what is the home directory of kettle(PDI) in ubuntu - pentaho-data-integration

I just want to know where the Home Directory of Kettle(PDI) is in UBUNTU 14.04. I know in windows it is in the user & called kettle.properties

You can find the .kettle folder in the home directory.
If you are not able to find it, just do a CRTL+H, to see the hidden folders.

In the home folder of your user (~/.kettle).
You can also set the variable KETTLE_HOME if you need it in another location.


OpenShift Online home folder no write permissions

I'm running Jenkins on OpenShift Origin, but no write permissions in home folder. This likely breaks some programs for me. Can you please help me with
moving home directory to location with write permissions, or
allowing write permissions in my home folder, or
telling Gradle in Jenkins to use different folder.
The only directory writable is the OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR, this is the environment variable you can use to reference it.

Order of resolving in Windows search PATH

I have more than 40 folders are added into search PATH on my Windows 7 machine. I used to put Python environment in the User PATH. Yesterday the system can't find python.exe suddenly... I tried to move the folder path to System PATH and the problem solved.
But today, I installed Tex live package on my machine. By default, the path of C:\texlive\2015\bin\win32 was added to User PATH. System can't find any file under this folder. Then I tied to move C:\texlive\2015\bin\win32 to the end of System PATH. System still can't find any file in this folder... Finally, I tried to paste C:\texlive\2015\bin\win32 at the beginning of System PATH, than it works (all the files in this folder can be searched).
can some one explain why I put the path to the end it doesn't work but when I put the path at the beginning it works? I prefer to put some path to User PATH, I don't know why now them can't be searched?

Make an app open on typing the name in run command

I want to open certain folders and files using run command.
I know that creating a shortcut for the required file or folder and placing it in the System32 folder will do the task. However i don't like to use System32 folder.
I would like to know if it is possible to create a folder under local hard disk and put the shortcuts into that and i would route it some how such that i would be able to open the apps and the files directly by typing the name of the shortcut into the run window.
Setting any Environment Variables would help?
Adding the folder to the PATH variable solved the issue.
As correctly answered by a_horse_with_no_name.

Accessing Symlink folder in ~/Sites folder on Mac (Web Sharing)

I have a local development environment setup on my mac and I am having permission issues accessing a folder in my ~/Sites directory.
Essentially I have Folder A in my Dropbox folder.
I created a SymLink of Folder A to my ~/Sites folder
ln -s ~/Sites ~/Dropbox/FolderA
When I try to access Folder A like so: localhost/~username/FolderA
The page says You don't have permission to access /~username/FolderA on this server
Can someone help me figure out this problem. When I do the same thing on MAMP I don't have this issue. Thanks in advance.
Go on private/etc/apache2/users/, edit your usernamefile.conf, add to the Options line, the option SymLinksIfOwnerMatch, don't use FollowSymLinks if the directory contains important personal files, if for example the dir that you want link is are under your Documents or Dropbox.
Remember that the directory linked by your symbolic link must have 755 permission, and so her parents!
Let's suppose you have /Users/foo/Dropbox/MySites/BarSite, both Users, foo, Dropbox, MySites, BarSite must be 755.

Directory Common to all windows users

I want to know the directory path that will be accessible by all user in windows.
Multiple user can share the file using that directory.
%PUBLIC% environment variable (it resolves to C:\Users\Public on my system).
To get the public folder (FOLDERID_Public) you should call SHGetKnownFolderPath.
On < Vista you should probably use CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS or CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA...
