Yosemite OSX 10.10.1 Asset image not shown Properly - cocoa

I am using OS Seiera and xcode 7.3.1 for making .dmg. Images with same properties are acting differently on Yosmemite. Some of them works perfectly but some are getting weird, as you can see images. What could be the issue in image I am using, as all are coming from same designer. Is there a slicing issue for from some property twicking should me made?


Xcode image Quick Look is not working on M1 Mac

Ever since switching to an M1 Mac for my development, Xcode no longer shows any image previews at break points.
Quick Look is not functioning with any images: CGImages, UIImages, CIImages, MTLTextures, etc.
I am running in debug mode. Anyone know what's up with this?

what might cause macOS app to render all blurry on retina macOS

I have a problem in my existing macOS project.
My windows/views render all blurry on a retina Mac when I run it.
It look perfectly fine in Xcode when working with the storyboard.
If I add a new window to my existing app it looks like this (all blurry):
while when I do a new project it looks like this (perfectly sharp):
i am searching for what might cause this for hours now but am still without a clue.
Does anyone know what might influences the rendering of my macOS app?
Turns out I had to set
in my projects plist file.
Not sure tho what exactly is different on the "new" project that removes the necessity to do this.
with this property my old project is rendering properly now.

Xcode not displaying object descriptions

I'm developing a Mac app, and I've updated to OS X El Capitan GM seed (but I'm still on Xcode 6.4). I'm not sure if it's related to the updates but when debugging, Xcode is not displaying description of my local variables anymore, it's just displaying their addresses:
It's just an example run, it's always the same no matter my object types are or what method I am in. I've cleaned build folder, removed derived data etc. but no avail, still the same.
Why would this happen?

Interface Builder appears blurry on retina display in Xcode 6.3

I just recently downloaded the latest public release of Xcode (6.3) and I noticed the storyboard for my app is now low res on my Retina MacBook Pro. Images, text and standard UI elements all appear blurry. On the actual device everything looks fine and code still looks sharp its just while working in the Interface Builder.
Has anybody else noticed this and figured out a way to fix it? This is happening to me in both Swift and Objective-C projects including in Apple's sample projects (Master-Detail Application and etc).
I submitted this as a bug report, and Apple responded by saying that it is the desired appearance. They did not give an explanation, that was all they said.
It appears to be related to a bug in the newest iOS SDK, and as a workaround, they've forced Interface Builder to render everything at 1x. Currently, there doesn't seem to be any solution to this annoying problem other than to wait.
Just installed Xcode version 6.3.2 and this issue appears to have been fixed.
Have you tried re-installation of the same version? That helped once.
Alternatively, can upgrade to newer version, too.

Accessibility broken with Preview.app in OS X 10.8.4?

We have an application that integrates with different programs (among which is the Preview.app) using accessibility. We use the AXUIElementSetAttributeValue function to programmatically select some text in a PDF document using the kAXSelectedTextRangeAttribute. This used to work fine but suddenly stopped on my Mac (nothing seems to happend). My co-worker doesn't have the issue so after trying to figure out the difference I remembered that I had just updated to OS X 10.8.4 while he hasn't. I then read about this update and among the features and fixes was the following:
Improves VoiceOver compatibility with text in PDF documents
This indicates to me that they have fiddled with the area where I am having the issue. My question is now weather this is simply a bug or if it is by design. In the case of the latter, what am I supposed to use in stead?
PS. We tried also setting the selection range using the Accessibility Inspector found under Developer tools in Xcode and it works fine in 10.8.2 but not in 10.8.4, which further indicates that this might be a bug.
This is indeed a bug. I just installed the developer preview of OS X 10.8.5 and the issue has been resolved here. In the change-log it also says that some of the changes in this version regard "PDF viewing and Accessibility".
