I want to know the directory path that will be accessible by all user in windows.
Multiple user can share the file using that directory.
%PUBLIC% environment variable (it resolves to C:\Users\Public on my system).
To get the public folder (FOLDERID_Public) you should call SHGetKnownFolderPath.
On < Vista you should probably use CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS or CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA...
I just want to know where the Home Directory of Kettle(PDI) is in UBUNTU 14.04. I know in windows it is in the user & called kettle.properties
You can find the .kettle folder in the home directory.
If you are not able to find it, just do a CRTL+H, to see the hidden folders.
In the home folder of your user (~/.kettle).
You can also set the variable KETTLE_HOME if you need it in another location.
I want to open certain folders and files using run command.
I know that creating a shortcut for the required file or folder and placing it in the System32 folder will do the task. However i don't like to use System32 folder.
I would like to know if it is possible to create a folder under local hard disk and put the shortcuts into that and i would route it some how such that i would be able to open the apps and the files directly by typing the name of the shortcut into the run window.
Setting any Environment Variables would help?
Adding the folder to the PATH variable solved the issue.
As correctly answered by a_horse_with_no_name.
I've got ftp connections list in phpDesigner.
How to export or to save it?
you can find the ftp xml file in:
C:\Users\your user dir\AppData\Roaming\phpDesigner
For Windows XP users (and I assume they still exist in numbers!)... the Path is:
C:\Documents and Settings\[Windows-User]\Application Data\phpDesigner
For example, I've Windows User account with the name "Ruturaaj". So, my path looks like:
C:\Documents and Settings\Ruturaaj\Application Data\phpDesigner
It's quite handy to know this folder because it contains some other useful XML files as well. For example, look for "autocomplete.xml". This is the file that contains all Auto-Complete code snippets you've added to phpDesigner over a period of time. Now that you know this folder path, I'd suggest to backup this folder and simply overwrite the files with new installation to setup same environment over and over again.
when i save java file error is you dont have permission to save in this location contact the administrator to obtain permission on window7
Don't store application data in the "Program Files" directory.
It is very bad design and regular users don't have write access to that directory (for a very good reason).
So even if you changed your settings locally to open up the door for viruses your application won't run on other computers.
Besides: storing a Java file in the JDK directory serves no purpose at all.
Btw: your uppercase letters are broken, as well as the dot or the comma...
That's normal - jdk/bin is the installation directory of the JDK, regular users cannot (and should not) write files there. You'll have the same problem on Linux/Unix and on Mac OS X, where installation directories are off-limits to regular users.
Write your files to the users home directory (System property "user.home", works across platforms), or let the user choose where you save stuff.
Bin directory do not allow directly to save program in it.
it is so simple, just save your .java file on desktop and then copy paste it in Bin. done ;)
If the file can't save directly to c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0\bin\
Click start Menu type Notepad command in run run as administrator
Right click the Notepad run as Administrator, then type the program file can save directly to c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0\bin\
Just try it......
In Windows, where is the most appropriate place to store an executable that will be ran as a scheduled task on a server?
A file share?
Stay out of C: and C:\Windows. Never put it on a file share (what if it isn't available)?
I'd just use a subdirectory of C:\Program Files (to be more precise, of %ProgramFiles% - the user's system may not be installed on C:, for instance).