ! to one of the two methods. Now, the question is: which one of the two do we add the ! to? Based on our convention, the "more surprising" one should get the !. The Ruby developers chose the one which ignores the exit handlers, which I think is the right choice: the whole point of exit handlers is that they get run when you exit, so a method that exits without running the exit handlers is surprising, and therefore should be marked with a !.
Note that none of this has anything to do with "destructive" or "mutation". Process::exit! doesn't mutate anything and it doesn't destroy anything. Note also that we only use the ! to mark the more surprising method of a pair of methods. There should never be a method named foo! when there is not also a method named foo.
In particular, the fact that a method does not have a ! does not tell you anything about the method. And the only thing that a method that does have a ! tells you is that there are two methods, and you should probably check the documentation to make sure that you understand what these two methods do and what the "surprise" is that the ! is warning you about. That's it.

Ruby: What is the meaning of "variable.property!" syntax?

I'm analyzing a block of code written in ruby.
I don't know the language and I need to understand an operation.
def restore
m = ObjectName.where(prop: User.where(email: 'admin#email.com').first.element_id).last
what "m.todo!" and "m.waiting!" are doing?
I cannot understand if it is assigning a "true" value or a value that is the opposite of the current one like: m.todo = !m.todo
Thank you very much
! and ? are valid parts of a method name in Ruby. They don't have any special meaning, though ! is conventionally used for mutative or destructive actions, and ? is conventionally used for predicate methods.
In this example, there are two methods named todo! and waiting! being called - nothing fancier. If I had to guess, those are methods which simply perform a combined "update a state variable and save" operation (hence, mutative).
In Ruby, foo.bar is the syntax for a message send. It will first evaluate the expression foo (which is either dereferencing a local variable or a receiverless message send to the implicit receiver self) and then send the message bar to the resulting object.
Once you know what message send in Ruby looks like, it is easy to see what m.todo! does: It will first evaluate the expression m (which is either dereferencing a local variable or a receiverless message send to the implicit receiver self) and then send the message todo! to the resulting object.
Method names ending in ! are typically used to mark the "more surprising" of a pair of methods. So, if you have two Methods, both of which do similar things, then the one with the bang at the end is the "more surprising" one. A good example are Process::exit and Process::exit!. Both exit the currently running Ruby process, but the "normal" version (i.e. the one without the bang) runs the exit handlers normally, whereas the "surprising" Version exits immediately without running the exit handlers.
Note: there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding About the naming convention for bang methods. So, let me be clear:
Bang methods have absolutely nothing to do with mutation or destruction. It is simply about surprise. See the Process::exit! example above which has nothing to do with mutation.
Bang methods are always paired with a non-bang method. They mark the "more surprising" variant of a pair of methods. If there is no pair of methods, there is no bang. See, for example Array#collect!, which does have a bang because it is the more surprising variant of Array#collect, since it mutates its receiver; however, Array#append does not have a bang even though it also mutates its receiver because there is no corresponding "less surprising" method.
what "m.todo!" and "m.waiting!" are doing? I cannot understand if it is assigning a "true" value or a value that is the opposite of the current one like: m.todo = !m.todo
They do whatever the author of those methods wants. You will have to look that up in the documentation. Those are not methods of the Ruby core or standard library.

Why is there no `.split!` in Ruby?

