Xcode image Quick Look is not working on M1 Mac - xcode

Ever since switching to an M1 Mac for my development, Xcode no longer shows any image previews at break points.
Quick Look is not functioning with any images: CGImages, UIImages, CIImages, MTLTextures, etc.
I am running in debug mode. Anyone know what's up with this?


Xcode 12.3 iOS 14.3 simulators Yellow Dock / yellow translucent issues

Today I downloaded the release of Xcode 12.3, and I went running the iOS 14.3 simulators and it seems like there is a graphic glitch that all translucent views are yellow, dock included.
I redownloaded iOS 14.2 and those seem fine. It just seems really odd. I've submitted feedback, but I was curious if anyone else has seen this?
I'm on macOS v10.15.7 (Catalina) and am curious of if it's just Catalina or also macOS v11 (Big Sur).
Xcode 12.4 RC has announced fix.
iOS simulated devices no longer display an incorrect yellow tint in translucent UI elements. Certain GPUs may continue to display the tint with some tvOS simulators. (71203015)
I think it is a bug related to the discrete GPU.
In addition, this bug causes the background of the on-screen keyboard to be almost RGB(0,0,0). Experienced on MBP 2017 with Catalina.
Workaround I - Using integrated GPU
In the simulator, set menu File → GPU Selection → Prefer Integrated GPU to work around this bug.
Restart the simulator.
This was tested on a MacBook Pro with Catalina and Big Sur. As comments suggest that it won't work on iMac.
Workaround II - Reduce transparency
In the simulated device (e.g. iPhone), Settings → Accessibility → Display & Text Size → turn on Reduce Transparency.
Notice that it can only reduce the previous 'solid' yellow to 'fairly light'.
I find this workaround, as the discrete GPU can be used, is more suitable for testing the UI logic than the previous solution.
This was tested on a MacBook Pro with Catalina. Might work on iMac.
Are you using a MacBook Pro? I had the same bug.
I solved in the following ways.
Step 1: Unplug all cables, including the charging cable
Step 2: Restart the iOS simulator
Best way around it (what I've done), is to download the 14.2 Simulator pack from within Xcode.
Open Xcode->Preferences
Tap Components
Tap the 14.2 Simulator pack and Xcode is going to start installing it.
It's a workaround till they fix that miserable error.
It is Xcode 12.3 bug! you can see that sometimes in the code interface builder too:
It is not critical but If you really care about it, download and use the previous Xcode from here
Nothe that you can't build for iOS 14.3 if you choose to use Xcode 12.2.
More description
Xcode always have unknown issues at the release point. Some of them are critical like this with 54K views! and some are not like this issue with about 5K views in only 13 days.
My suggestion is to always have 2 Xcodes at the same time until you are sure about Xcode bugs!
Happened to me as well, while I was charging my MacBook Pro 2016. I closed my Xcode, disconnected my charger from the Macbook and run it again. The problem was fixed.
One thing to point out/confirm: Seems the issue is limited to the simulator. The issue does not persist when sideloading the project to iPhone.

Interface Builder appears blurry on retina display in Xcode 6.3

I just recently downloaded the latest public release of Xcode (6.3) and I noticed the storyboard for my app is now low res on my Retina MacBook Pro. Images, text and standard UI elements all appear blurry. On the actual device everything looks fine and code still looks sharp its just while working in the Interface Builder.
Has anybody else noticed this and figured out a way to fix it? This is happening to me in both Swift and Objective-C projects including in Apple's sample projects (Master-Detail Application and etc).
I submitted this as a bug report, and Apple responded by saying that it is the desired appearance. They did not give an explanation, that was all they said.
It appears to be related to a bug in the newest iOS SDK, and as a workaround, they've forced Interface Builder to render everything at 1x. Currently, there doesn't seem to be any solution to this annoying problem other than to wait.
Just installed Xcode version 6.3.2 and this issue appears to have been fixed.
Have you tried re-installation of the same version? That helped once.
Alternatively, can upgrade to newer version, too.

