Qt-Creator fails to detect external changes - qt-creator

I was used to QT-Craetor detecting external changes (e.g. ching out a file from git). In this case it always came up with a message that the file changed outside of QT-Creator and if I would like to accept/reject changes.
Now I switched to Qt-Creator 4.1.0 under Ubuntu 16.04 and the behaviour is gone. Missing Plugin ? Service ?
Thanks in advance


Neovim for windows not available on GitHub

I'm very new to vim. I just started today.
Neovim used to have 8 assets with 2 for windows called nvim-win32 and nvim-win64. They are not there anymore. Does anyone know what happened or when they will be back for download? Or will I need to work with the source file?
Thanks for the help.
The windows binaries are not included for every release. They are included in most of them, though, including the release tagged with "latest release".

Neovim builds failing on OS X 10.10.2

I should mention that I originally posted this as an issue on Neovim's tracker, but it hasn't been getting a ton of traction there lately and I'm beginning to suspect that it's more an issue with my setup rather than Neovim itself.
Essentially, I had stopped building neovim nightlies for a few months. Having heard that it's getting integrated terminal support I decided to rebuild using the latest source, only to get a persistent, odd error. No matter what my build settings are, it always boils down to make hitting an error when it has to compile a file called loop.so. I hadn't noticed this issue with any other software I try to build, but I suspect it could be an issue with my environment.
Does anyone here know what this file's role is, and why the compilation could be failing at that point?
You might need to install the full Xcode app and not just the command line. This fixed the issue for me.
The issue turned out to be a bad typedef in a libuv header, object.h.

Build & Install OpenSceneGraph-3.1.3 give me a No WindowSystemInterface error?

I am trying to install the latest SVN Update OpenSceneGraph-3.1.4 on Mac OS X Mountain Lion.
Do I need to install a specific WindowSystemInterface ?
$ osgviewer cow.osg
View::setUpViewAcrossAllScreens() : Error, no WindowSystemInterface available, cannot create windows.
Viewer::realize() - failed to set up any windows.
I build and re-build many times, using CMake with or without Gui, compiling Unix files or from within Xcode, but still same problem.
Thank you!
If you'd like a more recent Mac OSG binary which includes a
user-runnable installer, OSG Frameworks supporting both 32 and 64-bit
archs, etc. you can use the one published by ARToolworks:
It doesn't include the COLLADA (.dae) plugin but most other plugins
are present.
Regards, Phil.
It sounds like somehow the GraphicsWindow*.cpp file didn't compile and link and execute, as this is what provides the WindowSystemInterface. This is an unusual condition, as normally this is built automatically, linked in and executed as the library starts up and the user is never the wiser.
I'm not sure what to advise you, only to re-check you build process as something has gone very wrong.

MonoDevelop on Ubuntu -- No compiler, no debugger, nothing... why?

I've tried to use MonoDevelop 2.4 and 2.6 with Ubuntu 11.04, but neither of them seems to actually provide any way of running the project. (As the picture shows, the Run, Step, and Debug items are disabled -- both on the toolbar and inside the menus.)
This is true for all project types I've seen so far -- C#, Python, etc...
But mono-debugger is installed. Is there some post-setup task that I need to do manually, for this to work?
Looking over https://github.com/mono/monodevelop/blob/master/main/src/core/MonoDevelop.Ide/MonoDevelop.Ide.Commands/ProjectCommands.cs
Perhaps you haven't selected a 'Project'? Open up the Solution pad and click on the Test1 project (not the solution at the root of the tree, but the project just below it).
I'm just guessing here since I don't have Ubuntu and can't actually test anything.
Edit: actually, it looks like clicking on the Solution would work as well.
From looking at the code, another possibility is that you don't have a build target? Not sure how that would happen, but unless you only opened Main.cs and not actually Test1.sln, I don't know what to suggest.
When you opened the project, which file did you open? Test1.sln? Test1.csproj? Or Main.cs?
Try looking for mono-mdb and more packages in synaptic, this may fix this issue.
Don't remember exact names, Linux box at home...
Did you really open the project? It looks like you just opened Main.cs. It won't work that way.
Make sure you installed the compilers (mcs etc)

Problem in plug-in development: Eclipse 3.4 can't find a bundle that is definitively there!

Today I had a problem with my old Eclipse 3.4 installation and I had to re-download the entire package. However, I don't think that I got the exact package as before, and I'm having some problems.
The problem can be summarized as follows: when developing a plug-in, I cannot resolve dependencies towards 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui'. When trying to add the missing plugin, in the dialog the closest match is 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui**.source**'. A similar thing happens with other core plugins.
In order to test, I created a new plug-in using the wizard and I obtained a non-compiling plugin: one of the classes uses the class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaUI and it cannot be resolved. Similarly, the MANIFEST.MF includes a dependency towards 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui', but the 'Bundle 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui' cannot be resolved'.
Now a summary of my platform:
I'm running Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and Java 1.5.0_19-138
I'm running Eclipse Version: 3.4.1 Build id: M20080911-1700
I downloaded the modeling package, which comes in a file called 'eclipse-modeling-ganymede-SR1-incubation-macosx-carbon.tar.gz'
I've performed a fresh installation, in a new folder and using a new workspace.
If I look at the Plug-in Registry view, I can find the 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui' plugin in there, and it appears to be running. By the way, if it is disabled, then the workbench breaks and stops working.
I cannot understand what is happening. Is my installation broken? I wonder if the Eclipse package that I downloaded has an error and they included the sources instead of the compiled files. But in that case, the plug-in shouldn't be working in the workbench, isn't it?
In any case, why I cannot find the plug-in when I'm adding the dependencies, even if I see it in the Plug-in Registry?
Thanks for your help!
Problem solved: just restart the computer.
I don't restart my computer very frequently, so it took me a lot of time to find out that this was the solution. After I restarted it, everything started to work perfectly again. It seems that either Eclipse leaves something in the memory after running, or that some of my initial failures had left something nasty behind. In any case, I had checked and there were no Eclipse related processes running .... weird, but at least now it's fixed!