It just seems pretty logical to have it when there's even a downcase!. Has anyone else run into this use case in Ruby?
For the curious, I'm trying to do this:
def some_method(foo)
foo.downcase!.split!(" ")
## do some stuff with foo later. ##
some_method("A String like any other")
Instead of this:
def some_method(foo)
foo = foo.downcase.split(" ")
## do some stuff with foo later. ##
some_method("A String like any other")
Which isn't a really big deal...but ! just seems cooler.
Why is there no .split! in Ruby?
It just seems pretty logical to have it when there's even a downcase!.
It may be logical, but it is impossible: objects cannot change their class or their identity in Ruby. You may be thinking of Smalltalk's become: which doesn't and cannot exist in Ruby. become: changes the identity of an object and thus can also change its class.
I don't see this "use case" as very important.
The only thing a "bang method" is doing is saving you the trouble of assigning a variable.
The reason "bang methods" are the exception instead of the rule is they can produce confusing results if you don't understand them.
i.e. if you write
a = "string"
def my_upcase(string)
b = my_upcase(a)
then both a and b will have transformed value even if you didn't intend to change a. Removing the exclamation point fixes this example, but if you're using mutable objects such as hashes and arrays you'll have to look out for this in other situations as well.
a = [1,2,3]
def get_last_element(array)
b = get_last_element(a)
Since Array#pop has side effects, a is now 1,2. It has the last element removed, which might not have been what you intended. You could replace .pop here with [-1] or .last to get rid of the side effect
The exclamation point in a method name is essentially warning you that there are side effects. This is important in the concept of functional programming, which prescribes side effect free code. Ruby is very much a functional programming language by design (although it's very object oriented as well).
If your "use case" boils down to avoiding assigning a variable, that seems like a really minor discomfort.
For a more technical reason, though, see Jorg Mittag's answer. It's impossible to write a method which changes the class of self
def some_method(foo)
foo = foo.downcase.split(" ")
some_method("A String like any other")
is the same as this
def some_method(foo)
some_method("A String like any other")
Actually, both of your methods return the same result. We can look at a few examples of methods that modify the caller.
array.map! return a modified original array
string.upcase! return a modified original string
split modifies the class of the caller, changing a string to an array.
Notice how the above examples only modify the content of the object, instead of changing its class.
This is most likely why there isn't a split! method, although it's pretty easy to define one yourself.
#split creates an array out of a string, you can't permanently mutate(!) the string into being an array. Because the method is creating a new form from the source information(string), the only thing you need to do to make it permanent, is to bind it to a variable.

Why can't I overwrite self in the Integer class?

I want to be able to write number.incr, like so:
num = 1; num.incr; num
#=> 2
The error I'm seeing states:
Can't change the value of self
If that's true, how do bang! methods work?
You cannot change the value of self
An object is a class pointer and a set of instance methods (note that this link is an old version of Ruby, because its dramatically simpler, and thus better for explanatory purposes).
"Pointing" at an object means you have a variable which stores the object's location in memory. Then to do anything with the object, you first go to the location in memory (we might say "follow the pointer") to get the object, and then do the thing (e.g. invoke a method, set an ivar).
All Ruby code everywhere is executing in the context of some object. This is where your instance variables get saved, it's where Ruby looks for methods that don't have a receiver (e.g. $stdout is the receiver in $stdout.puts "hi", and the current object is the receiver in puts "hi"). Sometimes you need to do something with the current object. The way to work with objects is through variables, but what variable points at the current object? There isn't one. To fill this need, the keyword self is provided.
self acts like a variable in that it points at the location of the current object. But it is not like a variable, because you can't assign it new value. If you could, the code after that point would suddenly be operating on a different object, which is confusing and has no benefits over just using a variable.
Also remember that the object is tracked by variables which store memory addresses. What is self = 2 supposed to mean? Does it only mean that the current code operates as if it were invoked 2? Or does it mean that all variables pointing at the old object now have their values updated to point at the new one? It isn't really clear, but the former unnecessarily introduces an identity crisis, and the latter is prohibitively expensive and introduce situations where it's unclear what is correct (I'll go into that a bit more below).
You cannot mutate Fixnums
Some objects are special at the C level in Ruby (false, true, nil, fixnums, and symbols).
Variables pointing at them don't actually store a memory location. Instead, the address itself stores the type and identity of the object. Wherever it matters, Ruby checks to see if it's a special object (e.g. when looking up an instance variable), and then extracts the value from it.
So there isn't a spot in memory where the object 123 is stored. Which means self contains the idea of Fixnum 123 rather than a memory address like usual. As with variables, it will get checked for and handled specially when necessary.
Because of this, you cannot mutate the object itself (though it appears they keep a special global variable to allow you to set instance variables on things like Symbols).
Why are they doing all of this? To improve performance, I assume. A number stored in a register is just a series of bits (typically 32 or 64), which means there are hardware instructions for things like addition and multiplication. That is to say the ALU, is wired to perform these operations in a single clock cycle, rather than writing the algorithms with software, which would take many orders of magnitude longer. By storing them like this, they avoid the cost of storing and looking the object in memory, and they gain the advantage that they can directly add the two pointers using hardware. Note, however, that there are still some additional costs in Ruby, that you don't have in C (e.g. checking for overflow and converting result to Bignum).
Bang methods
You can put a bang at the end of any method. It doesn't require the object to change, it's just that people usually try to warn you when you're doing something that could have unexpected side-effects.
class C
def initialize(val)
#val = val # => 12
end # => :initialize
def bang_method!
"My val is: #{#val}" # => "My val is: 12"
end # => :bang_method!
end # => :bang_method!
c = C.new 12 # => #<C:0x007fdac48a7428 #val=12>
c.bang_method! # => "My val is: 12"
c # => #<C:0x007fdac48a7428 #val=12>
Also, there are no bang methods on integers, It wouldn't fit with the paradigm
Fixnum.instance_methods.grep(/!$/) # => [:!]
# Okay, there's one, but it's actually a boolean negation
1.! # => false
# And it's not a Fixnum method, it's an inherited boolean operator
1.method(:!).owner # => BasicObject
# In really, you call it this way, the interpreter translates it
!1 # => false
Make a wrapper object: I'm not going to advocate this one, but it's the closest to what you're trying to do. Basically create your own class, which is mutable, and then make it look like an integer. There's a great blog post walking through this at http://blog.rubybestpractices.com/posts/rklemme/019-Complete_Numeric_Class.html it will get you 95% of the way there
Don't depend directly on the value of a Fixnum: I can't give better advice than this without knowing what you're trying to do / why you feel this is a need.
Also, you should show your code when you ask questions like this. I misunderstood how you were approaching it for a long time.
It's simply impossible to change self to another object. self is the receiver of the message send. There can be only one.
If that's true, how do bang! methods work?
The bang (!) is simply part of the method name. It has absolutely no special meaning whatsoever. It is a convention among Ruby programmers to name surprising variants of less surprising methods with a bang, but that's just that: a convention.

