OpenShift Online home folder no write permissions - gradle

I'm running Jenkins on OpenShift Origin, but no write permissions in home folder. This likely breaks some programs for me. Can you please help me with
moving home directory to location with write permissions, or
allowing write permissions in my home folder, or
telling Gradle in Jenkins to use different folder.

The only directory writable is the OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR, this is the environment variable you can use to reference it.


Permission denied on directory with specific name

This is a weird one... On Ubuntu 14.04 I have a directory called /lib. As root, or on the server as a user with group privileges, I can write to this directory. Over FTP as the same user with group privileges I cannot, I get a Permission Denied error...
If I rename the /lib directory to anything else (in this case /lib-new) I can write to the directory over FTP.
What could be causing a Permission Denied error based purely on the name of the directory?
I've checked and tested the permissions of the directory (777, 775, 755, 664 and 644) as well as the directory above (/public_html - the root directory for the server) and nothing helps, unless I rename the directory something other than lib.
Please help, as SSH-ing into the server to make changes to anything within /lib is time consuming!
EDIT: The FTP server I'm using is ProFTP if it helps.
Try adding RLimitChroot off to /etc/proftpd.conf. May need to restart X for this change to take affect. By default, I think it will do the same thing to /etc directory as well.

public_html folder invisible

I have a website which I copied to this location. The public_html folder was also uploaded with the other folders but it is not showing up. Please guide me. Thanks.
As you are using DreamHost web hosting you wont have any control over ssh and chmod , chown commands. I think dreamhost wont use cPanel for shared hosting, they have their own control panel, so there is nothing you can do, Ask dreamHost support to reinitialize your public_html directory. Surely they will do that. I searched on dreamhost forum and found these link-
Currently in your case i saw that there is no issue related to public_html (technically "Document Root" ) directory coz as your is pointing to correct directory , and your documentRoot is parent of that directory, So if your documentRoot was wrong then there were no chance to access that that url, currently your domain is opening a correct index.html file which indicates that your documentRoot is there.
Create a index.html or home.html file there manually (from their web based file manager) and see if it is working or not, if it works then there is some issue with your uploading.
Your hosting provider seems to be
Please check out this thread, according to which public_html seems to be a special case on dreamhost:
and/or this:
Getting a 'Not Found' error on my website?
Hope it helps!
Make sure that the public_html folder has execute permissions
chmod a+x public_html
That will allow execute permissions for everybody.
Perhaps it's possible that server (apache?) hides folders named public_html? Also check that group others have read and execute permissions for that folder.
In folder /path/to/second/ run
chmod ugo+rx .
chmod -R ugo+rx public_html
to set folder visible.
cpanel may handle the "public_html" folder in a unique way. Try uploading to a folder like: /home/yourusername/public_html/second/files/ instead of /home/yourusername/public_html/second/public_html/
If you are wanting to create a new distinct website at you don't need a second "public_html" folder. Just put them in the /home/yourusername/public_html/second directory.
If you are using a linux or OS X server, you may need to change the permissions on the folder.
Did you checked if the folder is hidden attribute?
If you execute ls -a in terminal, you will know about it's existence. If it is present then please try giving it read & execute permission (using chmod 555 command). Give write permission if you are planning to write something or take feedback from users (using chmod 777).
I tried some of this options above but unfortunately none worked. Instead I discovered that in CPanel you have a "Preferences" tab and in that tab you have a "User Manager" function. You can there edit the ftp user that you created before in CPanel. On the "User Manager" funcion you can find the "Home Directory" configuration. On that home directory you just choose the "public_html". When you configure the user in the ftp account on your ftp platform, it goes directly to the path you defined in CPanel.

Where is IntelliJ IDEA config stored in OSX?

