Xcode not displaying object descriptions - xcode

I'm developing a Mac app, and I've updated to OS X El Capitan GM seed (but I'm still on Xcode 6.4). I'm not sure if it's related to the updates but when debugging, Xcode is not displaying description of my local variables anymore, it's just displaying their addresses:
It's just an example run, it's always the same no matter my object types are or what method I am in. I've cleaned build folder, removed derived data etc. but no avail, still the same.
Why would this happen?


Xcode 11.2.1 not showing object in library

I do not have objects in my Xcode Library.
Xcode - Version 11.2.1 (11B500)
OS Catalina - 10.15.1 (19B88)
It was about hour ago and then disappeared. Xcode restarted, Macbook restarted. Last stable Xcode and Catalina OS.
Library automatically changes according to what file you are editing (plus some configurations for the file like Canvas open state). For example:
As you can see, each file represents a different library with different taps and different default tap is selected. So make sure a design (.storyboard or .xib) file is selected and try again.
Note that sometimes you need to open Canvas to see Objects in Library if you are using SwiftUI
Also note that you should check the other monitor too if you have multiple monitors.

Xcode storyboard showing osX object library. I want IOS object library

I develop mainly IOS apps but, recently, I worked on an OSX app. Both are possible with Xcode (I use 8, with swift).
Unfortunately, when I switched back to my already-existing IOS project (after restarting Xcode), the storyboard selection menu for the object library shows only OSX objects, not IOS (e.g. UIImageView).
I have googled without success and tried restarting Xcode, also without success. Can anyone help me fix this?
I did a lot more searching and came up with:
Xcode is loading in OS X objects instead of iOS objects
There there are other solutions proposed but the one that worked for me was to close the assistant editor and then, in the file list ( leftmost window in Xcode 8), I double clicked on the storyboard file. Problem solved. I am surprised that this bug still exists in this latest version...it is very troublesome.

Sandboxed Mac OS App, saving files in a shared location?

Have a Sandboxed Mac App. It downloads files to a location, and I want other files to be able to edit and overwrite the files.
Currently, I'm saving to the Documents Container via my App:
let path = manager.URLsForDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask).first!
I then am modifying via Preview and saving the file.
In OSX 10.11 El Capitan, this is fine. However, on Mac OS 10.12 Sierra Beta when the User attempts to save, we get the warning: "The original document can't be changed, so a duplicate with your changes has been created."
The same problem occurs when saving to Application Support.
Of course, this does make sense in that many use cases for Sandboxed Apps is that they won't want other Apps touching their content. Though is there a shared space in which Sandboxed Apps can allow other Apps modify their contents?

Xcode 5 Cocoa App Fails to Load Nib on OS X 10.6

I'm creating a Cocoa application for 10.6 and newer OSs. I created a brand new document-based application in Xcode 5 (10.9) and changed two settings to make it 10.6-compatible: I changed the deployment target to 10.6 and turned Auto Layout off on both MainMenu.xib and xxDocument.xib, the two default nibs that are included with the document-based template. I archived my application (no code signing) adding no other code and tested it on four different OSs. Here are the results:
OS X 10.9: Launches and shows a new document window ("Your document contents here") as expected.
OS X 10.8: Launches as expected; same as 10.9.
OS X 10.7: Fails to launch; Console applications yields "App Name: Unable to load nib file: MainMenu, exiting".
OSX 10.6: Fails to launch; Console yields same as 10.7.
I'm quite baffled as to the behavior of my application. I added absolutely no code to the template document-based app that Xcode created for me; I just changed the required settings to make it compatible with 10.6 and up. I also tried turning off ARC in the build settings, which made no difference at all. I checked Apple docs and also searched for other questions about the console error I received, but none of them were related to this problem. I was very surprised that 10.7 exhibited this behavior, as 10.7 is compatible with ARC. I would greatly appreciate any advice on how I can fix this problem. I would suspect that there is an easy modification to the default template, as Apple probably wouldn't supply a template that requires extensive modification to merely get it working. Thanks.
As suggested, I turned off base internationalization in Xcode. I ran the app, and it worked fine. I exported the application (no code signing) and tested on all of the above OSs. This time, the error that I received above occurred for all OSs. This even occurred on the SAME machine that I built the project with, the only difference is that I didn't run it from Xcode. My next step was to actually make a MainMenu.xib file (because removing base internationalization deleted the old one) and set that as the main interface. Now not only do I get the error in the exported application on all OSs, but it shows up in Xcode when I try to run the application! Is there something else that I am missing?
AS mentioned before you need to disable Internationalization Base.
In the Project Navigator Click on the on the first item which is your project (denoted by blue page with white A in it, it is the root of all other items)
You should by default see the Info page to the left (if not select it from the tab at the top)
The last item in the Info property sheet is Localization. Under Localization you will have the ability to add and remove languages and you should by default have two already Base, and English.
Delete both, and deselect the check box "Use Base Internationalization"
Once you have done this, remove the any *.xib files you have from the project itself. MAKE SURE TO ONLY REMOVE REFERENCES !!!DO NOT SEND TO TRASH!!!
Once the references have been removed, go into Finder, Open your project directory and you will find a directory called Base.lproj with your *.xib files located in them. Copy or move them one level up to your project directory, and delete Base.lproj directory.
Go back into xCode and add back in your *.xib files. ++K to clean the project, then ++R to rebuild.
This should move the *.xib files in the App Package from Base.lproj (where 10.6 does not seem to find them) to the Resources file folder, and solve the problem.
Newly created Xcode 5 projects have base internationalization turned on. Base internationalization is supported on OS X 10.8 and later. You'll have to turn off base internationalization to support 10.7 and 10.6. See the following Stack Overflow question for more information:
Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib is not available when compiling for targets before Mac OS X 10.8
Another thing you may need to do to support 10.6 is to set the deployment target to 10.6 for both the project and the xib files. I know you said you set the deployment target to 10.6 in your question, but it wasn't clear if you set it for both the project and the xib files. As you're discovering, Apple's project templates do not place a high priority on compatibility with old OS versions.

XCode not importing OS X crash log

I have a crash log for my app sent to me by a tester. According to the documentation I should be able to drop this into the 'Device Logs' section of the Library in the Organizer (or use the 'Import' button at the bottom of the window).
Unfortunately both does nothing. No error, no warning, no import.
My .crash file was created by hand by copying the content of an email so maybe the formatting is incorrect, comparing it to other crash files it seems correct though.
I have the build the crash log refers to in my archive also, as I know this is important for symbols to show up.
Any idea how I can debug this? This is using Xcode 4.4.1
I experienced the same issue when I tried to import crash logs generated by PLCrashReporter. Then I noticed that Incident identifier and CrashReporter key fields in the crash reports are populated with "[TODO]" string instead of correct values. I replaced incident identifiers with arbitrary UUIDs and crash reporter key with UDID of one of my devices, and after that XCode was able to import the reports. I use XCode 4.5
I broke down and used one of my support credits with Apple to try and get to the bottom of this.
The bottom line is quite simple. As of now (Xcode 4.6), OS X crash logs cannot be imported into Xcode. Only iOS ones.
I suspect an Xcode bug.
I have the same problem with Xcode 4.4.1. Even tried the latest 4.5.2 developer release.
I used an earlier version of Xcode, and it kinda worked (only importing one crash at a time, required to relaunch Xcode several times, but I managed to do what I needed).
You can download an older version of Xcode here.
I had some success with deleting ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS Device Logs when Xcode refused to cooperate. Proceed at your own risk.
