Tips on understanding Ruby syntax, when to use ?, and unless - ruby

Is the keyword unless the same as if?
When do you use ??
I've seen:
if someobject?
I know it checks against nil correct?

Is the keyword 'unless' the same as 'if' ?
No, it's the opposite.
unless foo is the same as if !foo
if someobject?
I know it checks against nil correct?
No it calls a method named someobject?. I.e. the ? is just part of the method name.
? can be used in methodnames, but only as the last character. Conventionally it is used to name methods which return a boolean value (i.e. either true or false).
? can also be used as part of the conditional operator condition ? then_part : else_part, but that's not how it is used in your example.

unless is actually the opposite of if. unless condition is equivalent to if !condition.
Which one you use depends on what feels more natural to the intention you're expressing in code.
unless file_exists?
# create file
if !file_exists?
# create file
Regarding ?, there is a convention for boolean methods in Ruby to end with a ?.

This statement:
unless conditional expression
Is the equivalent to:
if not (conditional expression)
In Ruby you can end your method names with a question mark which is normally used to show that it is a boolean method.
With Rails a check against nil would look like this:
This calls the nil?() method of the object, which returns true for NilObject and false for anything else.

I think the convention for ?-suffix is to use it when naming a method that returns a boolean value. It is not a special character, but is used to make the name of the method easier to understand, or at least I think that's what the intention was. It's to make it clear that the method is like asking a question: it shouldn't change anything, only return some kind of status...
There's also !-suffix that I think by convention means that the method may have side-effects or may modify the object it is called on (rather than return a modified copy). Either way, the ! is to make you think carefully about calling such a method and to make sure you understand what that method does.
I don't think anything enforces these conventions (I've never tried to break them) so of course you could abuse them horribly, but your fellow developers would not be happy working with your code.
for unless see here:

if someobject?
The appending of a '?' here only means that it returns a boolean.


Provide alias for Ruby's built-in keyword

For example, I want to make Object#rescue another name so I can use in my code like:
def dangerous
dont_worry # instead of rescue here
I tried
class ::Object
alias :dont_worry :rescue
But cannot find the rescue method on Object:
`<class:Object>': undefined method `rescue' for class `Object' (NameError)
Another example is I would like to have when in the language to replace:
if cond
# eval when cond is truthy
when cond
# eval when cond is truthy
Is it possible to give a Ruby keyword alias done in Ruby?
Or I need to hack on Ruby C source code?
This is not possible without some deep changes to the Ruby language itself. The things you describe are not methods but keywords of the language, i.e. the actual core of what is Ruby. As such, these things are not user-changeable at all.
If you still want to change the names of the keywords, you would at least have to adapt the language parser. If you don't change semantics at all, this might do it as is. But if you want to change what these keywords represent, things get messy really quick.
Also note that Ruby in itself is sometimes quite ambiguous (e.g. with regards to parenthesis, dots, spacing) and goes to great length to resolve this in a mostly consistent way. If you change keywords, you would have to ensure that things won't get any more ambiguous. This could e.g. happen with your change of if to when. when is used as a keywords is case statements already and would thus could be a source of ambiguity when used as an if.

Make a NullObject evaluate to falsy in Ruby

After implementing Null Object Pattern in a Rails application (also described in RubyTapas episode 112) I refactored out some code, but there's a syntax construct that seems to not work anymore.
I used to write statements like current_user || redirect_out, where, if current_user was set it would return it, and if it was nil it redirects out, but now current_user may be an instance of Null::User and thus "truthy", and that snippet would never redirect out.
I tried defining the || operator, but didn't work. Is there any way this syntax can still be used with null (but "truthy") objects?
I think you have only halfway adopted that pattern, and have not correctly adopted its spirit. My understanding is that the very purpose of the pattern is to avoid ||.
You should have some purpose for calling current_user || redirect_out, and that could be doing something with it, or getting some attribute of it. For example, suppose your code has:
(current_user || redirect_out).foo
When current_user is not an instance of Null::User, you wanted to call foo on it. In that case, what you should do is define Null::User#foo to be redirect_out (possibly followed by some more operations like foo on other classes).
class Null::User
def foo; redirect_out ... end
and in place of (current_user || redirect_out).foo, you should just do
When current_user is not a Null::User instance, it will call foo. When it is such instance, then the redirect_out ... routine will be called on it.
I once wrote an article about how it's not possible to define "falsy" objects in Ruby, and why attempts to make a Null Object falsy are generally misguided.
Basically, the best you can do is come up with a confusingly inconsistent object using #!, nil?, etc.
As others have noted, usually when you want to make a Null Object "falsy" it's because you're not full leveraging polymorphism. The whole point of a Null Object is to avoid type checks, and checking for NilClass in the form of an if statement is just as much a type check as any other.
That said, sometimes it's unavoidable. That's why in my Naught library I generate a helper conversion function called Actual() (among several other conversions). Actual() converts Null Objects back to nil values, but leaves all other objects alone. So for the cases where you need to switch on an object's truthiness, you can do it like this:
if Actual(obj_that_might_be_null)
# stuff...
There are exactly two objects which are falsy in Ruby: nil and false. Period.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to define your own falsy objects, nor is it possible to override the Boolean operators (except for not/!). This is a shame, really: it is one of the basic pillars of OO that an object can simulate another object, but in Ruby it is not possible to simulate false or nil, therefore breaking one of the fundamental properties of OO in a language with an otherwise pretty good OO model.