Cocoa App Renders Differently on Macbook Pro vs Mac Mini

Perhaps I'm going crazy here, but I have a desktop mac application which, in one of its windows, has an NSImageView placed in a specific spot (using Interface Builder).
When I run the app on a Mac Mini it appears in the right spot. But when I run it on a Macbook Pro the image view is offset quite noticeably.
I've tried on both Lion and Snow Leopard on two different macbook pros and two different mac minis. The OS version doesn't seem to be a factor. It seems the only difference is that one machine is a laptop and the other is a desktop, but I have no idea why this would affect the positioning of elements.
Is there any reason an app's UI elements would not appear in the right spot when running on a laptop vs desktop?
Or perhaps there's another reason this is happening?
If your display is smaller on the Mac Mini and the window is larger than the display then it could be automatically resized. If that is the case then you should look at the view's autoresize mask to make sure they are correct.

White screen in Xcode 4.2 after conversion to Objective C ARC

I have combed through the entire internet looking for this answer , and have found nothing, so I have decided to post.
EQUIPMENT: Mac Mini (2011) , running OSXLion (10.7) , 8gb ram, 500gb hd
XCODE: version 4.2, running IPAD 4.3 and 5.0 simulators
I have developed an Ipad app using the program HYPE (html 5 designer/generator), this program was developed by an APPLE team. I then brought it into Xcode using the PhoneGap template. I had developed this app in a previous version of Xcode (4.0 using MAC osx snow leopard) and was able to transfer everything into Xcode 4.2 (including the phonegap template) successfully.
All was running fine. I launched my app in the app store successfully (Five Element Clinic Book HD - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/five-element-clinic-book-hd/id495512918?alreadyRedirected=1&ign-mpt=uo%3D2&mt=8)
I noticed some issues I wanted to change (namely the external hosting was not working - my embeded youtube video (iframe) was not working, links to external websites not working and an iframe bringing in a counter script (javascript) also not showing - so I decided to take a look at everything to see if I adding more detailed URLs in the phonegap.plist external hosts area would work.
I didn't even get that far. When I opened Xcode again (after about 2 weeks, so there must have been some kind of API change) - I had a tone of errors that lead me to the information of needing to Convert my files over to Objective C ARC.
So I did this, with no errors or issues. Everything converted seamlessly. All files are showing converted to Objective C ARC.
I CLEANED then reBUILT - with absolutely no errors or warnings - and RAN my app in the IPAD simulator (4.3 and 5.0).
This is what happens. The simulator opens, my app launches, the start up screen shows, the app begins to load the rest of the app and just goes to a WHITE SCREEN. Forever. It goes no where else.
So I have quit the app, restarted the app, deleted the app, tried everything again. Same issue. If I quit the app it just goes to a black screen. I have also restarted Xcode and my computer, ran my disk warriors to fix file permissions, etc.
I still have my old project in my old laptop (Xcode 4.0, MAC OSx Snow Leopard). So I went back there to see if I could just work from the old environment. Nope. Same errors that require me to convert files to Objective C ARC. So I converted with zero issues and zero errors. Cleaned, Built - no errors) and ran the program in the simulators. None of them work, everything loads the start-up screen and goes to a white page.
Does ANYONE know what is going on?
And thank you.
Mine was not a white screen - but a black screen.
In applicationDidFinishLaunching I was using the result of
UIWindow* window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:mainBounds];
as a local variable.
Converting to ARC released it.
Instead it needed to be assigned to a property of my app delegate:
#interface MyAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {
UIWindow *mainWindow;

Testing jQTouch Swipe Events on Development machine

I'm currently developing a quicky mobile application using JQTouch - everything is going well but I've got a bit of a debugging issue.
At the moment I'm implementing all the core functionality, so using my development box (Windows, Using Safari to test it) I'd like to ensure that swipes are being handled correctly. However, short of booting up in Mac OS X or hosting it online and running it from my iPhone (may seem like no real trouble - but hey, we're all coders! We all know how comfortable our toolkits/environments are) - is there a way to test swipes "in browser"?
I thought I could simply click and drag to mimic a swipe but that just results in my dragging my image away...!
Thanks in advance
There is no easy way, that I know of, to test iPhone applications (Web app or not) on a non-Mac machine.
Your best bet is probably to run Mac OS X through a virtual machine, e.g. VMWare. Then install XCode, which has an iPhone Simulator. You can get XCode for free after you register yourself as an iPhone developer with Apple.
Leopard image for VMWare
Snow Leopard image for VMWare
