Umbraco error with the Content.ascx file - visual-studio

I'm getting an error when I try to build my web project in VS2015:
Could not load type 'umbraco.cms.presentation.create.controls.content'
It's very limited what I can find on the internet about this issue.
This issue seems related to a file in the umbraco installation folders Content.ascx. Deleting the file seems to bring more errors with other files in the same folder.
Anyone knows how to solve this error?


What is fatal error C1090: PDB API call failed, error code '3': vc142.pdb?

I set up a new project with Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.10. When I try to build I get the following error:
EasyTcpStubs.c : fatal error C1090: PDB API call failed, error code '3':
W:\Dropbox\Me (Mine)\TcpToNamedPipe\TcpToNamedPipe\Debug\vc142.pdb
I have searched the internet and this site for any explanation of this error. Maybe I missed it but I could not find anything.
The project is a Console project.
The error occurs without a line number so it does not seem to be the source. I tried another project and it compiles OK (but it is an old project whereas this error is occuring on a brand new project.
Does anyone know something about this?
For me, I stopped Dropbox and it works. It seems that something is using W:\Dropbox\Me (Mine)\TcpToNamedPipe\TcpToNamedPipe\Debug.
In my experience this error is likely due to some permission error. If your project is in Dropbox, OneDrive, etc, most likely you get this error because your Dropbox cannot sync and update files properly. Restart Dropbox and that should fix the issue.
In My case, I suspect it is some type of race condition/lock issue with the code that opens/closes the *.pdb file. In my case I am running /MP (Multiprocessor Compile) so up to 4 *.cpp modules being built at a time. It works fine on a stand alone build machine. But I'm a vendor and must use a VM environment to develop for my customer, and the disk requirements are so large I must place the builds on a network share.
The latency of file I/O access over a network share seems to be the issue.
Thats all I know about the issue at the moment.
As I learn/test discover more, I can improve this answer.
Synology Drive Client (v3.2.0) caused this error for me. Pausing the sync eliminated the error. Thanks to all for the clue of DropBox, OneDrive, etc. causing the issue.

how to fix xamarin support jar file errors

I'm currently attempting to fix build issues which occured once i tried to update some component. they told me i need to update some references. Oddly enough i now get these issues:
Now i'll just add some text so someone comming from google can find the potential answer as well:
error reading xamarin embedded jar error in opening zip file.
Does anyone know how to fix this? I've tried:
Deleting and restoring nugetpackages, in hopes the nuget install script supplied these files,
Uninstall+Install Support Package in Android SDK Manager
Deleting files, in hope they are just temporary references and are pulled by xamarin if they are missing.
Neither one of those attempts worked out sadly.
Any ideas?
Turns out the reason of this issue was actually my own impatience. At some point after package updates i must have canceled the build process assuming that it got stuck, because it just wouldn't deploy. That resulted in incomplete jar files.
I fixed the issue by deleting the folders in AppData/Local/Xamarin which raised errors and that in turn made sure the build process redownloads the required files properly.

When running under IIS Express I must recompile each time I change something in a .cshtml file?

We've recently changed from the built-in VS.NET Development Webserver to IIS Express, but now we are experiencing a wierd issue where, every time we change a .cshtml file, the webserver complains about not being able to read resources files:
An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Error reading resource file 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\f8182027\1ae20e7e\ResX\resources.resetpassword.nb-no.resources' -- 'The system cannot find the file specified.'
A recompile solves the issue, but it's annoying as heck.
Anyone have any clues as how to resolve this?

Website DLL Access Denied

I just recently inherited a website and while there are errors in the build (its missing import Microsoft.VisualBasic in a few places and i have fixed these)
There was no solution files with this website so i have just added my own and imported the website,
what i am finding now is that when i build the website i get
Error 1 Could not load file or assembly 'ActiveReports.Chart, Version=6.2.3681.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc4967777c49a3ff' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.
I know its not a permissions issue as i have gone in and edited the permissions to allow for everyone to access the file.
I am working on a Windows 7 x64 machine, but if i look at the DLL its targeted towards a x86 build, could this be causing the problem OR could it be that i have copied the files across from a dev server to my local machine.
I have tried to google it and most of the results are showing as permissions to the file.
any help you could give me would be great.
After some more investigation i found this in the web.config of the project
<identity impersonate="true" password="yyy" userName="xxx" />
and the Bin folder was trying to connect using this user.
hence the Permissions as the user was not valid on my machine
I have now learned a very big lesson, always validate the Web.Config of a website you inherit.
Stupid me the DLLs needed to be added to the GAC.
Have you made sure that the reference to this DLL in your project is to this same version and not a different version?
You just need to add the ActiveReports.Chart assembly to your project and you should be good to go. In case you are facing any issues then just send us an email to

Webmatrix error when creating new site from folder "MACHINE/REDIRECTION"

I'm experiencing an error when creating a new site from a folder with Webmatrix.
I've used it for months now and i never had a problem with it, but yesterday when i went for create a new site i got this error with no other explanation:
Cannot find configuration file 'MACHINE/REDIRECTION'.
I actually have no idea what caused it and what it is about, i tried looking in the configuration file of IIS Express installed with it but couldn't find anything related to it, even searching with google gave me no useful answer.
It seems redirection.config file that is supposed to be present in the %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\ folder is either doesn't exist or it is corrupted. You have two options.
1.Copy redirection.config file from %programfiles%\IIS Express\config\templates\PersonalWebServer (or %programfiles(x86)\iis express\config\templates\personalwebserver) to %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\
2.Restart webmatrix
1.Rename iisexpress folder located in %userprofile%\documents\
2.Restart WebMatrix
Note: If you follow option-2 steps you may not see websites that were created recently.