As part of a corporate workstation compliance effort, our IT department had to create a new user account for me on my Mac and left the old account until I transition all the artifacts and configs. So my old home directory was /Users/firstlast and the new one is /Users/flast. Of course, the burden of reconfiguring my environment fell on me.
Some of the apps that I use, such as ssh, Maven, Dropbox and DBeaver have their config conveniently and cleanly stored in the home directory (.ssh, .m2, .dropbox, .dbeaver, respectively) so migrating those was a cakewalk just copying the directory from the old home to the new using sudo and then chown. However, that is not the case with IntelliJ IDEA.
My IDEA was heavily customized to the extent that I would like to avoid doing it all over again if by all means possible. I understand that each project has its own config in the project directory but what I am after is to get the same list of projects to open when I launch IDEA under the new user as I did under the old user. All my projects were in ~/DEV (so ~/DEV/project1, ~/DEV/project2, etc and I can just copy the DEV directory from the old home to the new.
Where is this list of projects stored? I imagine it is somewhere in /private/etc or /private/var but permissioned to the old user so the new user does not see it.
This Jetbrains documentation lists where the important directories are:
On Mac OS X IDEA uses the following directories:
Config: ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdeaXX
System: ~/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdeaXX
Plugins: ~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdeaXX
Logs: ~/Library/Logs/IntelliJIdeaXX (starting from IntelliJ IDEA 9.0, older versions keep logs under System location)
While each project has its own config contained within the project directory, what you really want is when you first launch IDEA to get the same list of projects to choose from as before and just copying project directories will not do that.
Here are three easy steps to do it:
If your projects were in located in your old home directory, copy them into the new home directory and chown them to the new user. If they were located outside your old home directory, all you will need to do is chown them to the new user.
sudo cp -r /Users/${OLD_USER}/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC13 /Users/${NEW_USER}/Library/Preferences
sudo chown -R ${NEW_USER} /Users/${NEW_USER}/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC13
Ta-da-da. Open your IDE and it looks identical as before.

Accessing Symlink folder in ~/Sites folder on Mac (Web Sharing)

I have a local development environment setup on my mac and I am having permission issues accessing a folder in my ~/Sites directory.
Essentially I have Folder A in my Dropbox folder.
I created a SymLink of Folder A to my ~/Sites folder
ln -s ~/Sites ~/Dropbox/FolderA
When I try to access Folder A like so: localhost/~username/FolderA
The page says You don't have permission to access /~username/FolderA on this server
Can someone help me figure out this problem. When I do the same thing on MAMP I don't have this issue. Thanks in advance.
Go on private/etc/apache2/users/, edit your usernamefile.conf, add to the Options line, the option SymLinksIfOwnerMatch, don't use FollowSymLinks if the directory contains important personal files, if for example the dir that you want link is are under your Documents or Dropbox.
Remember that the directory linked by your symbolic link must have 755 permission, and so her parents!
Let's suppose you have /Users/foo/Dropbox/MySites/BarSite, both Users, foo, Dropbox, MySites, BarSite must be 755.

How to change Jenkins default folder on Windows?

How to change Jenkins default folder on Windows where Jenkins runs as Windows service.
I want to change C:\Users\Coola\.jenkins folder to d:\Jenkins due to lack of space on C: partition (Every build takes ~10MB of free space). I don't want to reinstall Jenkins as Windows service. I just want to change folder of existing Jenkins instance. In case of lack of global solution I could focus only on relocating jobs folder.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Stop Jenkins service
Move C:\Users\Coola\.jenkins folder to d:\Jenkins
Using regedit, change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Jenkins\ImagePath to "d:\Jenkins\jenkins.exe"
Start service
Apparently, grams' answer works but is not preferred. In Windows software and data/configuration files are supposed to reside in different places. This should be well known to Unix guys, it is basically like having a home directory. However, the wording with regard to JENKINS_HOME is broken anyways as setting an environment variable does not help despite what is being said in the help text.
I used the procedure that is described here:
Stop Jenkins service
Edit entry <env name="JENKINS_HOME" value="%BASE%"/> in jenkins.xml in the Jenkins installation directory. This will be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins. In your case value has to be set to d:\Jenkins
Move Files from the installation directory to the new destination, d:\Jenkins, all except (some of them may not exist in a fresh installation)
jre folder
Restart the service again.
When you read Administering Jenkins you can read all options how to modify the JENKINS_HOME environment variable.
On this website you can read how to configure you Tomcat container to override the JENKINS_HOME environment variable, they advise to create the file $CATALINA_BASE/conf/localhost/jenkins.xml, with the following content:
<Context docBase="../jenkins.war">
<Environment name="JENKINS_HOME" type="java.lang.String" value="/data/jenkins" override="true"/>
Here is the answer that worked for me: Jenkins: How to change JENKINS_HOME on Windows
And in addition to grams answer, the most important part is creating an environment variable named JENKINS_HOME with value "D:\Jenkins". Without that, on starting Jenkins it would again create the .jenkins folder in your user home folder.
I was able to change the JENKINS_HOME variable following this
Setting JUST %JENKINS_HOME% as windows system wide environment variable didn't have any effect!
We installed by dropping the .war into Tomcat, and could set home by just setting the environment variable JENKINS_HOME (with a service restart).