Ruby as a "pure" object oriented language --- inconsistency with Ruby puts?

I've often read that Ruby is a pure object oriented language since commands are typically given as messages passed to the object.
For example:
In Ruby one writes: "A".ord to get the ascii code for A and 0x41.chr to emit the character given its ascii code.
This is in contrast to Python's: ord("A") and chr(0x41)
So far so good --- Ruby's syntax is message passing.
But the apparent inconsistency appears when considering the string output command:
Now one has: puts str or puts(str) instead of str.puts
Given the pure object orientation expectation for Ruby's syntax, I would have expected the output command to be a message passed to the string object, i.e. calling a method from the string class, hence str.puts
Any explanations? Am I missing something?
I would have expected the output command to be a message passed to the string object, i.e. calling a method from the string class, hence str.puts
This is incorrect expectation, let's start with that. Why would you tell a string to puts itself? What would it print itself to? It knows nothing (and should know nothing) of files, I/O streams, sockets and other places you can print things to.
When you say puts str, it's actually seen as self.puts str (implicit receiver). That is, the message is sent to the current object.
Now, all objects include Kernel module. Therefore, all objects have Kernel#puts in their lists of methods. Any object can puts (including current object, self).
As the doc says,
puts str
is translated to
$stdout.puts str
That is, by default, the implementation is delegated to standard output (print to console). If you want to print to a file or a socket, you have to invoke puts on an instance of file or socket classes. This is totally OO.
Ruby isn't entirely OO (for example, methods are not objects), but in this case, it is. puts is Kernel#puts, which is shorthand for $stdout.puts. That is, you're calling the puts method of the $stdout stream and passing a string as the parameter to be output to the stream. So, when you call
puts "foo"
You're really calling:
Which is entirely consistent with OO.
puts is a method on an output streams e.g.
$stdout.puts("this", "is", "a", "test")
Printing something to somewhere at least involves two things: what is written and where it is written to. Depending on what you focus on, there can be different implementations, even in OOP. Besides that, Ruby has a way to make a method look more like a function (i.e., not being particularly tied to a receiver as in OOP) for methods that are used all over the place. So there are at least three logical options that could be thought of for such methods like printing.
An OOP method defined on the object to be printed
An OOP method defined on the object where it should be printed
A function-style method
For the second option, IO#write is one example; The receiver is the destination of writing.
The puts without an explicit receiver is actually Kernel#puts, and takes neither of the two as the arguments; it is an example of the third option; you are correct to point out that this is not so OOP, but Matz especially provided the Kernel module to be able to do things like this: a function-style method.
The first option is what you are expecting; it is nothing wrong. It happens that there is no well known method of this type, but it was proposed in the Ruby core by one of the developers, but unfortunately, it did not make it. Actually, I felt the same thing as you, and have something similar in my personal library called Object#intercept. A simplified version is this:
class Object
def intercept
tap{|x| p x}
:foo.intercept # => :foo
You can replace p with puts if you want.