Is there no convenience method for !nil?

I think I would see my code better if I would ask myself object.not_nil? vs !object.nil?. So my question: Is there really no convenience method for !nil? to sugar things up? Is it in front of my eyes and I cannot see it or am I just missing an important point?
How about this?
not object.nil?
But the easier thing to do would be to check for the "truthiness" of by testing the variable itself. Since nil is implicitly false you can just check object.
You can introduce the sugar at an upper level. Instead of:
if not object.nil?
you can write:
unless object.nil?
What about this ?
if object
# sth
It is not the same as it will not be executed if object is false but depending on you code, it could be better.
Another solution (which is not the same either), as you tagged your question with ruby-on-rails-3 : using present? which will not execute the block for [] or {} unlike !object.nil?.
Again another one depending of the case : using unless which won't be really nice if your condition is more complex (with && and/or ||).
If your condition is of this form :
if !object.nil? && object.something?
# sth
You can use try, as you are using Rails, like this :
if object.try(:something?)
# sth
In all the other cases, !object.nil? or not object.nil? stays the best solution I guess.
When convenience around #nil? is discussed, Activesupport's methods #blank? and #present? shouldn't be forgotten either.
Not that you'd necessarily want to, but you can introduce not_nil? yourself:
class Object
def not_nil?
then you can do things like:
==> false
==> true
a = []
==> true

What is the purpose of "!" and "?" at the end of method names?

Sometimes I see methods in Ruby that have "?" and "!" at the end of them, e.g:
name = "sample_string"
I was wondering what their purpose is? Are they just syntax sugarcoating?
It's "just sugarcoating" for readability, but they do have common meanings:
Methods ending in ! perform some permanent or potentially dangerous change; for example:
Enumerable#sort returns a sorted version of the object while Enumerable#sort! sorts it in place.
In Rails, ActiveRecord::Base#save returns false if saving failed, while ActiveRecord::Base#save! raises an exception.
Kernel::exit causes a script to exit, while Kernel::exit! does so immediately, bypassing any exit handlers.
Methods ending in ? return a boolean, which makes the code flow even more intuitively like a sentence — if reads like "if the number is zero", but if just looks weird.
In your example, name.reverse evaluates to a reversed string, but only after the name.reverse! line does the name variable actually contain the reversed name. name.is_binary_data? looks like "is name binary data?".
Question mark indicates that the method returns boolean. Already answered here:
What does the question mark operator mean in Ruby?
The bang indicates that the method acts on the object itself. Already answered here:
Why are exclamation marks used in Ruby methods?
In Ruby the ? means that the method is going to return a boolean and the ! modifies the object it was called on. They are there to improve readability when looking at the code.
In contrast to the – I suppose – majority of programming languages ...
Ruby, methods are allowed to end with question marks or exclamation marks.
By convention, methods that answer questions (i.e. Array#empty? returns true if the receiver is empty) end in question marks.
Potentially “dangerous” methods (ie methods that modify self or the arguments, exit! etc.) by convention end with exclamation marks.
From:, Section Funny method names
Beware, this isn't always the case. Take for example, Ruby Array#concat
Where you can get burnt badly is something like MyActiveRecordModel.column_names.concat([url]). Later calls related to MyActiveRecordModel will try to look for a column of 'url' for MyActiveRecordModel and throw.
Instead you must clone it before doing the concat. Fortunately my test suite caught this one, but.. heads up!

What does the "!!" symbol mean in Ruby?

def test
!! - what does this do? can we remove it and still assume it will work the same?
That would be the double bang (or bang bang).
It's not really an operator in itself. It is really two ! operators together...which performs double negation. It is used to make sure you're working with a boolean value.
The first ! coerces its operand to a boolean value, then negates it. The second ! negates the negated value. The sum effect is to coerce the operand to a boolean type. So if you change it then the method won't be returning a boolean anymore, it will be returning whatever is in the hash for that symbol. Nothing will change if you remove it, but the advantage from using !! is you can't abuse the method call to get the object from the session.
To address your second question, your method will change subtly if you remove the double negation since you'll be returning the object instead of TrueClass or FalseClass.
The !! is generally frowned upon unless you explicitly need boolean values (for example, if you're building out an API). Since Ruby evaluates any non-nil and non-false value as truthy, it's usually safe just to return the object in question so that you can call its methods.
